Of a meeting of the
Gender Equality to enable Scientific Excellence Group
On Wednesday 5th March 2014, 2pm in MG12/13
Present: Dr Marie Migaud (Chair)
Dr Irina Tikhonova
Miss Rachel Bennett
Professor Tracy Robson
Ms Johanne Barry
Mrs Sharon McEvoy
Dr Jonathon Coulter
Dr Janine Cooper
Dr Maurice Hall
Dr Amanda McCullough
Apologies: Dr Lana McClements
Dr Heather Anderson
Dr Louise Carson
Dr Lezley-Anne Hanna
In Attendance: Mrs Jean Young
At this stage there is nothing further to report, however, there was a general discussion on the lack of response from the PhD cohort. It was noted that the Students receive a high volume of emails both from the University centrally and from the School and it was felt that this can result in emails not being read. There was discussion on Internships that are available Post-Registration, also 6 – 8 week funded placements over the summer which are also available to Undergraduate students.
Action: Miss Rachel Bennett will send the relevant information to Ms Johanne Barry regarding internship and placement opportunities
2.1 PDRA website
There was a brief discussion on the Web Page. Dr Cian McCrudden is now the Postdoc representative for the School.
Action: Mr Ross Archibald will update the Web Page with this information
There was discussion on the upcoming Symposium to be held on Wednesday 9th April, 2014. Dr McCullough and Dr Cooper reported that they would be hosting a lunch on Thursday 6th March, 2014 for the PDRA society at which the Symposium will be discussed, including the speed presentations. It was reported that the PI’s will be contacted shortly to nominate speakers for the speed presentations.
Action: Dr Cooper and Dr McCullough will email the PI’s to nominate speakers for the speed presentations.
3.1 Dr Migaud discussed the Action Plan. The revised Bronze and the Silver Action Plans. These will be forwarded to the Head of School for approval and then passed to the University SWAN Steering Group by 21st March, 2014.
3.2 Promoting Mentoring
There was discussion on the impact of mentoring for PhD’s, PDRA’s and Academic Staff.
There will be a survey to see if mentoring has been used and if it has made a difference. It is envisaged that there will be an online survey using Survey Monkey at the end of June.
5 questions will be asked on the survey namely,
1. Did you avail of a Mentor?
2. Did you find it useful?
3. If the answer is yes, why did you find it useful?
4. If the answer is No, why did you not it up the Mentoring?
5. If you took up Mentoring, did it result in you making changes to anything?
Action: Dr Migaud will arrange the online survey in May 2014 - Mrs Young will contact Dr Migaud regarding this nearer the time
3.3 Promoting Careers in research and QGI Events
There was discussion on Volunteers to be used as Role Models for promoting careers in research. Professor Robson felt that Dr McClements would be an excellent choice to give a talk at the QGI Career Development Event in September. Dr Migaud has contacted QGI and is awaiting a response.
Action: QGI Career Development Event to be discussed at the next meeting.
Action: Dr McCullough and Dr Cooper will discuss this with Professor Hughes at the next Postdoc Meeting.
3.4 Widening the Impact and Audience of SWAN
There was discussion about the Pharmacy Webpage and on the visibility of the SWAN link on the page.
Action: Dr Migaud will discuss changing the visibility of the SWAN link on the page with Mr Mark McCalmont.
SWAN visibility at the Career Day for Undergraduates was discussed by the group. It was felt that a stand on ‘Women in Science’ would be a positive idea.
Action: Professor Robson will look into getting a Pop-Up Stand for the School re: ‘Woman in Science’
Detailed discussion followed on Academic Staff engagement with the SWAN process. Some committee members felt that SWAN is perceived as being just about women. It was raised that although the SWAN application is geared towards women, best practice should apply across the board. Dr Migaud reported that going forward Key Points from the action plan could be implemented in a genderless way and to the benefit of everyone in the School. The Committee agreed that this was a good idea and that Actions should be implemented School wide.
3.5 SWAN School of Pharmacy events and networking mechanisms
There was a discussion about an International Women’s Day Event (a bake sale) at CCRCB, which was to be hosted jointly by CCRCB and the School of Pharmacy. Despite the information regarding this being circulated within the School of Pharmacy there was only 1 response from the School.
It is hoped that PI’s will encourage PhD’s to support events.
A SWAN Awareness Day, School of Pharmacy event, will be organised during the summer at which money could be raised for a chosen charity.
3.6 Institutional submission – email and information from QGI to SWAN Champions
Dr Migaud led a discussion on an email and attachment which was circulated to the Committee prior to the meeting, for their information.
The attachment contains a table with four main areas that the University as a whole has agreed to look at for SWAN and will require each individual School to provide answers to.
The four areas are:
· The numbers of women on foundation courses and any increases in UGs where women are underrepresented.
· Evidence of positive effect of using welcoming statements/female students given higher profile on websites.
· Information on summer internships provided in the School. Feedback on their value. Opportunities available for Lab Exchanges.
· Support for women before, during and on return from maternity leave.
Action: Dr Anderson to provide Dr Migaud with Female/Male ratios for summer placements/internships provided within the School.
Dr Migaud closed the meeting and thanked the committee members for their attendance.