Team Round 1

The voting age should be lowered.

We need to stand up to Putin.

Facebook has created a misinformed society.

Vigilante justice is the best justice.

The quality of education should be valued above the quality of testing.

Team Round 2

All high schools should require sex education.

The USFG should remove the embargo on Cuba.

We have been led astray.

Samsung is the new Apple.

Roger Goodell should resign.

Team Round 3

Welfare recipients should be required to pass a yearly substance abuse test.

The U.N. is only really relevant in Africa and the Middle East.

We have become a nation of followers.

If the cake is bad, don’t eat the icing.

On balance, public subsidies for professional athletic organizations in the United States benefit their local communities.

Team Round 4

The Electoral College should be eliminated.

On balance, free trade has hurt the U.S. economy.

Success is a lousy teacher.

A.I. has become a real threat.

An ethics class should be a requirement for graduation.

Team Quarters

There should be a national accreditation test for K-12 teachers.

Russia should be removed from the G-8.

Pride sullies the noblest character.

Microsoft is better than Sony.

Streaming is better than cable.

Team Semis

Common Core needs to be replaced.

We should use O’Reilly’s plan.

Google Glass will do more harm than good.

Jameis Winston deserved a lengthier suspension.

“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” –JFK

Team Finals

The US needs an Equal Rights Amendment.

We need to focus more on women’s issues in foreign policy.

The media causes more harm than good.

We are amusing ourselves to death.

Ambiguous topics devalue debate.

Round 1A

The USFG should better fund deep-sea exploration.

The only way to win the war on terror is not to play.

Hollywood should no longer be considered artistic.

Yik Yak should be banned.

Phablets are a fad.

Round 1B

Drones should not be allowed for use by private companies.

Hong Kong should be granted independence.

The zombie apocalypse is real.

The Cavs are the favorites.

You shouldn’t drink champagne on a wine cooler budget.

Round 2A

Semiautomatic rifles should be banned.

Turkey should take the lead in combating ISIL.

It is time to fully criminalize corporal punishment.

Celebrities have a duty to express their political opinions.

Professional athletes should be held to a higher standard.

Round 2B

The United States Federal Government should amend the Controlled Substances Act to place marijuana on Schedule III.

The U.S. should enforce the South China Sea “freeze.”

Print news is no longer needed.

Shonda is the next Oprah.

If the blind leads the blind, they both fall into the ditch.

Round 3A

Teachers should be allowed to carry guns in school.

United States domestic infrastructure ought to be funded before military aid.

Facebook has reached its peak.

Mercy is a superior value to justice.

Adrian Peterson should be allowed to play this season.

Round 3B

Income inequality is too big in the U.S. for our economy to fully recover.

The US should put boots on the ground to combat ISIS.

FOX has too many cartoon series.

Sports program subscriptions have hurt attendance.

Little strokes fell great oaks.

Round 4A

Preschool should be mandatory .

Austerity is killing the global economic recovery.

On balance, “the cloud” is too dangerous.

A friend to all is a friend to none.

There is no way to prevent CTE in football players.

Round 4B

The USFG should do more to combat the spread of Ebola.

The world should focus on preserving our wildlife.

Deontological ethics are superior to teleological ethics.

Apple should have supplied enough phones to meet the demand.

MLB would benefit from a small market World Series.

Round 5A

There should not be a cap on financial aid for college students.

The International Space Station is more about public relations than scientific discovery.

You are who you are when no one else is around.

Public libraries are obsolete.

Roger Goodell deserves to be fired.

Round 5B

Congress should debate the ISIL bombings before the election.

The EU needs an army.

Contemporaries are better than traditionalists.

The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife.

MLS will replace NHL in the “big 4.”

Round 6A

Felons should retain their right to vote.

The United States is not doing enough to combat foreign cyberterrorism.

Poverty is a greater evil to society than illiteracy.

There is no such thing as ethical behavior.

College professors should attend customer service training.

Round 6B

We should allow Texas to secede.

South Africa should grant the Dalai Lama a visa.

We’ve come to the end of the road.

When in conflict, an individual's freedom of speech should be valued above a community's moral standards.

JJ Abrams will destroy Star Wars.

Double Octs

Schools should provide free lunch to all students.

The USFG should stop trying to be the world’s police.

Imposing morality is immoral.

Rory can match Tiger.

Businesses should be allowed to mandate employee exercise.


Military weapons should not be commissioned for police use.

Tanzania should ban public officials from holding private sector jobs.

Hydraulic fracturing, on balance, is good.

He that reckons without his host must reckon again.

Technology is sending us back to the cave.


Obama is worse than Bush on foreign policy spin.

Grace Mugabe should hand back her PhD.

He who opens a door closes a prison.

Dan Snyder should be required to change the name.

Ethical dilemmas are healthy.


The Founding Fathers are turning over in their graves.

We should revert back to ‘80’s foreign policy.

On balance, Ebooks are bad for education.

Better to hold with the hound than run with the hare.

There are too many chiefs and not enough Indians.


We will never win the war on drugs.

We should adopt a single world currency.

A watched pot never boils.

NFL fans should boycott.

The social media revolution has passed.