Outpatient Follow-up Care Plan

Cardiac Wellness Program

Dr: ______

Your patient: ______DOB: ______

Diagnosis: rMI rCABG rPCI rStable Angina

rValve replacement/repair rPacemaker/ICD rOther: ______

Date of diagnosis: ______

Progress toward treatment goals:

r Increase functional capacity

A. Initial MET level: ___ Current MET level: ___ % change ___

B. Home exercise program initiated: ___

r Lose weight/reduce BMI

A. Initial weight: ____ Current weight: ____ % change ____

B. Is participating in a nutrition and exercise program, which promotes weight loss? ___

C. Understands the components of a healthy, weight reduction diet including:

rCounting Kcals

rPortion Control

rAware of fat intake

rIncreasing healthy food choices

rDecreasing high fat food choices

D. Practices the following behaviors:

rCounts Kcals

rFollows home exercise program

rIdentifies food triggers

r Manage lipid levels

A.  Knows their current results? _____

B.  Identifies a plan to optimize lipid management to include nutrition, exercise, and appropriate use of medications if necessary? _____

C.  Identified need to see a dietician? _____

D.  Continues medical follow up addressing lipid control with Physician? _____

r Manage hypertension

A.  Knows BP and treatment goals? _____

B.  Compliant with medications? _____

C.  Compliant with nutrition and exercise routine? _____

D.  Continues medical follow up addressing BP control with Physician? _____

r Manage stress and/or depression:

A.  Identifies personal stressors? _____

B.  Identifies signs/symptoms of stress? _____

C.  Identifies methods of stress management and relaxation? _____

D.  Psychosocial referral recommended/initiated? _____

*2-40017* FORM 2-40017 INITIATED 04/2011 Page 1 of 2


Outpatient Follow-up Care Plan

Cardiac Wellness Program

r Manage diabetes. FBG _____ HbA1C _____ Date______

A.  Current FBG? _____

B.  Knows results of most recent HbA1C? _____

C.  Monitors FBG as ordered by Physician? _____

D.  Lifestyle modifications made to optimize blood sugar levels? _____

E.  Knows signs/symptoms of Hypoglycemia and appropriate treatment? _____

F.  Knows when to contact the Physician with abnormal BS results? _____

G.  Knows the relationship between medications, nutrition, and exercise in treating Diabetes? _____

H.  Continues medical follow up addressing BS control with Physician? _____

I.  CDE/nutritionist referral recommended/initiated? _____

r Quit smoking

A.  Quit smoking? _____; If not, how many per day? _____

B.  Continued smoking cessation? _____

r Return to work

A.  Returned to work? _____

r Return to daily activities

A.  Return to daily activities? _____; If not, why? ______


Date Time Staff signature

r  I agree with the individualized care plan and exercise prescription and do not require any changes at this time.

r  I would like to change the following: ______






Date Time Physician Signature PID Number

FORM 2-40017 INITIATED 04/2011 Page 2 of 2