Amy Whittle – Room 305
Idalou Middle School
8th Grade English
Welcome to my 8th Grade English class. My name is Amy Whittle. I have been teaching at Idalou Middle School for 6 years. I love being here to teach and raise my family. This will be a big year for you, as we will be preparing you for High School English and college writing classes. Work hard, have fun, and it will be a rewarding year!
Materials Needed:
Blue or black pens
A RED and GREEN pen
Notebook paper (No college rule)
A one inch 3 ring binder
8 dividers
2 different color highlighters
A one subject spiral for your writing journal
Composition book
Be on time – you are tardy if not in the room when the bell rings
Be prepared – you will need your binder and AR book everyday
Respect others and their belongings
NO food or drinks or gum
NO cell phones, iPods or other electronic devices
Follow the dress code
Be an Engaged Learner
Be Your Best
Lesson plans will be posted on the board every Monday.
We will begin our class with a writing journal. Every day I will have a prompt, a picture or a quote that the student will respond to. You will be required to write half a page, which is about 10-12 sentences. I grade the journals every Friday. It is 20 points a day. I deduct points if you do not respond to the journal or if you don’t write the appropriate amount of writing.
Heading Used in Reading:
First and Last Name Date (written out)
Subject – Period
All assignments must be completed on the appropriate paper with the proper heading and in BLUE OR BLACK PEN. Points will be taken off for improper heading.
All homework will be completed on time and be ready to turn in when class begins.
If an assignment is not turned in on time, a late work form must be filled out, signed by the student, and returned the next day with the late assignment.
Make-Up Work:
It is your responsibility to collect the work you missed when absent. Also, it is important to speak to me before a planned absence. I will do my best to collect the work for you; however, it is your responsibility to pick up the work, complete it in a timely manner, and turn it in. You have one day for every absence plus one additional day to complete make-up work. If an assignment is turned in late for the allotted time for make-up work, points will be deducted.
Late Work:
It is your responsibility to turn assignments in on time.
The late work policy is as follows:
I take 10 points off for every day late. After 3 days, it is an automatic detention.
You will fill out a late work form acknowledging the work is missing and explain when you will come in to complete the work.
Refusing to turn in work IS NOT AN OPTION!
If you make below a 70 on a test during the six weeks, you will be given the opportunity to do corrections for a maximum grade of 70. You will only need to correct the questions you missed. I will attach a YELLOW correction notice to your test with a due date and a place for your parent/guardian to sign. Corrections will not be accepted without a parent/ guardian signature! Corrections must be done on a clean sheet of notebook paper and stapled to the back of the original test. Number your corrections according to the number on the test. A 75 is the highest grade you can receive for corrections.
I am available every day before and after class or during Activity Period. Please make arrangements with me before you show up for tutorials to insure I will be here and am available that day.
I follow the district grading policy.
Class work – 50%
Test – 40%
Homework – 10%
Please allow a few extra days for me to grade written assignments. All journal grades are recorded as homework grades.
I have a zero tolerance for cheating on classwork, homework, tests or any assignment given in my classes. If you are caught cheating, you will automatically receive a zero on the assignment and appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken. Talking during a test is considered cheating; even if you have already turned in your test.
Web Page:
Please check my teacher web page on the school web site. I will do my best to post assignments that I can, reminders of due dates and upcoming tests. It is a great communication link into the classroom.
I am delighted to have the opportunity to teach your child. Please feel free to contact me via email any time.
Amy Whittle
Student signature Date
Parent or guardian signature Date
If you would like to provide me with your email address and any contact information, it would be greatly appreciated. Email is a fast and efficient way for me to keep you informed of what is going on in the classroom. There are also times when I may need to contact you via telephone.
Parent or Guardian Name: ______
Email: ______
Home Phone: ______
Cell Phone: ______