Cabarrus County Agricultural Fair, Inc.

2014 Scholarship Program for

Agriculture Course of Study

“Agriculture fields of study include but not limited to programs that lead toward careers in agribusiness, animal science, horticulture, research, textiles, forestry, & others”

Purpose: To assist high school seniors who are continuing their education by pursuing a degree in a two or four-year college or university in North Carolina.

Award: A $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a high school senior who is pursuing a degree in an Agriculture related field in a North Carolina college or university. One scholarship will be awarded to a high school student who is a current Cabarrus County resident. One scholarship is available for Cabarrus County residents. Selection will be made by the Cabarrus County Agricultural Fair Scholarship Committee.

Scholarship Guidelines:

  1. Applicant must be a high school senior pursuing a degree in an Agriculture course of study.
  1. Applicant must be a resident of Cabarrus County and accepted for enrollment in aNorth Carolina college or university.
  1. Applicant must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or better.
  1. Applicant must return the application form to the Cabarrus County Agricultural

Fair Scholarship Chairman by date stated on the application form.

  1. A current transcript is required with the application.
  1. Two written references submitted from the following:

(a)a high school teacher

(b)someone in the community who is familiar with student’s school and

community activities

Must be submitted with application.

  1. Application form must be completed in entirety.
  1. All awards will be made through the Financial Aid Office of the college or university. These funds will be distributed in a one-time payment. These funds must be credited directly toward tuition.
  1. The Fair scholarship committee will use the following basis for selecting the recipient:
  • Scholastic Standing – GPA
  • Leadership and Community Service
  • Involvement in Cabarrus County Fair

Cabarrus County Agricultural Fair, Inc.

2014 Scholarship Application Form for

Agriculture Course of Study

Application Due Date: By April27, 2014

(Return to Fair Scholarship Chairman – Doris Rogers, 5424 Mallard Drive, Concord NC 28025)

Name ______

Permanent Home Address ______


Home Telephone ______-______-______

Birth Date______

Parents/Guardian Names ______



High School______

School Address______Zip______

School Phone ______-______-______

Name of college or university you plan to attend :______

Date applied ______Date accepted ______

Other colleges or universities applied to ______

Indicate Related Course of Study in Agriculture: (Check ones of interest)






______Animal Science/Production

______Other: ______

Page 2 –2014 Cabarrus County Agricultural Fair Scholarship Application – Agriculture Course of Study

  1. List honors (scholastic, citizenship, artistic, etc.), awards, recognitions received: (may attach additional information on separate sheet)
  1. List activities and leadership positions in school, community and faith-based community: (may attach additional information on a separate sheet)
  1. In your own handwriting, give your reasons for wishing to further your education in the field of Agriculture. Your answer should be in paragraph form. You may attach an extra sheet if needed.
  1. Describe your involvement in the Cabarrus County Fair through the years.

(i.e. Participation in fair events – entering exhibits, assisting with FFA or 4-H projects, attending the fair etc.)

Page 3 – 2014Cabarrus County Agricultural Fair Scholarship Application – Agriculture

Course of Study

Enclose the following:

  • Completed application form
  • Two reference letters in sealed envelopes
  • Copy of high school transcript

Application Checklist:

_____ Completed application form

_____ Two letters of recommendation enclosed in sealed envelopes

_____ Copy of high school transcript

_____ Signature of school counselor

_____ Signature of applicant


Printed name of School Counselor Date


Signature of School Counselor

I certify that all information in this application is true and accurate.


Printed name of applicantDate


Signature of Applicant


Cabarrus County Agricultural Fair, Inc.

2014 Scholarship Program

Agriculture Course of Study

Reference Form

Student Name ______

I recommend this student for the Cabarrus County Agricultural Fair Scholarship – Agriculture Course of Study. The reasons for my recommendation are as follows:

Capacity in which I know this student: ______


Signature of Reference


Printed Name of Reference



  • Please return this form to the applicant in a sealed envelope with student’s name and name of scholarship written on the front of envelope no later than:
April 20, 2014

Thank You.