Supply of D.E.R.V., Gas Oil, Oil for Central Heating and Paraffin.
I/We ______of ______
hereby propose to supply and deliver to Kilkenny County Council, at the prices herein stated during the period 01/01/2007 to 31/12/2007, the following items, vis:
Fuel Suppliers / Product / Schedule Price / Rebate / Net Price / V.A.T. RateDiesel (D.E.R.V.)
Gas Oil
Oil for Central Heating Installations
Paraffin Oil (Kerosene)
Petrol (Leaded)
Petrol(Lead replacement)
I agree to be bound by the Particulars and Conditions of Contract.
I also agree to forward to Kilkenny County Council by E.Mail to details of price increases as they arise during the year.
Supply of D.E.R.V, Gas Oil, Oil for Central Heating, and Paraffin.
The following particulars may assist you when tendering:-
1.Location of Depots:
a)County Council Yard, Hebron Industrial Estate, Kilkenny
b)Council Yard, Newrath, Waterford
c)Council Offices, John Street, Kilkenny (Oil for Central Heating)
d)Courthouse, Kilkenny, (D.E.R.V. and Oil for Central Heating)
e)Fire Station, Kilkenny ( D.E.R.V. and Oil for Central Heating)
f)CountyLibrary, Kilkenny (Oil for Central Heating)
g)Landfill Site, Dunmore, Kilkenny
h) All Co.Co.Offices at Callan, Thomastown,Castlecomer and John Street.
2.Average Year’s Purchase:
Duty Paid Diesel Oil (D.E.R.V.)270,000 litres
Marked Gas Oil 90,000 litres
Paraffin 2,000 litres
3.The Council does not undertake to make similar purchases during the present year.
4.Price Reductions:
Reductions in the supply prices of these products must be passed onto the County Council by the successful Contractors.
5.All Diesel Oils must be guaranteed to be free flowing at temperatures as low as
-12º centigrade and the tender must include a written guarantee to this effect.
6.The latest date for receipt of tenders is 12 noon onFriday, 27th October, 2006.
7.It should be noted that the lowest tender need not necessarily be accepted.
Kilkenny County Council is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Acts 1997 to 2003 with effect from 21st October 1998. If you consider that any of the information supplied by you is either commercially sensitive or confidential by nature, this should be highlighted and the reasons for its sensitivity specified. In such cases, the relevant material will, in response to FOI requests, be examined in the light of the exemptions provided for in the FOI Act.
Fuel Oils Tender Application
Please find enclosed Tender Application for Fuel Oils for 2007.Completed Tenders must be sealed and endorsed “Tender for Fuel Oils 2007” to reach the Director of Services, Kilkenny County Council,Customer Services Desk, County Hall, John St, Kilkenny not later than 12.00 noon on Friday, 27th October, 2006.
Health & Safety Tender Requirements for Goods/Services are available on the Public Sector Procurement Opportunities at or similarly on the Council’s own website at
Kilkenny County Council is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Acts 1997 to 2003 with effect from 21st October 1998. If you consider that any of the information supplied by you is either commercially sensitive or confidential by nature, this should be highlighted and the reasons for its sensitivity specified. In such cases, the relevant material will, in response to FOI requests, be examined in the light of the exemptions provided for in the FOI Act.
Temporary Director of Services,
County Hall,
John Street,
Comhairle Chontae Chill Chainnigh
Kilkenny County Council
Tenders are invited for the period 1st January 2007, to 31st December 2007, for
Fuel Oils 2007.
Persons tendering must comply with Tax Clearance Arrangements before acceptance of any Tender.
A strict condition of the acceptance of any tender will be the requirement to pay rates of wages and observe hours of labour and conditions of employment not less favourable than those laid down by the National Joint Industrial Council for the Construction Industry.
Kilkenny County Council is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Acts 1997 to 2003 with effect from 21st October 1998. If you consider that any of the information supplied by you is either commercially sensitive or confidential by nature, this should be highlighted and the reasons for its sensitivity specified. In such cases, the relevant material will, in response to FOI requests, be examined in the light of the exemptions provided for in the FOI Act.
Tender information and Tender formsare available on application to the Roads Administration Department, KilkennyCounty Council. Tel. (056) 7794060 and are also available on the Public Sector Procurement Opportunities website at or similarly on the Councils own website at
N.B. Tenders on official tender forms only. Any tenders not submitted on the official tender forms will not be considered. The lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted.
Tenders received after the closing date will not be accepted.
Sealed Tenders should be addressed to The Director of Services, Customer Services Desk, KilkennyCounty Council, County Hall, John Street, Kilkenny, to be received not later than 12 noon on Friday 27th October,2006.
M. Delahunty
Temporary Director of Services.
HEALTH and SAFETY requirements
For Goods, Services & Contracts/ Construction Projects
Section / PagePolicy / 2
1) Health & Safety Requirement Overview
1.1Construction General
1.3Confined Spaces
1.4Chemical Agents
1.5Biological Agents
1.6General / 3
2) Construction Health & Safety Requirements
Table 1.1: Construction Project H & S Requirements
- Design Stage
- Construction Stage
2.1.1 Competency
2.1.2 Appointment Revision
2.1.3 Project Supervisor Duties
2.1.4 Designers
2.1.5 Contractors / 7
3) The Commencement Notice (CR1)
4) The Safety & Health Plan
4.1 Preliminary Safety & Health Plan: Design Stage
4.2 The Safety & Health Plan: Construction Stage
5) The Safety File
6) Safety Statement
7) Instruction, Training & Information
8) Safe System of Work
- Method Statement
Appendix 1 – General Principles of Prevention / 26
Appendix 2 – Form CR1 / 27
Appendix 3 – Minimum Certification requirements: Plant/ Equipment
Appendix 4 - List of Forms for use under The Construction
Regulations / 29
KilkennyCounty Councils Health & Safety Requirements for Goods, Services & Contracts
It is the policy of Kilkenny County and Borough Council that there is a shared responsibility of a duty of care between site occupier i.e. Kilkenny County/ Borough Council and any contractor / supplier (as both are employers) to ensure that all reasonably practicable precautions are taken to safeguard their own employees, other persons on site and the general public.
Where the activities of different employers and self – employed people interact, they have a duty to co – operate with each other to ensure that each employer’s general duty of care is met. The contractor/ supplier shall co – operate with any requirements of Kilkenny County/ Borough Council and the contractor/ Supplier shall inform or supply to Kilkenny County/ Borough Council complete information on the hazards which, may be introduced to any of the Councils premises by the Supplier/ contractor. The Council Engineer in charge will inform or supply to the contractor/ supplier any information required by the contractor/ supplier with regard to hazards or hazardous materials in or used on the Council premises.
It is a condition of acceptance of contract work, that any work carried out on the premises of Kilkenny County/ Borough Council by the Contractor/ Supplier, shall be carried out in such a manner as to ensure the safety, health and welfare of the Contractor/ Supplier and that of any other person whom may be affected by their activities, and shall comply with any Regulations or requirements set out under Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 1989; S.I. 44 of 1993 Safety, Health & Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations, 1993; S.I. No. 481 of 2001 Safety, Health & Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations, 2001 or with any applicable rules, laws, ordinances, and other orders of any Public body having jurisdiction for the safety, health and welfare of persons.
It is the responsibility of the supplier/ contractor to ensure that all equipment tools or appliances used by the supplier/ contractor, his sub – contractor, agents or employees are in good and safe order at all times.
Where the Safety and Health Officer of Kilkenny County and Borough Council observed a contravention of any of the conditions outlined herein, or actions which, may endanger the safety of persons, at his/ her sole discretion, stop the work in hand immediately, until such time that he/ she be satisfied that these safety conditions are complied with. The H.S.O. shall inform the Engineer responsible for the work of such stoppage as soon as it is reasonably practicable.
This Health and safety Tender document is designed to cover specific procedures and to ensure that the Supplier/ contractor has been made aware of his responsibilities regarding safety, health and welfare of his employees and that of Kilkenny County Council’s employees and others.
1)Health & Safety Requirements Overview
Furthermore, it is the policy of Kilkenny County Council that all of the following health and safety legislative requirements and provisions are followed by any Supplier/ Contractor.
1.1 Construction General
The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations, 2001 & 2003 MUST be adhered.
Scaffolding and staging shall be erected in accordance with the requirements under Safety, Health & Welfare at work (Construction) Regulations, 2001 and Code of Practice for Access and Working scaffolds. All such equipment shall be supplied and maintained by the Supplier/ Contractor.
Vehicles/ Equipment/ Plant
Any motor vehicles, cranes, derricks or material handling equipment used on Kilkenny County Council property, must be operated in a safe manner as per S.I. 481 of 2001.
The Contractor shall supply and maintain all tools and access equipment required to carry out the work, and shall be responsible for the safe condition of such tools and equipment.
Personal Protective Equipment/ Clothing
The contractor shall be responsible for the supply and maintenance of all protective equipment to his employees, as required under SI No. 44 of 1993 and The Safety, Health & Welfare at Work (Personal Protective Equipment) Regulations: SI 272
The contractor shall ensure that all necessary protective clothing and equipment is used or worn by his employees where working conditions rules or regulations necessitate their use.
Fire Prevention and Protection
Temporary wiring for light, heat or power and equipment for use at work, shall be installed in compliance with the Factory Electricity Regulations, 1972; and SI 44 of 1993.
Modification of any electrical equipment without prior permission from an engineer in charge in Kilkenny County Council, is prohibited.
Any installation must be checked by an engineer in charge in the Council.
The contractor shall ensure that the worksite is kept clear and free from accumulations of combustible materials, and such materials shall be removed and properly disposed of.
Only approved containers and portable tanks shall be used for the storage of quantities of flammable or combustible materials.
All welding equipment brought onto the Councils premises must be in good safe working order.
Whenever open flames or other sources of ignition are used, fire safety must be given special attention. A worker employed by the contractor must be assigned to the work area and will be responsible for fire safety. This worker will be stationed at the job site with adequate and suitable fire fighting equipment and shall have received proper fire safety instructions from the contractor.
Work Site
The contractor’s employees are restricted to the specific work location of the work site.
The contractor shall assume full responsibility for the safe guarding of all tools and other equipment used in connection with the work.
The Council assumes NO RESPONSIBILITY for the replacement of such tools or equipment which are lost, damaged or stolen.
The contractor shall ensure that all work areas are kept clean free from debris. All loose materials which may cause an obstruction, danger to persons using the area, or fire hazard, must be removed from the job site daily.
Excavations and Trenching
Prior to opening excavations, efforts shall be made by the contractor to determine whether underground installations i.e. sewers, water, telephone, fuel, gas, electricity lines, etc.., will be encountered, and if so, no interruption of the facilities will be permitted without the specific approval of the Engineer in charge in the Council.
No excavation will be permitted without approval of a Council Engineer and a written permit being in the contractor’s possession on site (See Appendix IV)
Demolitions/ Renovations
No materials shall be allowed to drop outside the exterior walls of the structure unless the area is effectively guarded.
If any work involves the removal of any materials containing Asbestos, the contractor shall comply with Section 2.3 of this document and all regulations pertaining to Asbestos.
The contractor shall be solely responsible for carrying out all demolition and/ or renovation in a safe manner and fully in accordance with the SI 481.
The contractor shall take all necessary steps to protect life and property, including adjoining property, and all elements of the building not scheduled for demolition.
The contractor shall be fully responsible for the design and construction of all temporary works necessary for the carrying out of the specified demolition or renovation.
Provide and maintain site welfare facilities i.e. toilet, running water, facilities to
boil water as specified in paragraphs 13 – 17 of the 4th Schedule to The Safety, Health & Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations, 2001
1.2 Asbestos
In relation to construction the following requirements are essential when asbestos is involved:
The E.C. (Protection of Workers) (Exposure to Asbestos) Regulations, 1989
The E.C. (Protection of Workers) (Exposure to Asbestos) (Amendment) Regulations, 1993
The E.C. (Protection of Workers) (Exposure to Asbestos) (Amendment) Regulations, 2000
The following must be carried out by the Supplier/ contractor and copies of all relevant documents provided to the Councils H.S.O. and the Engineer in charge:
- Risk Assessment to be drafted and sent to the H.S.A. and a copy to P.S.C, Kilkenny County Council Engineer and Kilkenny County Council H.S.O.
- Notification to the H.S.A. 28 days prior to removal
- Plan of Work to be drafted and sent to the H.S.A. and a copy to P.S.C, Kilkenny County Councils Engineer and Kilkenny County Councils H.S.O., specifying:
Method of asbestos removal
Particular difficulties
Hygiene facilities i.e. separate facilities for food, drink and smoking
Waste disposal arrangements
Air monitoring arrangements
Training of workers
Health Assessments of workers
Personal Protective Equipment provided
Respiratory Protective Equipment provided
Decontamination facilities for staff provided i.e. there must be separate facilities for street clothing and P.P.E. e.g. a decontamination unit
1.3 Confined Spaces
In relation to work involving confined spaces ‘The Safety, Health & Welfare at Work (Confined Spaces) Regulations, 2001’ MUST be adhered to.
If the work requires entry into confined spaces, the contractor shall instruct his employees as to the nature of the hazards involved, the precautions to be taken and in the use of any protective and emergency equipment required under SI 218 of 2001: Safety, Health and Welfare at work (Confined Spaces) Regulations, 2001 and the COP.
The Contractor shall supply his own testing, protection and emergency equipment.
1.4 Chemicals
In relation to work with chemicals ‘Safety, Health & Welfare at Work (Chemical Agents) Regulations 2001’ MUST be adhered to.
1.5 Biological Agents
In relation to work with biological agents ‘The Safety, Health & Welfare at Work (Biological Agents) Regulations, 1994 & 1998’ MUST be adhered to. ….
1.6 General
Contractors/ Suppliers have general duties under ‘The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 1989’ and ‘The Safety, Health & Welfare at Work (General Application Regulations, 1993, 2001 & 2003’ to include:
To safeguard, so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of their employees and others who may be affected by work activities; as well as,
Provision and maintenance of:
Safe plant and systems of work
Safe handling, storage, maintenance and transport of articles and substances
Necessary information, instruction, training and supervision
- Manual Handling
- Occupational First Aid
A safe place of work, with safe access and egress
A safe working environment with adequate welfare facilities
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) provision
The Safety, Health & Welfare at Work (Signage) Regulations, 1995 MUST be adhered to in regard to safety signage requirements along with any other health and safety requirements contained in any other relevant legislation not mentioned herein.
Any failure to comply with the above requirements of all sections, may, at the sole discretion of Kilkenny County Council, result in the work in progress being stopped until such time that these requirements and any required legislation or C.O.P. are complied with.
2) Construction
The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (construction) Regulations, 2001 & 2003
The following are the requirements necessary under these regulations, all items highlighted in bold are for submission if applicable to Kilkenny County Council prior to a construction project taking place.
Construction Projects
The regulations apply to all “projects”, defined under the regulations as any development which includes or is intended to include construction work.
“ construction work” is defined as the carrying out of any building , civil engineering or engineering construction work, including:
a) The construction, conversion, fitting out, commissioning, demolition or dismantling of a structure.
b) The preparation for an intended structure, including site clearance, exploration, and laying or installing the foundations of an intended structure.
c) The installation and commissioning of mechanical, electrical, gas, compressed air, hydraulic, or similar services which are normally fixed within or to a structure.
‘The Safety, Health & Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations, 2001(S.I. No. 481)’ require that safety, health and welfare is:
- Taken into account during design and tendering.
- Managed and co- ordinated using the Safety and Health Plan.
- Passed on in the Safety and Health File.