Sabbatical Proposal Form
This form is designed to help you to plan for your Sabbatical. Completing it will ensure that you have given some thought to the different aspects of the sabbatical and that you don’t miss anything important.
When all the details have been finalised, you will need to return a copy of this form to the Director of Mission and Ministry (DMM) for approval. Once the proposal has been approved by the DMM, this will release a grant from the Diocese towards the cost. Since some costs may need to be paid in advance, it is recommended that the Proposal Form is submitted at least three months prior to the start date.
Personal Details
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Parish and Deanery:
Practical Arrangements
Have you consulted with the churchwardens and PCC? Please indicate the date and any minutes of the meeting confirming their support for your sabbatical.
Do you have the support of your Area Dean and/or workplace? Please outline the arrangements for cover.
If you are currently responsible for a curate in training, please indicate the arrangements that are in place for their supervision.
Start date: End date:
Does this time include a major festival? If so, which?
Does the sabbatical link to your annual leave? If so, how?
Sabbatical Plan
The biblical pattern of Sabbath includes rest as a vital part of its very nature. So how do you hope that your sabbatical will provide rest and refreshment?
Where applicable, please give the dates for this part of your sabbatical.
Broadening and Deepening
The “project” element involves personal, professional and ministerial development, and will generally take the greatest part of the three months. So how do you hope your sabbatical with broaden or deepen you?
Where applicable, please give the dates for this part of your sabbatical.
Getting Back In Touch with God
Clergy should set aside some time during the sabbatical for nurturing their own relationship with God. For some clergy this will involve going on a “Retreat”, but there are other ways of doing this including Christian festivals, pilgrimages or time spent living in community. So how do you hope your sabbatical with nurture your relationship with God?
Where applicable, please give the dates for this part of your sabbatical.
Reporting Back
Clergy are asked bring back something from their time away, which may or may not be a written report. So what do you hope to bring back?
Sabbatical Finance
Please use the space below to outline the financial plan for your sabbatical in terms of both income and expenditure.
Give a full breakdown of costs including elements such as: travel (flights, buses, trains, car at approved mileage rate), accommodation (in a Retreat House or Study Centre or B & B as applicable) and course costs (where a specific course is an element in the programme). Please give details the details of applications that you are making to other grant sources. Note that the Diocesan grant is a maximum of £???. Any costs that are not covered by grants and bursaries, should be shared between you and the PCC with the PCC usually contributing not more than £???.
Expenditure / Cost / Other Grant Awarded / Applied ForTotal Cost:
Clergy should expect their sabbatical to cost in the region of £2,000. There is no objection to clergy spending more than this sum if additional money can be found. However, where the budgeted costs are significantly more than the usual amount you will need to provide assurance that you are not in danger of getting into financial difficulties.
Amount of sabbatical grant requested from the Diocese:
Details of other grants awarded or applied for:
Contribution from your PCC:
Personal contribution towards the cost:
Sabbatical Office Notes
For office use only.
DMM’s Approval:
Bishop’s Approval:
Amount of Grant Request:
Amount of Grant Awarded:
Date of Payment: