Cosby High School

May 5, 2014

PTSO Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by President Kim Donlon. A motion to approve Marchminutes was made by Michele Farrenand LydiaKalataseconded the motion. All were in favor and minutes were approved as presented. There were15 members in attendance.


TREASURER’S REPORT- Michele Farren presented her report. The current balance in checking account is $20,002.96. There remains a balance of $0 on the 2012 Target gift card and a balance of $0 on the Amex gift card. The PayPal account has a $0 balance. Total funds are $20,002.96. .

Highlights include:

  • Post prom collected $19,869.36 and spent $19,906.48, short (-$37.12) but waiting for a check for $1,000 from Chesterfield County.
  • International Night Concessions $132.00.
  • Chick-Fil-A March $29.00
  • One Individual and one family membership received.
  • Funded one student for Boys state $430
  • Funded one student for Girls state $320

Motion to approve Treasurer’s report was made by Tonya Johnson andBrendaMayo seconded the motion. All were in favor and the report was approved as presented.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Kim Donlon presented her report. A slate of officers should be presented at the May PTSO meeting. Thereare open positions for Vice President and a Baccalaureate Chair. Kim and Michele have spoken to someone who is prepared to take on the VP role if she has the help of co-chairs for fundraising.

A slate will be presented and openings will be filled during the school year.

Kim presented the idea of creating a Memorial Garden to honor any students who have passed away. Dr. Mayo reminded the PTSO that any memorial started will need to become a PTSO role and continued into the future. A ceremony of some sort will need to be held to recognize those that are being honored. Parents will need to have access to the Memorial Garden. Kim suggested utilizing a corner in the Senior Courtyard.

Recycle clothes bin in the Cosby Parking Lot - the(for-profit) company will take any textiles and donates, sells or recycles these. We receives 10c per pound. Jeans should still be placed in the jeans bins inside the school for the Chesterfield drive.

PTSO closet - if anyone notices items missing please email Kim or Michele with the details. Thecloset should be locked at all times but it appears as though items are being taken through the ticket holes. The ticket will be covered to deter people.

The closet does need another key and Dr. Mayo is looking into this. PTSO members do not keep keys, when it needs to be opened they use a key kept in the office.


  • Bricks - Darline, Kim and Michele met with the owner of a landscaping company to review the brick installation. 35 blank bricks have been ordered. The existing bricks will be moved to a new location around the tree at the current entrance and existing orders will be installed. The bricks will be installed in a weekend at a charge of $35/ hour. The bricks will be changed over time to a red brick which will fade less than the existing bricks do.
  • Invest Now - no donations
  • Chick-Fil-A spirit week runs May 5 - May 10. Final week will be June 9-14.
  • Cinco de Mayo Mexico fundraiser May 5.

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT - Dr. Mayo presented her report and thanked everyone for an outstanding Prom and Post Prom.

The egg giveaways were a highlight and should be continued. Every egg prize had at least a $1 in it, with the chance to win dollar amounts from $25 - $250.

A contract with Doubletree has been signed for the 2014/15 Prom and it will be held on weekend of April 17/18.

As we transition to a brand new Post Prom committee:

  • All committees should present their ideas at the PTSO monthly meeting so that board membersare aware of all events and vendors at Post Prom.
  • Post prom contracts with vendors must be reviewed by the PTSO Executive Board and an executive member and thechair should both sign the contract.
  • During the school year all committees must meet at Cosby prior to Post Prom to review duties and ticket sale procedures.
  • Cosby Admin is creating a joint guest form for Prom and Post Prom with the opportunity to bring a different guest to Prom and/or Post Prom.
  • Fee requirement to attend prom and post prom
  • All students 9-12 must have paid instructional fees
  • Juniors and seniors must have paid class dues.
  • To attend post prom instructional fees must be paid not class dues.
  • Prom and Post Prom will use a joint student fee sheet in future.

Dr. Mayo thanked everyone for their Support last week when the school was dealing with impact of community events & school wide grief coupled with the public calling the school during an official law enforcement investigation. The school handled the events inside Cosby and on school grounds. All neighborhood vandalism was an official police investigation.

Dr. Mayo updated the PTSO on new Federal health regulations which will be finalized during the summer. Lollipops cannot be ordered until the final regulations are in place. Krispy Crème doughnuts cannot be sold on school grounds as they exceed the federal sugar requirements.

FACULTY REPORT - Sra Colon sent a thank you for the monetary assistance and she will be heading to Cuba on June 16th.

Faculty thanks the PTSO in advance for the teacher appreciation luncheon.

Memorial Day celebration has 82 veterans attending the event. Anne Canipe will confirm numbers to hospitality for the refreshments by Friday.


HOSPITALITY REPORT- Tues May 6 is teacher appreciation luncheon.

Few issues that need addressing. Mexico Restaurant does not think it will be able to contribute as much food as next year. They donate around $1,000 of food so the 2014/15 budget will need to be revised.

Clover Hill Assembly of God Church is settling the $200 bill from Mexico and they are providing the desserts for the luncheon.

Invitations for luncheon were put into the mail boxes and each staff member will be receiving a Rice Krispy treat in their mail boxes on Tuesday.On Friday hospitality will be providing snacks (ex Post Prom) in all houses.

MEMBERSHIP -Two new memberships reported in treasurer’s report.

VOLUNTEERS- no report

LOLLIPOPS- profits this week go towards Wounded Warrior project. There will be one more sale this year for PTSO funds. Michele will contact Lollipop Company so that we know whether they meet new Federal health requirements.

GROUNDS-Senior Courtyard Eagle Scout Project completed 5/3/14. Need a plaque to recognize the Eagle scout who planned and executed the project. Initial enquiries were too expensive, so Kim Keebler is contacting the county sign company. Additional bulb planting will take place this fall.

The second project - Baseball Bleachers will be completed weekend of May 17/18.

Front of school planters will be updated this week in red, white and blue petunias.

Kim would like to add Knockout roses around the Cosby sign at the front of the school on Fox Club Parkway. Approximate cost $200 for 6 roses.

POST PROM - Wendy Holt thanked the administration for all their help on the night.

BACCALAUREATE - Carol Stearns met with committee and they are working on their theme. Water request will be put out on May 15th. Kim will send a sign up genius on behalf of the committee that week. The committee is deciding whether to present students with a small memento on the day.

WEBSITE REPORT - no report

BOOSTER SHOTS - no report


NEW BUSINESS- Kroger and Martins cards will be a fundraising focus next year. We accumulated 83,000 points to purchase items from Kroger. Two new microwaves and school supplies for teachers have been ordered with the points.

ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m.

The last meeting of the school year will be on Tuesday June 3rd at Kim Donlon’s house @ 7 p.m.Bring a dish to share.