of the
1:00 P.M. / (9/27)
1. /
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag - (Led by Hon. Van B. Robinson, President, Syracuse Common Council)
2. /Invocation - (Delivered by Father James Matthews of St. Lucy’s Church, Syracuse, New York)
3. /Roll Call - (All Present - 9)
4. /Minutes - September 13, 2010 - (Adopted 9-0)
5. /Petitions - (none)
6. /Committee Reports - (Finance, Taxation & Assessment; Public Safety)
7. /Communications - (From David DelVecchio, Commissioner of Finance, regarding public use in the Harrison and Washington Street garages that provide permits and do not violate any public use provisions of the bond issues)
WD / Resolution - Approving the Appointment of Various Persons as Commissioners of Deeds for 2010. / WD
9-0 / Application and Agreement - To and with the US Department of Housing and Urban Development for funds in an amount not to exceed $190,000 to be used for lighting and other streetscape improvements for the Connective Corridor. There is no local match. / 463
H / Amend - Ord. #511 (09/25/06), “Contract - With National Elevator Inspection Services, Inc. for services related to elevator/conveyance inspection and plan review for the period of three years with two 1-year options. Total yearly cost of $9,000. Total cost not to exceed $27,000.” Amend to authorize the two-year renewal option. Total cost of $9,000 per year not to exceed $18,000. / H
9-0 / Amend - Ord. #104 (03/30/09), “Contract - With Schneider Laboratories, Inc. for lab testing and analysis services for lead samples of 475 residential properties on behalf of the Department of Community Development for the period of one year with one 1-year renewal option. Total cost not to exceed $126,000 for the two-year period, covered by the HUD Lead Hazard Control Demonstration Grant #NYLHD0168-07.” Amend to authorize the one-year renewal option. Total cost not to exceed $63,000 to be funded from HUD Lead Hazard Control Demonstration Grant #NYLHD0168-07 for the first three months and from Grant #NYLHD0199-09 for the last nine months. / 464
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 515-517 Delaware Street, a vacant lot, to Cherie & Laurence Laux for the total sum of $2,425. / 465
9-0 / Agreement - With MVP Health Plan, Inc., on behalf of their employees located in AXA Towers, for parking in the Harrison Street Garage for minimum of 55 and maximum of 70 monthly parking permits for the period of ten years, to end July 31, 2020 at the monthly rate of $55 through 8/31/11, $60 through 8/31/12, $65 through 8/31/13, $70 though 8/31/14 and the market rate, as established by the Common Council, through 8/31/20. All rates include sales tax. A thirty day notice to the garage operator is required prior to any increase or decrease in occupancy. / 466
9-0 / Agreement - With NorthEast Power Alliance, LLC, on behalf of their employees located at the Clinton Exchange, for parking in the Washington Street Garage for a minimum of 55 and a maximum of 65 monthly parking permits for the period of four years, to end August 31, 2014 at the monthly rate of $55 through 8/31/11, $60 through 8/31/12, $65 through 8/31/13, $70 through 8/31/14 and the market rate, as established by the Common Council, through a lease extension. All rates include sales tax. A thirty day notice to the garage operator is required prior to any increase or decrease in occupancy. / 467
H / Agreement - With the Onondaga County Resource Recovery Agency (OCRRA) for the use of the OCRRA solid waste disposal system for the period of four years, January 1, 2011-December 31, 2014. The tipping fee schedule is detailed in the ordinance. / H
9-0 / Advertise Public Hearing - Relative to the 2010/2011 Sweeping and Flushing Program for streets as listed on Exhibit “A” cost thereof to be charged to the premises fronting thereon, on behalf of the Department of Public Works. Total cost not to exceed $1,647,128. (Public Hearing to be held on Monday, October 25, 2010 at 1:00 P.M.) / 468
H / Authorize - The 2010/2011 Sweeping and Flushing Program for streets as listed on Exhibit “A” cost thereof to be charged to the premises fronting thereon, on behalf of the Department of Public Works. Total cost not to exceed $1,647,128. (Public Hearing to be held on Monday, October 25, 2010 at 1:00 P.M.) / H
9-0 / Agreement - Between Centro and the City of Syracuse Water Department to relocate a 12 inch water main on South Salina Street at West Adams Street in order to accommodate an electrical duct bank to be installed by National Grid for the Central New York Regional Transportation Authority. The work will be performed by JJ Lane, Inc. under the general services contract with the Department of Water. Total cost not to exceed $100,000, to be paid by Centro. / 469
9-0 / Amend - Ord. #32 (01/26/09), “Agreement - With Dewberry-Goodkind, Inc. for preliminary design and final design engineering services required for the Syracuse Bridge Improvements on Auto Row Project, PIN 3753.96, on behalf of the Department of Engineering. Total project cost not to exceed $490,000, 100% funded with federal funds.” Amend to transfer the agreement from Dewberry-Goodkind Inc. to Clark Patterson Lee to complete the engineering design. All other terms and conditions remain the same. / 470
9-0 / Permission - To SUNY Upstate Medical University to install, maintain and operate a new bus drop-off area along Irving Avenue within the City right-of-way in front of the main entrance to the Institute for Human Performance as part of the proposed expansion. / 471
H / Purchase w/c/b - From CNC Microtech, pole mount cameras, software licenses, wireless equipment and installation services, on behalf of the Department of Police. Total cost not to exceed $125,000 to be charged to the 2009 ARRA JAG Grant. / H
H / Application & Agreement - To and with the NYS Office of Homeland Security for a State Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program grant (SLETPP) for funds in an amount not to exceed $84,400 to be used by the Police Department for 5 IP cameras for the camera deployment project, training and consultant fees. No local match is required. / H
9-0 / Purchase w/c/b - From I2, Inc., Analyst’s Notebook Software and Training on behalf of the Department of Police. Total cost not to exceed $25,000 to be charged to the 2008 JAG Grant. / 472
9-0 / Purchase w/c/b - From Moore Tire Sales, Cooper ST2 Tires and/or Firestone PVS-41 Tires from various Firestone vendors to be used on marked police units for the period of July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011 on behalf of the Department of Police. Total cost not to exceed $50,000 to be charged to the Operating Budget Account #01.31220.0.402. / 473
9-0 / Amend - Ord. #394 (09/14/98), “Authorize - The Mayor to sign a Memorandum of Agreement with Onondaga County for a combined City/County building. The Memorandum of Agreement will authorize the creation of a new City/County Courts Building.” Amend to allow the City share of the Court House costs to be charged to the 2011 City abstract rather than a direct charge to the City, effective with the 2011 City abstract and for the duration of the lease term and each subsequent renewal period. / 474
WD / Resolution - (Home Rule Message) To memorialize the NYS Assembly to adopt A-9446 and the NYS Senate to adopt S-8476 for the purpose of establishing the Syracuse Airport Authority. / WD
9-0 / Advertise Public Hearing - Relative to the authorization of the Baggage Delivery Service Agreement with B&N Delivery for lost baggage handling and delivery service at Syracuse Hancock International Airport. (Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, October 12, 2010 at 1:00 P.M.) / 475
H / Authorize - Baggage Delivery Service Agreement with B&N Delivery for lost baggage handling and delivery service at Syracuse Hancock International Airport for the period of three years, effective January 1, 2011, with two 1-year renewal options with the approval of the Mayor and Common Council. B&N Delivery will pay 7% of the monthly gross receipts and a monthly rental fee of $500 for the delivery office to increase annually by 2% or the CPI, whichever is greater. (Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, October 12, 2010 at 1:00 P.M.) / H
9-0 / Agreement - With Downtown Committee of Syracuse, Inc. relative to the administration of the Downtown Special Assessment Program, for the period of July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. The special assessment is $850,000. / 476
9-0 / Accept - From the Community Foundation in the name of Central New York Rotary Club, a gift in the amount of $11,990 from an anonymous Rotarian to be deposited in an account to be designated by the Commissioner of Finance for the purchase and installation of a singing tower supreme digital carillon from The Verdin Company. / 477
9-0 / Purchase w/c/b - From The Verdin Company, a singing tower supreme digital carillon for the bell tower at City Hall. Total cost not to exceed $11,990 from the donation from an anonymous Rotarian. / 478
9-0 / Amend - Ord. #568 (10/09/07), “Contract - With Industrial Medical Associates for drug/alcohol testing for all City employees who operate commercial vehicles and are required to have a commercial license, for the period of three years, October 9, 2007-October 8, 2010 with 2 one-year options. Total cost of $15,000 per year not to exceed $45,000.” Amend to authorize the first one-year renewal option for the period of October 9, 2010-October 8, 2011. Total cost not to exceed $15,000. / 479
9-0 / Appropriate Funds - From Special Object Account #01.74500.0.000 in the amount of $20,000 to the Onondaga Historical Association. / 480
9-0 / Authorize - The Commissioner of Finance to issue Revenue Anticipation Notes (RAN’s) in an amount not to exceed $35,000,000, on behalf of the City of Syracuse. / 481
9-0 / Authorize - The Department of Assessment to retain appraiser (William Anderson - 603 Beech Street) / 482
9-0 / Advertise Public Hearing - Relative to the discontinuance of a strip of park land at the north-west corner of Upper Onondaga Park as described in Appendix “A”. (Public Hearing to be held on Monday, October 25, 2010 at 1:00 P.M.) / 483
H / Authorize - The discontinuance of a strip of park land at the north-west corner of Upper Onondaga Park as described in Appendix “A”. (Public Hearing to be held on Monday, October 25, 2010 at 1:00 P.M.) / H
9-0 / Agreement - With certified fitness instructors Jerry Ryan, Anne Bowdoin and other qualified individuals to provide specialized fitness instruction for youth at City Parks and Recreation facilities as part of the After School Expanded Fitness and Wellness Program for the period of October 4, 2010-December 17, 2010. Total cost not to exceed $25 per hour charged to Recreation account #01.71400.0.415. The City will be reimbursed for the total amount, not to exceed $900 per instructor, or $3,600 through the Office of Children and Family Services - Youth Development and Delinquency Prevention previously allocated. / 484
9-0 / Authorize - Payment to BMI (Broadcast Music, Inc.) for an annual license to play copyrighted music at the Parks facilities for the period of July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011, on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Youth Programs. Total cost not to exceed $1,219 to be charged to account #01.71400.0.415. / 485
9-0 / Authorize - Payment to: The Frankie D Band for 4 performances: October 19, Westside Senior Center ($300), November 15 and December 20, McChesney Senior Center, ($300 each) December 8, Cecile Center ($300) and Paul Modaferri, October 28, Westside Senior Center ($100). / 486
9-0 / Lease Agreement - With Elmcrest Children’s Center, 960 Salt Spring Road, for the period of December 1, 2010-December 1, 2017, at the monthly rate of $5,172 adjusted annually based on the CPI or 3% whichever is less, to provide educational classrooms and physical education for residents of Elmcrest Children’s Center. / 487
Syracuse Common Council
Adjourned at 1:20 P.M.