Action Plan in case of AdverseWeather/Unforeseen Event
This document provides a quick reference action plan when a decision is made to close the school due to severe weather (flood/snow) or other unforeseen event such as fire, flood or heating failure etc.
An initial assessment of the school site and conditions is made by a nominated member of staff.
The decision to close the school is a local management decision made by the Head teacher in consultation with the Chair of Governors. Once a decision has been made, the school must notify the Local Authority.
In the event that the school is closed, or has to amend its start and finish times due to poor weather conditions we will take the following actions –
Inform staff of closure and make alternative working arrangements if possible
(Zoe Simpkin tasked)
A notice will be posted on the front page of the school website uhhs.co.uk. This will be the quickest way to pass information onto parents as we can update the site ourselves (Rob Langdon tasked) this will automatically update twitter and facebook
Announcements will be made on Wish FM (John Simpkin tasked to contact)
We will continue to use radio announcements as we have in the past but, we have no control over how often these announcements are made, and regrettably incorrect information has been given out in the past. I would therefore strongly advise all parents to become familiar with the school website
Inform parents by use of the text message service (Zoe Simpkin tasked)
Inform visitors/contractors expected at school that day (John Simpkin tasked to contact)
Assess the situation to monitor weather and road conditions if school closure decisions are required during the day. (SLT)
School transportation will be arranged via the normal routes for pupils.
Where a school site is open during periods of snow, assess the school site to ensure safe access is maintained (John Simpkin tasked)
Should there be an onset of adverse weather during the school day, requiring students to be sent home early, we will contact parents via the text messaging facility and school website. We will make every effort to provide normal school transport, and where studentsare normally collected, parents should make immediate, alternative provisions for their collection and care.
Parents should ensure they notify school of changes to contact details.
Staff should ensure any updated mobile numbers are given to R Langdon.