Wellington City Council 1/6/2016

Wellington City Council Minutes

Meeting held Wednesday, January 6, 2016

at the Wellington City Hall

Located at 150 West Main Street, Wellington, Utah

at 8:00 P.M.

City Council Present:

Mayor Powell, Councilman Sanslow, Councilman Tatton, Councilwoman Noyes, Councilman Willson, Councilman Wells

City Staff Present:

City Recorder – Glenna Etzel

Fire Chief – Johnny Powell

Public Works Supervisor – Kory Moosman


Sierra Trujillo – Sun Advocate Reporter

Doug Nielsen – Sunrise Engineering

Robert Worley – Sunrise Engineering

Agenda Item 1 - Public Comment Period

Mayor Powell stated that since no one was present at the time, the council would skip the public comment period.

Agenda Item 2 – Oath of Office Ceremony

The City Recorder preformed the Oath of Office Ceremony for the newly and re-elected councilmembers.

Agenda Item 3 – Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call, and Approval of Previous City Council Minutes

Mayor Powell asked everyone present to join her for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Councilman Tatton made a motion to approve the Work Meeting Minutes from December 2, 2015. Councilman Sanslow seconded the motion and motion carried with Tatton, Sanslow, Willson, and Wells in favor.

Councilman Tatton made a motion to approve the City Council Minutes from December 16. 2015. Councilman Sanslow seconded the motion and motion carried with Tatton, Sanslow, Willson, and Wells in favor.

Agenda Item 4. Awarding of Bid for Wellington City/DWR Pond Project – Concrete Pads and Walkways

The City Recorder opened the submitted bids for the Wellington City/DWR Pond Project. The bids submitted were for the Concrete Pads and Walkways and were as follows:

1.  Newman Contracting – Bid Amount: $16,500

2.  Double E Construction – Bid Amount: $19,758

3.  RCP Construction – Bid Amount: $12,940

4.  Nelco Contractors – Bid Amount: $24,640

5.  Starpoint Construction – Bid Amount $19,750

Councilman Sanslow made a motion to accept RCP Construction’s bid of 12,940. Councilman Wells seconded the motion, and the motion carried with Tatton, Sanslow, Willson, Wells, and Noyes in favor.

Agenda Item 5. Sunrise Engineering – Presentation of Project Cost to Build a New Water Tank for Wellington City

Robert Worley and Doug Nielsen of Sunrise Engineering came before Wellington City to discuss their efforts to obtain information in regards to funding a new water tank. Sunrise spoke with both Rural Development and the Division of Drinking Water.

Rural Development does have a fund set aside known as an Emergency or Imminent Community Assistance Grant. Should the City be award this Grant, it would simply be to fix the roof of the current water tank, not to build a new water tank. The Division of Drinking Water could assist in providing funding for a new tank. The fund providing however would be a grant and loan mixture.

The Engineers encouraged the City to consider the future needs of the community. The current tank is designed to hold 500k gallons; however it could be beneficial for the City to build a 700k tank for future needs.

The engineers provided an estimate of the City’s options concerning repairing the current tank versus building a new tank. In order to meet the demands of Wellington City Sunrise Engineering recommended several options, including the following:

a.  Install 250k gallon tank next to existing tank. Rehabilitate existing tank for appx. $1 million to $1.3 million

b.  Rehabilitate existing tank & convert it to 250k storage. Build new 500k tank next to existing tank for appx. $1.3million

c.  Remove existing 500k gallon tank and replace it with a 750k gallon concrete tank for appx. $950k

d.  Remove existing 500k gallon tank and replace it with a 750k gallon bolted steel tank for appx. $1.3 million.

e.  Remove existing 500k gallon tank and replace it with a 750k gallon welded steel tank for appx. $1.8 million.

The Mayor and City Councilmembers thanked Sunrise Engineering for its efforts to determine the costs associated with building a new tank. Councilmembers and the Mayor agreed further discussion is needed prior to moving forward with the project.

Agenda Item 6. Discussion to Consider Implementing a new City Slogan and a new or modified City Logo

The City Recorder presented the Council with drafts for a modified City Logo. As the City Recorder explained the modified logo is simply a cleaned up version of the City’s current logo. Councilman Sanslow asked for a cost estimate to change the current logo. The City Recorder explained that the updates would be gradual and extend to City documents, City Digital content, and uniform logos as new items are purchased. Councilwoman Noyes asked for the City Recorder to create a finalized logo to be voted on.

Mayor Powell discussed the desire for a City Slogan as the City has been without one for some time. The Mayor explained that Carbon County views Wellington City as the “Gateway to Ninemile.” Councilmembers, the Mayor, and the City Recorder all agreed that Wellington City is a gateway to several travel destinations. The Mayor and City Recorder agreed to continue finding a slogan to present to the council.

Agenda Item 7. City Business

a. Voucher & Warrants

Councilman Wells made a motion to sign vouchers. Councilman Willson seconded the motion, and motion carried with Tatton, Sanslow, Willson, Wells and Noyes in favor.

e. Council Reports

Councilman Tatton is updating its power system within the next two weeks.

Councilman Sanslow will meet with Rodney Pierce of RCP Construction to draw up a contract.

Councilmembers continued to discuss the issues with the Water Tank as well as a need to find answers in regards to the engineering services provided.

Kory Moosman of the Public Works department came forward to discuss the meters that had frozen during the current winter season. A majority of the meters are fine, however any that are frozen are closer to the service due to their age.

c. Fire Department

Fire Chief Johnny Powell came forward to provide an update on the Fire Department. Three members of the department are attending fire school in St. George. Powell discussed the departments need to purchase a new AED system.

Agenda Item 10. Adjourn

Councilman Willson made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Sanslow seconded the motion, and motion carried with Tatton, Sanslow, Willson, Wells and Noyes in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

Our next meeting will be January 6, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. at the Wellington City Hall.

Minutes approved by City Council on February 3, 2016


Joan Powell, Mayor


Glenna Etzel, City Recorder

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