SirsiDynix Information for B.C.

SirsiDynix Users Group

B.C. SirsiDynix Users Group Meeting

October 23, 2009

Follow-up Information

Date: November 20, 2009

Submitted by

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 Copyright 2009 SirsiDynix. All Rights Reserved. The contents of this document are unpublished, proprietary and confidential and may not be copied, disclosed, or used, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of SirsiDynix except to the extent required by law and insofar as is reasonably necessary in order to review and evaluate the information contained herein.

Follow-up Information for BC User Group

B.C. SirsiDynix Users Group Meeting

Friday October 23, 2009

Vancouver: Vancouver Public Library

Follow-up questions and answers:


Where is the security for pocket circ?

SirsiDynix:The security comes at the network level. To prevent unwanted access secure the network that pocket circ is using.

Are there different stats for transactions done on Pocket Circ?

SirsiDynix:No.The transactions done on pocket circ are as though they are performed on a terminal client.

Enterprise 3.0

Can other tags in the Marc Record be weighted in Enterprise?

SirsiDynix:Yes the title, author, and pub date. You can also weight data sources added to Enterprise.

Can I have tabs added to distinguish between the search results and database results?

SirsiDynix:Yes. You can add a file to have tabs displayed.

RDA/FRBR Information

SirsiDynix:RDA (Resource Description and Access) is the new cataloging standard that will replace AACR2. The new standard has been developed by the Joint Steering Committee for the Development of RDA and publication of the online web-based tool is planned for late 2009. Please see the Joint Steering Committee’s website ( for additional information about the standard and the current publication schedule.

SirsiDynix staff have been monitoring the progress of RDA and participating in RDA implementation discussions where possible. Via attendance at ALA MARBI meetings, staff are aware of proposed and approved changes to MARC21 in support of RDA. SirsiDynix is one of the ILS vendors invited by staff from LC, National Library of Medicine and National Library of Agriculture to join in discussions and planning for the U.S. RDA testing and evaluation period planned for 2010. Several SirsiDynix customers are participants in this test and evaluation group. The goal of the test is to assure the operational, technical, and economic feasibility of RDA. The three U.S. national libraries will provide a statement on U.S. implementation strategy at the end of this evaluation period. For information about the testing that will occur in the United States, see The other national libraries responsible for RDA content (the British Library, Library and Archives Canada, and the National Library of Australia) will conduct testing and implementation planning at the same time. SirsiDynix staff will also be monitoring these international activities.

In preparation for the 2010 testing and later implementation, SirsiDynix will implement the MARC21 changes approved by MARBI ( into the existing SirsiDynix Symphony and Horizon software. Additional changes will be evaluated based on the findings of the national libraries test group. During this same period, SirsiDynix will also be evaluating the amount of time and programming effort needed to incorporate the FRBR structure into the SirsiDynix Symphony software.

Virtualization and VMWare

Current policy as stated from Client Care management:

SirsiDynix:Although we recognize that many of our customers have successfully deployed SirsiDynix software in virtual environments, SirsiDynix has not yet tested our software in, nor trained its staff to support the software on, these environments. Therefore our official stance is that SirsiDynix software is not yet certified to run in any virtual environment.

However, we are committed to supporting the software insofar as we are able. Client Care will continue to attempt to resolve software problems that are reported. If Client Care is unsuccessful in duplicating a reported problem in our internal (non-virtual) test environments, we will assume that the problem is caused by the virtual installation. And because of the varying systems which may be running in virtual mode, we cannot provide performance guarantees and are limited in troubleshooting performance problems which may occur as a result of a virtual environment.

Any previous statements conveyed from SirsiDynix staff about voiding support agreements for virtual environments are not correct. SirsiDynix Client Care has been apprised of this stance and remains committed to provide high quality support.

Current statement from SirsiDynix Engineering:

When Engineering has finished its due diligence and we are confident in our deployment, performance and functioning in a virtual environment, we'll announce what technologies/products are supported.

We expect that there will be updated announcement regarding virtualization within the next month. Also, please check for information in the SirsiDynix 2010 Roadmap.

LibraryThing and SirsiDynix


RFID “within Horizon”


SirsiDynixPage 1November 20, 2009