Expections/Timelines (16 week program)

Week 1: Write personal learning objectives for internship

Assignment 1

Review of student learning style and personal expectations

Review personal and department philosophy of Therapeutic Recreation

Review student handbook

Inventory equipment

Observe TR sessions

Introduction to multi-disciplinary team members

Orientation to unit

Observe group and individual sessions facilitated by multi-disciplinary team

Patient presentation (physical aspects only)

Week 2: Observe TR initial evaluations

Learning scheduling procedure

Review goal writing and treatment plans

Obtain times to meet with other disciplines rearding their role in the rehab process

Begin chart reviews

Review Blue Books

Review Statistics

Review Initial notes

Continue to observe TR sessions

Patient Presentation (Physical)

Assignment 2

Week 3: Review of personal goals

Review progress notes

Take on 2 patient case load

Evaluate 2 patients (supervised)

Begin facilitating 1 group

Goal writing review

Patient Presentation (Physical)

Week 4: Initial evaluations

Initial notes

Review progress notes

Review discharge notes

Continue to facilitate a group

Increase caseload to 3

Patient presentation (Physical and Psycho-social)

Complete all documentation on caseload

Get approval for student project

Week 5: Increase caseload to 4-5 patients

Assignment 3

Week 6: Plan evening and holiday events calendar

Student presentation (Physical, Psycho-social, Cognitive)

Week 7: Start sitting in on Ortho/Neuro patient sessions

Caseload of 6

Week 8: Maintain caseload of 6

Mid term evaluation

Week 9: Increase caseload to 8

Student presentation, outline only

Assignment 4

Week 10: Maintain caseload of 8

Week 11: Increase caseload to 10

Week 12: Maintain caseload of 10

Student presentation, no notes

Week 13: Increase caseload to 12

Week 14: Maintain caseload of 12

Student project presentation

Week 15: Maintain caseload of 12

Week 16: Maintain caseload of 12

Complete all final patient documentation

Hand off all patients to appropriate therapist

Final performance evaluation

(Caseloads will depend on current unit census)