DATE: February 7, 2017
Present:Nicole, Ann, Steve, Bob, Dave,Lisa, Dawn, Erika Cheeseman & Ed Ruhrup
Absent: Katie
- Roll Call of the Board of Directors
See above
- Review/Approve minutes of the previous meeting
Minutes approved
- Treasurer’s Report
Reconciliation Summary
Appears JV teams fees for February will be $75 & $50 to end the year.
Ice not assigned for Feb 22
Nicole has ordered varsity & JV patches and is waiting for invoice
Pictures are in
Varsity, JV all paid for their ice time on picture night
Some parents are asking for itemized bill. They can check on budget.
A copy of the budget was passed around.
- Executive Committee Reports
- President
Asked to reschedule game on 2/19 between JVW & JVB to Feb 22 at 8pm
Approved by Lisa; seconded by Dave-approved by the board
Temporary game jerseys need to be collected
Friday night pickups are scheduled from 9-10pm 3/10 & 3/31 any high school student can play (incoming freshman included). Request was made to have a supervisor also in the locker room; request denied.
Pam Ambrose is working on varsity year end banquet. JVB & JVW will have separate banquets.
Reminder by Steve to order AHII awards: playmaker award (3 assists in one game), hat trick (3 goals in one game), and shut out (no goals scored)
Need to work on spring and summer programs-skill development and conditioning.
We need to secure coaches.
- Vice President
No disciplinary actions needed.
No fundraising.
Will there be a senior vs coaches game? Suggestion made to include parents, need to find ice time.
Ice time fee will increase on May 1.
- Secretary
No report
- Registrar
Will be ordering AHII patches
Mike Cox did receive waiver.
Still have no base line forms from several players. If no form is received should that player be allowed to play?
- Communications/Ice Time
Ice times will be updated by Pepsi Ice Center (showing ice time for Varsity, JVW & JVB.
- Standing Committee Reports
- Coaching Committee
- Fundraising Committee
- Disciplinary Committee
- Publicity/Social Media Committee
- Other Committee Reports
- CIPHL Representative
Hopes to get dates and time for All Star game and for the year end tournament. Will send email with these dates and times when known.
- LLHH Representative
- Old Business
- New Business
Suggestion was made to join a new league IHSHL. If joining will need to submit form by August. Good points: more teams & more games. Negative: no home games.
Melissa Larson has volunteered for publicity/social media committee.
Steve will contact the four players who missed pictures to see if they want a make up session.
Request was made by parents not to pay ice fees if their child is unable to attend practice. Request denied.
- Adjournment-Lisa/Dave