December 8, 2015


Deming Cesar Chavez Charter High School Board Room

The Deming Cesar Chavez Charter High School Governance Council members met in a regular Board Meeting on Tuesday, December 8, 2015at 6:00pm in Deming, New Mexico,in the DCCCHS Board Room. The following Governing Council members were in attendance:Antoinette Zunich (President)Present, Victor Cruz (Vice-President)Present, Gloria Lopez (Secretary) Present,Neima Higuera (Treasurer)Present, and Gabe Dominguez (Member)Present. Also present were Stan Lyons (Principal), Jerry Lee (Assistant Principal), Viviana Porras (Administrative Assistant), and Chris Masters (Business Manager). See sign-in sheet for others who attended.

  1. Call Meeting to Order – Antoinette Zunich, presiding
  2. The meeting was called to order at 6:06p.m. by Antoinette Zunich. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
  3. Roll Call was conducted by Viviana Porras and quorum was established 4/5.

Gloria Lopez–Tardy (arrived at 6:21 p.m.)

  1. Adoption of Agenda- Stan Lyons, Principal requested moving Section IV. Discussion Items, Letter B. Reauthorization Update to after Section VI. Principal’s Report.

Motion was made by Antoinette Zunich, President to accept the Agenda as is with the changes to move Section IV. Discussion Items, Letter B. Reauthorization Update to after Section VI. Principal’s Report; seconded by Victor Cruz. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.

  1. Meeting MinutesReview/ApprovalforNovember 10, 2015

Antoinette Zunich, President requested adding the calculation of attendance to the Principal’s Report.

Motion was made by Victor Cruz, Vice-President to approve the November 10, 2015 meeting minutes with the addition of attendance rate to the Principal’s Report; seconded by Neima Higuera. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.

  1. Public Comment (Limited Public Forum)

Time Limit 15 minutes total

No Public Comment

  1. School Committee Reports/Updates
  1. Finance Committee- The Finance Committee met on December 3, 2015 at 8:00 a.m. and in attendance were Gloria Lopez, Neima Higuera, and Chris Masters. The following topics were discussed; 1) Financial Status and Outlook, 2) Procurement

3) Updates & Status (Facility Build Restrooms: Deming Public Schools Board of Education approved the renovations as presented on November 19, 2015. The process of getting permits has begun. Purchase Order submitted to CES and Facility Build. Work expected to begin in January 2016),4) From School Planning Committee(Recommendation to prioritize kitchen (and culinary arts program) as an expenditure), 5) File observation and FC audit (Selection and auditing of vendor files, invoiced, payments, and procurement process), (15 files selected: 15 of 15 procurement process met. Average time of payment

4.27 days).

  1. School Planning Committee – School Planning Committee met on December 1, 2015at 6:00 p.m. and in attendance were Antoinette Zunich, Gloria Lopez,Victor Cruz, and Stan Lyons. The following topics were discussed; 1) Student Presentation(Please see Open Campus & Casual Friday’s Policies presented by the Student Council attached.), 2) Bathroom Up-date, 3) Facility School Project.

Antoinette Zunich, President recommended including the following information to the Casual Friday’s Policy;

  1. Students must adhere to page 15, Dress Code, Item 9 ofthe Student Handbook.

(Clothing that is sexually suggestive, brief or extremely tight or low-cut is not appropriate for school:

  • All tops should reach at least 2 inches below the top of the pants or skirt and should not ride up excessively when the student is sitting.
  • Hats, caps and/or sunglasses must not be worn in the school building.
  • No spandex or undergarments may be worn as outerwear. This includes: Boxer shorts, sleeveless undershirts, muscle shirts, as well as sports bras.
  • Buckles, bracelets, chains or rings that can be used as weapons (i.e., spiked jewelry) are prohibited.)
  1. Follow the regular dress code from Monday through Thursday.
  2. Eliminate Item 5. (Hoodies are not allowed within the school, including, but not necessarily limited to, classrooms, hallways, cafeteria, restrooms, etc.) on page 15 of the Student Handbook.
  1. Council Development Committee- Antoinette Zunich, President reminded the Governing Council Members that they have until June 30, 2016 to complete their CEU’s hours required by the NMPED. Ms. Zunich will inform the Governing Council Members at the next Board Meeting if they have not met those hours and will provide information as to how to obtain those hours if needed.
  1. Academic Committee- Mr. Lyons informed the Governing Council Members that the Academic Committee is monitoring each individual student with their academic progress, passing/failing rate, attendance rate, and if there is anything getting in their way. Mr. Lee mentioned that they are looking at the “at risk students” anyone who is in danger of failing a class. Mr. Cruz stated that it is more of a communication amongst all teachers about individualized student progress and how to make them successful academically. Discussion took place. No action was taken.

Gloria Lopez arrived at 6:21 p.m.

IV. Discussion Items

  1. Review of Financial Report; Governing Council Members reviewed and discussed the Financial Report presented dated December 2, 2015. (Please see Financial Report attached.)

V. Actions Items

  1. Approval of Financial Report;

Motion was made by Victor Cruz, Vice-President to accept the Financial Report as presented; seconded by Gabe Dominguez. MOTION CARRIED 5-0.

  1. Student Handbook Policies; Open Campus & Casual Fridays

Motion was made by Victor Cruz, Vice-President to accept the Student Handbook Policies Open Campus and Casual Friday’s policy with the changes that were discussed; seconded by Gabe Dominguez. MOTION CARRIED 5-0.

VI. Principal’s Report;

Stan Lyons, Principal presented the Principal’s Report to the Governing Council and asked if they had any questions or comments pertaining to the Principal’s Report. (Please see Principal’s Report attached.)

Principal’s Report

  1. Instructional Programs and Practices
  1. Reading Plus – moved to the computer lab, very positive.
  2. Reviewing A+ Courseware – How effective is this credit recovery program?
  1. School Culture and Atmosphere
  1. Thanksgiving Luncheon extremely well received!Awesome staff- run community event.
  2. Santa Claus is coming to DCCCHS – December 17, 2015 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

- Singing Christmas Carols

- Cookies, Hot Cocoa, and Treats

  1. School Information
  1. Business Manager now a fulltime employee at DCCCHS.
  2. Attendance Rate, Passing Rate, Failing Rate –Attendance Rate for the second grading period is 74 percent.

Gabe Dominguez departed at 7:00 p.m.

VII. Reauthorization Update; Governing Council Members reviewed and discussedDeming Public Schools Requirements for Deming Cesar Chavez Charter High School’s Reauthorization. Governing Council Members expressed their thoughts and agreed to the responses to be submitted to Deming Public Schools. Discussion took place. No action was taken.

VIII. Time and Content-

  • Financial Report
  • Principal Evaluation
  • Reauthorization Update

IX. Board Meeting Evaluation; Governing Council Members agreed that it was a good meeting.

X.Next Scheduled Meeting:(January 12, 2016/DCCCHS Board Room/6:00PM)


Motion was made byGloria Lopez,Secretaryto adjourn the meeting at 8:32p.m.; seconded byVictor Cruz. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.



