Board of Directors Meeting – Saturday, April 29, 2017 – 5:30 p.m.
National Equestrian Center, Lake St. Louis, MO.
The meeting was called to order by President Stalhiem. Roll call resulting in the following being present: Dennis Johnson, Chuck Cryderman, Sierra Covell, Andrew Stalhiem, Shannon Cobbs, Ken Airgood, Dave Hennen, Pat Connors, and member Mike Taft. Executive Director, Cathy Behn, was also present.
The first order of business was the election of officers to the Board. President Stalhiem asked for nominations for President. Dennis Johnson nominated Andrew Stalhiem for President and Shannon Cobbs seconded the motion. Nominations were closed and Andrew Stalhiem was elected as President of the Clydesdale Breeders of the U.S.A.
President Stalhiem asked for nominations for the position of 1st Vice President of the Board. Dave Hennen nominated Shannon Cobbs. Pat Connors seconded the nomination and Shannon Cobbs was elected as 1st Vice President of the Clydesdale Breeders of the U.S.A.
President Stalhiem asked for nominations for the position of 2nd Vice President of the Board. President Stalhiem nominated Dave Hennen and Pat Connors seconded the nomination. Dave Hennen was elected to serve as 2nd Vice President of the Clydesdale Breeders of the U.S.A.
Moving on with the agenda, President Stalhiem asked if there was any public or member input. Ken Airgood moved to appoint Mike Taft to serve the remaining 2 year term of Greg Bagleys. Chuck Cryderman seconded the motion and motion carried.
Next on the agenda was the report from the National Sale Committee. Cathy Behn reported the preliminary number of the horse sale being $551,300 and the Tack Sale being $41,958. She stated that these numbers were drawn from the auction program right after the sale, so some adjustments would maybe need to be made once all the reports and money had been verified. Cathy Behn shared with the board of directors that she received many compliments on the event from many different people. Dave Hennen related that he felt the downpour of rain had hurt attendance of the sale a bit. Chuck Cryderman stated he felt the averages of horses sold was good. Dave Hennen related that he would like to return to the National Equestrian Center for the 2018 National Sale. Mr. Hennen related that he would be willing the chair the National Sale again in 2018. Dennis Johnson agreed with returning to the National Equestrian Center for the 2018 Sale. Discussion was held on some of the negative conditions of the facility including bad conditions of the bathrooms, bad sound system, and more. Discussion was held on how to remedy some of the negative conditions. Shannon Cobbs moved that the National Sale return to the National Equestrian Center for 2018. Mike Taft seconded the motion and motion carried.
Dennis Johnson reported for the Social Committee stating that approximately 526 ticket for the banquet were collected. He related that he had received many good comments and everything went very well at the banquet and entire National Sale Event. Shannon Cobbs related that a better sound system was needed as people in the back of the banquet area could not hear any of the speakers or announcements being made over the sound system.
Sierra Covell reported for Social Media. She related that social media on Facebook had worked well to promote the National Sale. She reported that one streaming of the National Sale reached 108,000 viewers with 475 comments and 226 shared times. Dave Hennen related that a proposal for online streaming of the National Sale should be sought for the 2018 National Sale.
Cathy Behn spoke on behalf of Publications. She related that she had not received any ads for the new Summer Lead Horse Publication. She reported that she would be promoting the Summer Lead Horse to the membership and on Facebook. It was her hope that following the National Sale, members would be sending some ads in to the office for the publication.
Sierra Covell reported the Educational Seminars at the Sale had been a great success. She stated she would be working with Clydesdale Education Foundation for any expenses of the Educational Seminars.
Chuck Cryderman related that if a new computer program was secured, that maybe some live streaming of the National Sale and its events could be streamed on line and with a 360 degree presentation. Discussion was held on the attendance of the banquet and the time it took to hold the WCS Auction. Chuck Cryderman stated the attendance spoke for itself with support of the WCS and Association. Chuck Cryderman was concerned about the length of meetings and teleconference of the board of directors. He related that one hour meetings are much more productive than meetings running too long. He shared that he felt in order for the board to stay focused, items need to be received ahead of time to be placed on the agenda, with any reports connected to the issue to also be received prior to the meetings. Dave Hennen stated he felt by re-structuring the job description of the Executive Director, meetings and teleconference would be more structured and organized. Chuck Cryderman stated meetings like were held last fall at Lansing were grueling and unproductive. It was explained that it would be the role of the executive director to prepare an initial budget for 2018 to be presented and approved by the board. He related the current Executive Director was very capable and experienced with this type of leadership.
Ken Airgood spoke for the nominating committee giving the election results as follows: Pat Connors 90 votes, Chuck Cryderman 72 votes, Dennis Johnson 56 votes, Mike Taft 48 votes, Wayne Mast 37 votes, Robert Wilson 18 Votes, Karl Probst 8 votes. Write in votes included: Greg Bagley – 2, Kayle Grott- 2, Luke Williams – 2, Keith Lake – 1, Dustin Brooks – 1, Kelly Gardinar – 1, Glen Lewis – 1, Curtis Bridges – 1, Tina Miller – 1, & Shannon Martin – 1.
Dave Hennen reported for the National Show Committee. He stated that the $10,000 from Victoria McCullough in 2016 would be allocated for use at the 2017 National Show. He reported the $10,000 had been received by the Clydesdale Education Foundation and that money would be granted out in 2017. Chuck Cryderman stated he was moving forward to see if there was a new location available for the 2018 National Show. He stated he had received some true interest from shows, but would need to check on conflicting dates. Mr. Cryderman stated he would keep the board apprised with his findings. Dave Hennen stated that if the National Show was going to move in 2018, that announcement should be released right after the 2017 National Show.
Cathy Behn reported there were approximately 75 animals entered into the 2016 All-America Program and approximately 50 plus members had voted on the All-American winners. She reported the Behn Bros. Clydesdales and Ryan & Amy Mullen had sponsored the entire program with many great awards being given at the 2017 Annual Meeting. She stated the Behn’s and Mullen’s will be contacted to see if they wish to continue for 2017 and ask them for any changes or support they need from the Association.
Ken Airgood reported plans for the 2017 Draft Horse Youth/Novice Congress were moving forward. He reported the Belgian Horse Education Foundation was a partner for the 2017 Congress. Mr. Airgood stated presenters were being confirmed. He also reported that Victoria McCullough committed $12,000 for the Congress through the Clydesdale Education Foundation. Andrew Stalhiem asked if in the future the board could receive more information on the Congress and if the Congress had a budget. Mr. Airgood related the Congress had operated on a budget in the past and invited any or all board members to become involved in the Congress or sponsor classes for such.
It was noted that Greg Bagley had chaired the By-Laws committee. Chuck Cryderman offered to chair the by-laws committee. Shannon Cobbs moved to appoint Chuck Cryderman as chair of the by-laws committee, seconded by Ken Airgood and motion carried.
Dennis Johnson reported for the Prefix Committee, stating there had been three prefixes submitted for approval. He shared the three submissions as: “Rolling Meadows” – submitted by Robert & Donna Wilson; “Coughlin’s” – submitted by Eugene & Vicki Coughlin; and “Horse Feathers” – submitted by Rebecca McKeever. Mr. Johnson shared Mr. Bob Wilson’s letter regarding the prefix of Rolling Meadows. He stated the prefix had been used, but upon Bob Wilson’s extensive research, it was last used in 1978 and with the prefix guidelines, that prefix would be forfeited for use from a different member. Discussion was held and it was the consensus of the board to have Cathy Behn write a letter to the past owner of the Rolling Meadows prefix, informing them the prefix would be re-issued. Pat Connors moved to approve the three prefix submissions as presented and to send a letter to the past Rolling Meadows Prefix owner regarding the forfeit of said prefix. Shannon Cobbs seconded the motion and motion carried.
Moving onto the Futurity Committee, no report was received from Cheri Moleski. Discussion was held on getting a report from Mrs. Moleski. Some issues of concern were discussed regarding the current Futurity Program, such as; the process is too complicated; there are too many payments; horses possibly being nominated after their birth to enhance numbers; and more. It was the consensus of the board to ask Cheri Moleski how she felt the program could be enhanced as she has ran the program for many years.
It was noted that Andrew Stalhiem would chair the Pedigree Committee and that Cathy Behn would send all pedigree issues to Andrew. It was also noted that the pedigree committee members had been active in the past and those names on the committee should be considered as to whether they would like to continue on the committee.
Cathy Behn stated that there were financial reports in the board packets. Included in those packets were a budget to date and also balance sheets. Discussion was held on the conversation at the Annual Meeting with some members requesting financial statements being published. Cathy Behn stated she supported the publishing of those finances sand felt that the best thing would be to publish the end of the year financials to the members, as that way they could get a complete picture of an entire year. Shannon Cobbs moved to publish the financial statement for 2016 in the Summer Lead Horse. The motion was seconded by Mike Taft and motion carried.
The Clydesdale Education Foundation had given a report at the Annual Meeting and it was noted that the Foundation ad a successful silent auction at the sale.
Ken Airgood reported for the USLGE stating the membership had moved to continue the program at the Annual Meeting and Victoria McCullough had donated $5,000 for the yearly dues to the USLGE. Discussion was held on how to proceed with the program. Ken Airgood stated a meeting would be held with the President of the USGLE to get back on track for the 2017 missions and re-instatement of the $28,500 that had been approved prior to discontinuing the dues in the budget. Pat Connors stated it would be good to put financial information and articles on the USLGE program in the Clyde News for the membership to read. He felt that a reverse trade for the 2018 WCS would be a great activity for USLGE funds. Discussion was held on the use of USLGE funds being available for such activities as bringing people from other countries to the National Sale, and to encourage consignments from other countries to the sale and WCS. It was noted that the USLGE funding could also be used for printing of information to present to international guests at the WCS. Discussion was held on possibly organizing a tour to the 2017 Royal Winter Fair in Toronto to promote US genetics and the 2018 WCS.
It was reported that the WCS live auction had grossed approximately $78,000 with the silent auction items totaling approximately $4,000. Discussion was held on the WCS budget. Cathy Behn related she had helped prepare a budget at Keith Mann’s request and had sent it to the WCS with no feedback or communication regarding the document. It was the consensus of the board that the WCS budget be sent to them and discussed at the upcoming teleconference. Information on other WCS communication and information was also to be sent to the Board of Directors. To improve communication, it was also suggested that separate teleconference could occur between the Board and the Chairs of the WCS. Cathy Behn was directed to also update the board on finances of the WCS along with sponsorships. Cathy Behn related she felt it would be a good idea to have a workshop type meeting in Madison to help expedite planning for the WCS. Grant Johnson volunteered to take over the vendors for the WCS and also agreed it would be helpful to see the new facility.
Discussion was held on the presentation from the Scottish guest on hosting a WCS there in 2021. Shannon Cobbs stated he had also heard that Western Canada was making plans to host a future WCS also, and believed they organizers had a date set for that WCS. Discussion was held on how to communicate and organize the dates and locations for future WCS’s. It was noted that other breed World Shows or Congresses should be considered also. It was the consensus of the board that this topic.
Cathy Behn reported she had attended the All-Breed Draft Secretaries meeting, hosted by the Belgian Corporation in Wabash, IN. She stated it was a great meeting with the major topic of the meeting being on what horse programs were being used and that many of them need to be updated. She reported most of the draft horse breeds were represented, with no representation from the Shire Association. Cathy Behn shared with the board that this is one of the most important meetings of the Draft Horse Industry and imperative to a bright future for the entire industry.
Discussion was held on the updated Horse Program presented to the board by Ian Cruickshank. It was the consensus of the board that it appeared to be a very good program with many promising capabilities for the future. It was noted that Ian & Angie Cruickshank were going to offer the Association phase one of the program as their donation. Discussion was held on what phase two and three would cost, as there were many opportunities with those phases to enhance our Association. Cathy Behn shared that the computer program that the Percheron Association was considering and was presented at the All-Breed Secretaries meeting was a minimum of $20,000 a year for a contract of at least 5 years. She related the program was very impressive, but felt that Ian’s program was comparative and at an offer that was amazing. It was the consensus of the board to have Cathy Behn continue to work with Ian and also to try and get some financial numbers of future phases and cost of the program. Chuck Cryderman suggested tabling the approval of the program until financial numbers of phase 2 & 3 could be secured.
Cathy Behn asked the board for direction and to re-consider her travel expenses. She related that she had attended the USLGE Conference, the All-Breed Secretaries meeting, and had traveled to Florida to meet and secure the title sponsor for the WCS, all being paid out of her pocket for expenses. She related she could not financially afford to keep spending her own money out of pocket for marketing and promotion. Dave Hennen asked Cathy Behn to create a travel report, stating where she had gone and how much it had cost, and submit to the board. He also asked Mrs. Behn to create of list of events and trips that she felt were a priority for marketing and promoting the breed and submit to the board for re-consideration of the budget cut. Additional discussion was held on the importance of some of the Executive Director’s travel to be a WCS expense. Cathy Behn related the board had approved the Executive Director’s position in February, but to date, no benefits of that position had been offered or discussed. Andrew Stalhiem stated that perhaps a 30 day approval or some sort of policy needed to be set for such expenses. Dave Hennen stated it would be good to form a travel schedule for the year that could be approved by the board. Sierra Covell stated she would like to see travel expense sheets created and approved travel be implemented.
At 7:11 p.m. Pat Connors moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Chuck Cryderman. It was noted that the past teleconference minutes were to be approved and it was the consensus of the board that all teleconference minutes to date were approved. Motion to adjourn carried.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Cathy Behn, Executive Director
Clydesdale Breeders of the U.S.A.