2016-17 Course Syllabus: Teacher Assistant Program

Mrs. Swanseen, Program Facilitator


You will serve as a classroom assistant to a teacher who will be your direct supervisor. Your duties may include working one-on-one with a student, helping students in a small group setting, assisting with class projects, or helping with general classroom activities (ex. working on bulletin boards, grading assignments, displaying student work).


Your grade is based on the following four things:

1. Attendance (MP 1-4)– You will report directly to the teacher’s classroom every school day and complete the work assigned to you by your supervising teacher.

  • The only exceptions to this attendance policy include days that you are home ill or if we have a 2-hour delay, assembly, or state testing (PSSAs/Keystones) at the HS or Elementary School.
  • In ALL cases, you are responsible for letting your teacher know if you will miss a day. Be sure you know how to contact your teacher (email is the easiest for you and often for the teacher). Elementary assistants must sign in and out at the elementary office (see notebook). DO NOT SIGN IN/OUT FOR OTHERS!!!!
  • Please note that you are not permitted to miss your TA duties for “personal” reasons. This is not a study hall, and you are not permitted to use your TA time to make up personal work. You are expected to be in your assigned classroom, rain/snow/or shine, every day (aside from those times as noted above).

2. Online Log (MP 1-4, possible 5 points per week)– You will maintain a daily log of your classroom activities with appropriate dates. This log will (tentatively) be completed on Moodle, and will only be open for the current week (through the weekend). If you have completed your weekly log, you will receive full credit for the week. If you only complete a few days, you will receive partial credit; if you do not complete the log, you will receive zero points for that week.

  • The guidelines are:

a)Write in complete sentences (legibly).

b)If referring to a specific student, use only the first name.

c)Be specific with regards to what you did that day.

d)If you are out on any given day, indicate WHY you were out (ex: field trip, 2-hour delay, sick, school holiday, etc.)

  • All work is due to Mrs. Swanseen, not the teacher you are assisting.

3. Article Critique(MP 1-3, possible 25 points per term)–You will submit a combined summary and critique (your opinion or view) of an article that I provide to you each marking period. This article will have to do with education in general, or your particular area of TA experience (ex: high school science education, elementary education, art or music education, etc.)

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  • The guidelines for your article critique paper are as follows:

a)Minimum 1-page typed

b)11- or 12-font, double spaced

c)Header that includes your name and title of article

d)Turned in on time – this can be shared in paper format or emailed as an attachment or Google Doc.

4. Self-Evaluation Paper (MP 4 only, possible 25 points) – At the end of MP4, instead of writing an article summary and critique, you will write a paper evaluating your year-long volunteer experience.

  • The guidelines are the same as for the article critique (above).
  • Address the following topics in your evaluation:

a)What did you learn through this experience (Positives and Negatives)?

b)How does this experience apply to or influence your future career plans?

c)What would you say to other students who are considering a TA placement?

5. Teacher Evaluation (MP 1–4, possible 25 points) – Each marking period, your supervising teacher will be asked to complete a brief survey of your work. Their responses on a checklist will be converted into a grade based on the following:

a)Your attendance

b)Your communication with them (regarding absences, issues that arise, etc.)

c)How well you receive instructions

d)How well you demonstrate responsibility with assigned tasks

e)Your rapport with students


You will receive a Pass (P) or Fail (F) grade for this course based on the percentages you earn each marking period. You will receive one credit for the class unless other arrangements have been made.


I hope that you will find this to be a very educational and rewarding experience. Your interest in this program is greatly appreciated by the school district, and you will likely make a lasting impression on the teacher and students you help. If you have any questions, concerns, or problems at any time, please see or email right away. Enjoy your year!


Mrs. Emily Swanseen

766-4754 (Guidance Office)