WEST Code of Conduct
The majority of the swimming experience happens in the pool, involving only swimmers and coaches. Because of this, we cannot ask parents to maintain a constant watch to ensure proper behaviour from their children. As an organization with abiding responsibilities for the growth, development, safety and competitive success of dozens of young athletes, the Windsor Essex Swim Team has adopted the Swim Ontario and Swim Canada Codes of Conduct. Our Code of Conduct applies to everyone associated with the Club including swimmers, coaches, parents, offıcials and volunteers. The Windsor Essex Swim Team strives to ensure a safe environnıent for its members and endeavours to foster healthy relationships amongst its swimmers. For these reasons, the Club has adopted a zero-tolerance policy.
The rules of the Windsor Essex Swim Team are in effect at all functions, training sessions and meets where swimmers are acting as representatives of the Club.
- Courtesy, good sportsmanship, co-operation with coaches and respect for the rules they set out for meets, trips and training sessions
- Respect for the needs and sensitivities of teammates and competitors;
- Respect for public and private property, including pool decks, change rooms, and on trips, buses or other vehicles of transportation, hotel rooms, lobbies and other facilities.
- No drinking or transporting of alcoholic beverages
- No smoking or chewing tobacco
- No illegal drugs (which if found, could be turned over to the appropriate authorities)
- No sexual harassment or other discriminatory behaviour
- No sexual fraternization on trips
- No entertaining of outside guests in hotel rooms
- No bullying
- Attend practices as required
- Be on time for practices and meets
- Acquire and use the proper attire/equipment including oflicial WEST clothing at meets
- Help set up and take down all training equipment (lane ropes, kickboards, flags, etc)
- Leave pool facility promptly at the end of each practice
- Ensure that all WEST communications are delivered to parents
- Ensure children get to practices and meets on time and in case of practices ensure children leave facilities promptly
- Communicate with coaches as the need arises
- Ensure that children have proper equipment
- Most important, supply swimmers with emotional support
While some behaviour is much more unacceptable than others, any breach of a rule may result in some form of disciplinary action up to and including a temporary suspension, or dismissal from the Club. Occasionally a coach must discipline a swimmer. Depending on the nature of the problem, the coach may speak privately to the individual or to the parents. A swimmer may be asked to leave the pool and remain on deck for the duration of the practice (for safety reasons) or miss a practice or an upcoming meet. Infrequently, a swimmer may be asked to leave the Club. If an issue is not resolved by the coach to the satisfaction of all individuals involved, the issue may be referred to the next level of authority.
As the swimmer listed below, I have read the WEST Code of Conduct and agree to abide by the Code at all training sessions, meets and functions where I represent the WEST.
Signature Date
WEST Authorization Form
1. As the parent / legal guardian of the swimmer listed above, I have read the WEST Code ofConduct and understand the Code as it applies to my swimmer.
2. As the parent / legal guardian of the swimmer listed above, I give permission for my child's image and name to be used at the WEST publications and promotions(website and etc.).
3. As the parent / legal guardian of the swimmer listed above, I have read Swim Ontario's policy with respect to the Personal Information Protection & Electronic Documents Act~ (PIPEDA), the referenced link to the Swim Ontario website and give permission to WEST to enter required personal information on the SwimCanada database for the purposes as stated in Swim Ontario's policy.
Is there any medical condition or information we should know about?______
I authorize the chaperon, and/or coach(es) to take any action they deem necessary in an emergency.
I, the undersigned, do hereby release and agree to indemnify and save harmless the Windsor Essex Swim Team, and their officers,
employees or agents, and every Board and Commission thereof, from all claims for loss, injury of damage, to persons and property
while participating in or traveling to and from Swim Team activities, which I, or any person claiming through me or my behalf, may
at any time have arising out of or connected with the operation of this activity.
Please complete one of these forms PER VOLUNTEER.
Please complete one of these forms PER VOLUNTEER.
Swim Season 2016-2017
*Address*Region ______
*City *Postal Code
*Daytime Phone *Email_____
Level of certification Date of certification
(if known)
Comprehensive Code of Conduct and Ethics
I have read the Swim Ontario Comprehensive Code of Conduct and Ethics and agree to abide by the Swim Ontario Comprehensive Code of Conduct and Ethics.
- Level IV and V officials must submit either a Police Record Check (valid for 5 years) obtained from their local Police Services Departments or an Offence Declaration Form (see Screening – Club Personnel procedure in Swim Ontario Procedure Manual). Please indicate which documents will accompany this registration (one choice only)
A Scanned Copy of Police Record Check is included with this registration. (for Level 4 & 5 only)
An Offence Declaration Form is included with this registration (for Level 4 & 5 only)
- Signed SNC / SO PIPEDA Consent Form
Upon acceptance of my application I agree to abide by and comply with the By-Laws, policies, procedures, rules and regulations of Swim Ontario. I understand fully the implications of being a registrant of Swim Ontario.
Please email Charmaine Yu at if you have any questions or concerns.
Please keep this page for your records
Family Volunteer Requirement for Cheque return and Discount for 2017-18 season / Families completing their officiating sessions have their $200 returned and qualify for a WEST registration discount for 2017-18Swim Group
(highest level swimmer in your family) / $200 Post-dated cheque
(May 7, 2017) / (May 5-7, 2017) Amanda Reason Invitational (ARI) # of Officiating Sessions required to have cheque returned (per family) / (Jan 15, 2017) WEST SEAL Meet We encourage officiating if a family has a swimmer entered / (July 8-9, 2017) WEST International If family has a swimmer entered:
# Sessions of officiating required (per family)
Future Stars / No / * / * / *
Bronze / No / * / * / *
Silver / No / * / * / 3
Gold / Yes / 5** / 3
Platinum / Yes / 5** / 3
Seals / Yes / 5** / 3
Beavers / Yes / 5** / 3
Otters / Yes / 5** / 3
Barracudas / Yes / 5** / 3
* Future Stars, Bronze and Silver families may choose to complete 5 sessions at any of the WEST-hosted meets listed above. This will qualify them for a registration discount for the 2017-18 swim season.
** Families with a swimmer in Gold or higher must submit a $200 cheque post-dated for May 7, 2017 made out to ‘WEST Meets’. The cheque will be returned by the end of June 2017 if the 5 officiating sessions are done at the ARI. However, one of your family’s 5 sessions may be completed at:
- our WEST-Hosted SEAL Meet
- an out-of-town SEAL Meet/WOSA regionals or
- any away meet in which WEST swimmers are competing (in order to gain further officiating experience and obtain a deck evaluation)
Families with a WEST swimmer competing at a WEST attended National Level Meet (ie. Canadian Trials, Eastern Canadian Champs, or Junior Nationals) can qualify for an additional discount on 2017-18 registration.
1) Your registration for the 2016-2017 WEST swim season will NOT be accepted if this form is not returned, signed, along with the post-dated $200 Deposit Cheque dated May 7, 2017 (This applies only to Gold, Platinum, Seals, Beavers, and Barracudas groups).
2) The registration discount is non-transferable.
3) Up to date email is required for access to website and email updates. We have also started a “WEST Meets” group on Facebook where we will post updates & reminders. If you have a Facebook account, please search “WEST Meets” while you are logged in and request to be added to the group.
4) You will need to login to to sign up for positions at meets and receive WEST emails. Login instructions will be sent to your email address if you do not already have an account.
Please keep us informed of email address and contact info changes.
Please return this completed page with your WEST registration papers
All contact information will be kept confidential within WEST Meets (the parent group that runs swim meets for our club).
Parent/Guardian # 1 / Parent/Guardian #2First Name:
Last Name: / First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address / Email Address
Address / Address
□ same as Parent 1
Phone Numbers / Phone Numbers
Cell: / □ same as Parent 1
First & Last Name of Swimmer(s) / Swim Group (ie. Gold, Platinum, Seals, etc)
We the undersigned have read and understand the Volunteer/Family Participation Requirements to the 2016-2017 Season of the Windsor Essex Swim Team, and have submitted a REFUNDABLE cheque $ 200 datedMAY 7, 2017payable to WEST Meets. Understanding that it is not the choice of WEST Meets to keep your deposit, as it is the hands-on assistance and dedication of Swim Officials that is needed most.
Signature: ______
I have attached:
1)my cheque for $200 payable to “WEST Meets”(it is different from WEST);
2) Swim Ontario Personal Information Protection & Electronic Documents Ad form (1 per volunteer);
3)Swim Ontario Official Registration Application (1 per volunteer)
4)2016-2017 FAMILY VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS-page 2 of 2 (1 per family)