Lakewood Elementary
The first day of school is fast approaching, and I know what a busy time this is. I would really appreciate your sharing of knowledge and concerns with me. My door is always open, and I hope you will feel free to drop by and discuss whatever needs arise during the school year. I am very excited about working with all of you and thank you so much for your time and feedback!
Directions: Please rank the items from the list below. Number your choices from 1 to 6. Use 1 to indicate the most important and 6 to indicate the least important. Please circle the examples you would like to see implemented.
Number / NeedDelivering classroom guidance lessons as defined by the HEB ISD Guidance Curriculum
Assisting students in developing skills through small group guidance (examples: grief, divorce, social skills, self-confidence, friendship/relationships, study skills, newcomers, or anxiety)
Working with families through education and consultation (examples: parenting skills, preparing for the TAKS, understanding your child’s education, Internet safety, getting to know their community resources, or assistance with appropriate outside referrals)
Responding to crisis situations that develop for students, families, or the school community
Consulting with teachers, students, or families on educational needs and behavior management strategies for individual students or classrooms. (examples: test interpretation, classroom consultation/observation, parent conferences, behavior needs, utilizing the appropriate community resource, or CARE/SST)
Assisting students through limited individual counseling (usually four sessions or less)
Directions: Please answer the questions belowGrade you teach: ______
1. What are the greatest needs of the students at Lakewood?______
2. What are the greatest needs of the staff at Lakewood? ______
3. How often would you like the counselor to visit your classroom for guidance? ______
4. What are the most valuable services offered by the counselor? Why? ______
5. What guidance programs/activities would youlike the counselor implement this year? ______
6. What types of small group counseling would help our students? ______
7. How can I help you with parents, students, and families? ______
8. What types of parent/community education programs would be beneficial? ______
9. What is the most important responsibility of the school counselor? ______
10. What does the school counselor do? ______
11. Please share any ideas or feedback you have for the guidance program. ______
Please drop this form by my office or in my boxonce it is completed.
Thank You,
Lisa Saviñón