Prerequisite Vocabulary:
rhyme / consonant / vowel
word family / onset/rime / long/short vowel / syllable
magic e / "h" brothers-wh,th,ch,sh,ph
Assessments / Instructional Strategies/Technology
Formative / Suggested Word Families for Phonemic Awareness Activities:-at,-an,-et,-en,-it,-ig,-op,-ot,-ug,-un
Teacher Observations / Activity 1: Elkonin boxes-see website in resources
Activity 2: Have children cut out magazine pictures of things that rhyme and paste them on a piece of construction paper. If children have difficulty finding pairs in the magazines, encourage them to cut out one picture and draw the other picture to complete the list.
Activity 3: Invite children to line up side by side. Ask children to take a step forward for each syllable in a word. Say words of varying lengths.
Activity 4: Teach children the song below, changing the final word in the song. You may wish to use words such as can,tan, tap, rat, and ran.
Summative / This is the way we sound out a word, Sound out a word, Sound out a word. This is the way we sound out a word, like cat /k/a/t/.
MLPP Onset and Rime / Activity 5: Give each child letter cards for c,m,p,n,t and a in an envelope. Guide the children in making new words by changing the letters. You may wish to begin with directions such as these: Find the letters that make these sounds, /k/ /a/ /t/. Blend the sounds together. What word did you get? (cat). Change the /k/ sound to /m/. Blend the sounds together. What word did you spell? (mat) Change the /t/ to /p/. Blend the sounds together. What word did you spell? (map). Continue using different sounds until you have made all of the following words, nap, tap, cap, can, tan, man, pan, and pat.
MLPP Phonemic Segmentation
Suggested word
families to use for assessing: -at,-an,
Activity 6: Mix ten pairs of rhyming picture cards, and give them to children. Have children match up rhyming pairs.
Activity 7: Say a one-syllable word with a short vowel. Have children change the vowel to another short vowel to make a new word. Work with words such as cab,bet,sit, log, and bug. Ex. Change the /u/ in bug to an /i/. What word did you make? (Keep going till you make the words bug, big, beg, bag, bog)
Other activities: Magnetic letters, movement spelling, bingo, tic-tac-toe, ball throw spelling, Project Read, finger spelling, phonics phones, MLPP, Words Their Way by David Bear, Marcia Invernizzi, Teacher Reading Academy resources/ISD, etc.
Tier One Interventions
Flip books, word family wheels, hot dots (Really Good Stuff Catalog), Word Sorts, Elkonin boxes, poems, and songs.
Suggested 2nd Quarter Spelling for 1st Grade v09302008 Page 1