5Dear Parents,
We are going to Myers’ Pumpkin Patch! Our field trip is scheduled for Thursday, October 24. The children will be participating in several Fall Harvest activities. We will be leaving the school at 10:50 a.m. and returning around 2:00 p.m. We will be taking our lunches and having a picnic at the Pumpkin Patch. Whether your child brings a lunch from home or the cafeteria, he or she will need to bring a drink. The cost of the trip is $7.50 (cash only). The permission slip and money need to be returned by Friday, October18 (not any exceptions). If you choose to pay online, you must pay by October 11. Please make sure you return the lunch note that is attached by October 18.
Since we will not be visiting the souvenir shop, the children will not need to bring any extra money.
Parents may go as chaperones. Chaperones will have to provide their own transportation to Myer’s Pumpkin Patch. Chaperones will be expected to assist their child’s teacher in any way needed. Chaperones that want to go on the hayride need to be prepared to pay $2.00 before boarding the wagon. Due to the limited amount of space in the learning stations, preschoolers are not permitted on this trip. If you wish to be a chaperone, please mark the attached sheet and sign your name.
We are looking forward to another great learning experience as we explore the Pumpkin Patch.
(Please return the attached page along with your child’s permission slip and money not any later than Friday, October18. If you choose to order an adult lunch, please send $3:55 by October 18..
Kindergarten Teachers
I would like to be a chaperone for Myers’ Pumpkin Patch Field Trip. (Parent’s Name) _______________________________
Child’s Name (___________________________)
Please check one:
_______My child will bring a lunch from the cafeteria.
_______My child will bring a lunch from home. (Please do not send in a lunch box. Unless you are attending as a chaperone, send your child’s lunch in a paper bag. Please label the bag and drink with your child’s name
_____I wish to purchase _____adult lunch or lunches @ $3.55.
Hamblen County Board Of Education
Parental Permission for Field Trip
_____________________________ has my permission to make an off-campus field trip with Russellville Kindergarten to Myers’ Pumpkin Patch. I understand that the purpose of the trip is to participate in learning centers related to the Fall Harvest. The students will depart Russellville Primary at 10:50 a.m. on October 24th and will return at 2:00 p.m. on October 24th ; that they will travel by bus accompanied by 6 chaperones; and that the personal expense for each student is $7.50.
NOTE: The parent or legal guardian of a student who has been approved for waiver of fees will be giving the opportunity to pay all or any portion of the field trip or activity. Please note that if 90% of the cost for the trip or activity is not collected, the school reserves the right to cancel said trip or activity.
I choose to pay for my child’s field tip ___ yes ___ no
I hereby give my permission for ________________________ to receive any and all necessary medical treatments deemed necessary during the field trip. I relieve the Hamblen County Board of Education of the responsibility for any expense incurred as a result of these medical treatments.
Insurance Company and Policy Number_____________________
Signature of Parent _____________________
Date _____________________