Climate Change Documentaries

An Inconvenient Truth

“A documentary film, An Inconvenient Truth explores data and predictions regarding climate change, interspersed with personal events from the life of Al Gore. Through a Keynote presentation (dubbed "the slide show") that he has presented worldwide, Gore reviews the scientific evidence for global warming, discusses the politics and economics of global warming, and describes the consequences he believes global climate change will produce if the amount of human-generated greenhouse gases is not significantly reduced in the very near future…The film includes many segments intended to refute critics who say that global warming is insignificant or unproved…The documentary ends with Gore noting that if appropriate action is taken soon, the effects of global warming can be successfully reversed by releasing less carbon dioxide and growing more plants or trees. Gore calls upon viewers to learn how they can help in this initiative.” (summary taken from:

Film Website:

Global Warming: The Signs and the Science

PBS Home Video, 2005

“The program features numerous science experts who review a growing body of evidence of the grave consequences of a changing climate, and explores how individuals, communities and organizations across America are creating new approaches to safeguard future generations.

The documentary also looks at evidence that human activities are provoking an unprecedented era of atmospheric warming and climatic events: more drought, wildfires and flooding; polar melting; more powerful storms; and more variable weather. Tropical diseases are moving north; childhood respiratory illnesses are skyrocketing; and in the last three decades more than 30 diseases new to science have emerged…Global Warming: The Signs and the Science presents a clear, easy-to-understand, factual overview of climate change, and gives a "human face" to this complex phenomenon.”

Film Website:

Too Hot to Not Handle

HBO Documentary Films

“A primer on global warming, Too Hot to Not Handle features contributions from leading scientists in the field. In addition to in-depth discussions of such subjects as the greenhouse effect, hurricanes, snowpack, hybrid vehicles, and alternative power sources, the film shows how businesses, local governments, and citizens are taking positive actions to reduce global warming emissions.”

Film Website:

Strange Days on Planet Earth (see episode: “The One Degree Factor”)

National Geographic, 2005

Host Edward Norton explores strange phenomenon across the globe that may be related to climate change such as dust clouds high over the Atlantic, species on the brink of extinction in the oceans, and the emergence of a widespread respiratory illness in Trinidad.

Film Website:

The Great Warming (available on DVD soon!)

“Narrated by Alanis Morissette and Keanu Reeves, The Great Warming is a dramatic film about climate change that sweeps around the world to reveal how a changing climate is affecting the lives of people everywhere…The Great Warming includes hard-hitting comments from scientists and opinion-makers about America’s lack of leadership in what is certainly the most critical environmental issue of the 21st century, as well as new scenes documenting the .the emerging voice of the American Evangelical community urging action on climate change.”

Film Website: