
Melia Dubia:- A Miacle & Money Spinning Timber Plant

Introduction About the Plant:- Melia Dubia.

English Name: Persian Lilac – White Cedar. Family – Miliaceae.

Botanical Name:Melia Dubia Hiern Native of India

Kannada Name: Hebbevu – Thuruk Bevu – Kadu Bevu.

About Melia Dubia

Melia dubia originates from the Meliaceae family and is an indigenousspecies of tree to India, South East Asia and Australia, where it has been cultivated as a source of firewood. The tree can be cultivated in all types of soil and requiring a low supply of water initially on a weekly basis. Melia dubia has the unique feature of growing 40 to 60 feet within 2 years from planting. This tree has incredible property of self pruning & termite resistant, former friendly, frost and drought resistant qualities in built.

Of late, from past 5 years, this tree is identified as fast growing with amazing growth characteristics, thereby has gained tremendous confidence of formers & planters. Environmentalist’schoice for instant greening of the areas within a short period.

This tree is compatible with all inter crops such as all types of flowers, drumsticks, upto 3 years of age & also suitable for strip plantations. From recent past, this tree is being grown, as Bio-mass energy crop. Melia dubia has the potential of yielding in excess 40 tonnes of biomass on average/acre/annum.

It’s high calorific value makes it a viable source of feedstock for biomass power plants also as raw material for plywood making industries. Ploughing back to earth (Negative carbonization) the charcoal obtained from the gassifier as a bye-product of a power plant will improve the status of the cultivated land in terms of fertility. It can also generate carbon credits, which can be sold in the market. Melia dubia suits as a potential species for agro-forestry in diverse climatic and geographical conditions of Karnataka, Andhrapradesh, Tamilnadu and Haryana. Agroforestry is the Only Option for improving environment, and Meeting wood requirement.

Sapling in a Polybag

1 Year Old Plantation

30 Months old Malia Dubia Tree

80 cm Girth in 42 Months

42 Months

Botanical Description:-

Deciduous trees, upto 25 m high, bark 6-8 mm thick, dark brown, rough, lenticellate, exfoliations rectangular, long and broad, attached by the distal end, exfoliated surface brown; outer part pink, inner fibrous; young shoots and inflorescence scurfy tomentose. Leaves 2-3 pinnate, (rarely 1-pinnate), imparipinnate, attenuate, estipulate, rachis 10-30 cm long, terete, slender, swollen at base, scurfy tomentose when young; pinnae 3-7 pairs, 10-20 cm long; leaflets 2-11 on each pinnae, opposite, estipellate; petiolule 3-10 mm long, slender; lamina 4.5-9 x 2-4 cm, ovate-lanceolate, base oblique, acute, obtuse, round or attenuate, apex acuminate, margin crenate, glabrous at maturity, coriaceous; lateral nerves 6-10 pairs, pinnate, slender, prominent; intercostae reticulate, prominent. Flowers bisexual, 5-6 mm long, greenish-white, in axillary panicles; calyx lobes 5, 2 mm long, ovate, pubescent; petals 5, 7-10 x 1-3 mm, obovate, thick, simple, pubescent within; staminal tube 7 mm, white, scabrid, ribbed, apically dilated, 10-dentate, tooth 2-fid, mouth woolly; disc annular; anthers exserted; ovary superior, oblong 1 mm, 5-celled; ovules 2 per cell; style to 4.5 mm, terete; stigma capitate.

Deciduous Height : Upto 25m.

Leaves:Alternate, 2040 cm long, bipinnate or occasionally tripinnate.Leaflets 11, with serrate edges.

Flowers: Showy, fragrant, numerous on slender stalks, white to lilac.

Time of Flowering: March

Fruit: A small, yellow drupe, nearly round, about 15 mm in length.

Seed: Oblongoid 3.5 mm x 1.6 mm. No. of seeds per fruit: 4 to 5

Time of seed ripening: Dec. to Feb. Seed viability: 1 to 3 years

Current Uses:

1)Provides excellent shade during summer.

2)Is leafless during winters, so does not hinder sunlight.

3)An excellent ornamental tree.

4)Flowers are scented and are good honey bee flora, kakkoos (Kogile) are fond of this tree & flocks in the morning and evening times.

5)Helps in pollination by harbouring bees.

6)Compatible with all crops.

7)Wood free from the attack of Post Flour Beetles.

8)Fruit stones are used in making necklaces and rosaries.

9)Wood is good for agricultural implements,furniture, plywood, boxes, poles, tool handles.

10) Wood is termite resistant.Medium quality fuel / (Bio-mass) wood

11) A versatile tree with wide adaptability

12) Forester friendly Fast growing.Mass multiplication perfected.

13) Fast growing.Condensed nursery time.

14) People Friendly Environmental Friendly

15) Forester Friendly: 20 percent of the state Plantation Is Melia dubia

16) Carpenter Friendly: Turns Well

17) Tested Under Actual Use for making furniture

18) Compatible with all inter crops

19) Suitable for strip plantations

20)Farmer Friendly: Frost & Drought Resistan

21) Environmentalist’s choice for instant greening

Site Preparation & Planting:

Ploughing in the case of agroforestry in the month of April /May after harvest of previous crop.Digging of pits of size 60cmx60cmx60cmin the month of Feb.

Addition of 5 Kg Farm Yard Manure & 2Kgs Vermicompost in first week of July.

Addition of 20 gms of DAP (Diamonium Phosphate) at the time of planting

during second week of July.Manual weeding and hoeing in

August, September, October & Feb.Pruning of branches if required in Nov/Dec

Progeny Trial:

•20 feet height in two years.

•Straight bole free from any defect.

•Frost & drought tolerant.

•Plan to hybridise

Melia Dubia is a Timber tree which can be harvested after 7 to 8 years after planting. Thistree is a very fast growing, which can be planted normally at a distance of 10feet by 10feet, i.e.accommodating 425trees per acre. High density planting can also be taken up at 8 ft x 9 ft accommodating 600 plants. A tree can be sold at Approx Rs.8000.(current pricing). Then the yield per acre is 600 trees *Rs8000=Rs48lakhs. If grown in 3.5acres, an earning of approx 1.5crore or more can be expected for this short time investment. The price of the tree keepsincreasing year after year.

Melia Dubia Propagation
Posted on January 26, 2013 by Editor in Agroforestry/Nursery
Melia Dubia cultivation is done primarily in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and parts of Andhra Pradesh due to favorable climatic conditions. The tree is gaining awareness now and the pioneers in the field are not more than 4-5 years old. Plywood manufactures have shown interest in procuring the wood for veneering. Here is a summary of the discussion in Agriculture on the correct way to propagate Melia dubia plants.
Melia dubia are generally propagated by seeds itself by direct sowing or by planting out seedlings or stumps. Close to 85% germination may be expected in the first 2 months.
Propagation of melia dubia through vegetative means is difficult but can be done. Take thick cuttings of melia dubia and keep them in any rooting media like sand or vermiculite and keep it in mist chambers. In 10 days new shoots start coming from the thick cutting. Take these shoots and root them under mist chamber conditions. This way one can do vegetative propagation.

Nutrient Requirement of Melia Dubia:-
Member Carnay says, “Melia Dubia is a fast growing tree. The nutrients requirement for Melia Dubia has not been worked out but research is underway. However it is being grown in different climatic and soil condition in India. Some farmers have applied chemical fertilizers whereas some others have not applied any fertilizers. The tree invariably comes up well irrespective of application of chemical fertilizers.”
“The remarkable difference noticed in growth of melia dubia is when irrigation is used during summer and soil organic matter like farm yard manure percentage is high. Further it is understood from the study of melia dubia in farmers’ fields that the response of the melia dubia to synthetic chemical fertilizers is not remarkable, whereas soil organic matter and soil depth is enough to allow fast establishment of roots.”
He further lists the factors responsible for economic harvest of melia dubia:
1. Enough water through rainfall or irrigation
2. No water logging; drainage is important where flooding for long period is possible
3. Soil should be rich in organic matter – available either naturally or addition to soil through FYM, vermicompost, or other compost
4. Cured pressed mud is excellent and balanced nutrients for melia dubia is essential – 25 kgs per tree per year is enough
5. Basal application of rock phosphate is a nice idea
6. Intercrop of leguminous family may be recommended during early years of tree planting
7. Instead of synthetic chemical as nutrients, organic nutrients play a vital role in fast growth of melia dubia with quality timely yield in about 6-8 years
8. If soil is marginal and poor in terms of soil organic matter and nutrients, shallow depth of soil and water problem, then it is advocated to supply abundant quantity of organic matter in any form available in your location and NPK mixture at the rate of 25-50 grams per tree, two times, during onset of monsoon
9. Study your location and devise your nutrient application accordingly

10. You can also adopt inter-cultivation of leguminous crops which will gradually increase the soil nutrition.

Mr. Hari Prasath U, Hari Agro Products, experts in the field, too advises enrichment of organic matter in soil. “You need to add as much natural substance as the plants need in the long run. Make your own vermicompost. I would recommend you make a mixture of decomposed leaves and other organic matter such as sugarcane fiber and azospirillum, phospobacteria and related stuff to set the soil fertility condition. I would also recommend spraying panchagavya to these plants and see the results in 2 – 3 months. Apply jeevamirtham to the roots at once in 15-day frequency. The cost of panchagavya application to a tree will be very less compared to that of the chemical fertilizers. It also boosts the immune system of the tree and makes it drought resistant.”

Mr. KS Raj says, “Melia Dubia is a forest tree and grows naturally. To get good and fast growth, you have to create an environment similar to one that prevails in a forest.”

Mr. A Sivakumar, PriyaNurseryGarden says, “The melia dubia plant is forestry plant. So usually we never expect uniform growth. Agricultural and horticultural plants are cultivated in fertile land and the growing conditions controlled. My personal observations in melia dubia plantations is that initially, for one year, we never apply any kind of fertilizer – organic or inorganic.


•The rooted saplings are planted onset of the monsoon or during the monsoon.

•The suggested pit size is 2’ x 2’- 0.60m Cube.

•Espacement of 2.5 m x 2.5 m minimum is recommended.

•Melia Dubia grows on a variety of soils; however, it grows well in deep, fertile and sandy loam soils.

•Natural propagation is mostly through seeds.

•Application of N, P, K mixture of 25 -50 g per tree, two times in a year help to augment the growth.

•The fertilizer requirements can be scheduled on need basis depending on the growth and development of the tree.


•The wood is used for (Cedar Furniture) packing cases, cigar boxes, ceiling planks, building purposes, agricultural implements, pencils, match boxes & splints.

•It is suitable for musical instruments, tea boxes and the most importantly in making plywood, as the wood is anti-termite by itself.

•Melia Dubia is the fastest growing tree and the wood from this tree is used in Plywood Industry.

•It grows rapidly and is used for reforestation and yields a useful timber.

Industrial Use:-

•Melia Dubia has been tested positive for pulpwood and recorded a pulp yield of 50.3% along with kappa number of 19.60.

•It can be used as fire wood for power generation has opened new opportunities for small and medium bio-mass power generation projects.

•As the demand for Melia wood is quite high from the plywood industry, minimum profit of about Rs.60,000 per year from an acre can be ensured for the farmers.

•The wood can be sold for match and veneer industry. The tree with the minimum size of 16inches girth is saleable at the current minimum rate of Rs 2000 per tonne for match industry and for power generation.

The major use of melia Dubia tree will be in Playwood industry.There is no alternate for melia Dubia timber for manufacturing the Playwood products.The above said purpose we can grow the melia Dubia tree for 7 to 8 years will be enough.The melia Dubia tree logs are also utilised for match box sticks,photo frames,pencils(Nataraj Pencil company using the melia dubia wood) mini furnitures like stools,benches,wooden tables and interior decoration instead of Playwood.The melia Dubia timber can be used for window doors,wooden racks,house entrance doors (the age of the melia Dubia tree will be minimum fifteen years).In Coimbatore District ,Palladam Taluk one farmer brought one melia Dubia seedling from Karnataka border and planted it in land not aware of melia Dubia.Now it has attain the age of 10 years old.The timber merchants quote the price for that tree was Rs 15000/-one tree. But he told, “I never cut the tree because this is my "Lakshmi"goddess to me”. So very bright and fantastic demand in future. In India the play wood industries are availiable in Karnataka,Pervauor ,kochi in Kerala ,Kolkotha ,Guaghati & Dimmapur,in north eastern province and Yamuna nagar Dist in Punjab.

Myself and Mr. Umasekhar, did visited 0.25 MW Power plant at Hosur on 14.10.2013, producing energy with Bio-mass plants inputs viz., Melia Dubia and others and found 24 hrs power availability.

Note:- Fascinated by the above facts of information obtained from various sources available in the Net, a group of our friends and relatives wants to utilize this opportunity given by nature, and plant this Miracle Melia Dubia Tree, beginning with buying a low cost agriculture land, near Kanakapura area under co-operative farming conceptproviding infrastructure facilities like fencing and installing borewell water management systems within April – May 2014 and plant this tree in the month of June itself. Estimated costbetween or around 9 to 12 Lakhs per Acre depending on the location & approach to the land.

Young & middle aged investors / venturers can give a thought on this project, so that, they can also make their fortune and comfortably can create a place for enjoyment, a forestation, as well as retirement benefits much in advance. It makes lot of sense.

Zen Proverb says :
“ opportunities always opens the doors, but you must enter by yourself “
“Great minds discuss ideas,
Average minds discuss events,
Small minds discuss people”.
Your thoughts always become things by virtue of Universal Law of Attraction.

With regards

Anand T.V. Mob: 94807 03590