Moggill Historical Society Inc.
37 Baaring Drive
Minutes of General Meeting – 7pm, 17 June 2014
Meeting Location: Moggill State School Media Room.
Meeting opened at 7.18pm
Attendance: Helen McMonagle (Chair), Jessica Connolly, Alison Bailey, Joan Westaway, Zerneene Todd, Mark Todd, Margaret Greer, Don Greer, Judy Nissen,Naomi Neale, Lloyd Logan.
Welcome by President: An apology for the meetinglate start and the teething problems associated with the new venue.
- Apologies:Neville Marsh, Bevley D’Aquino, Bruce Flegg, Bill Sugars, Bobbie Volmer,Jessica Connolly andJessie Barker.
- Conflicts of Interest: None Recorded.
- Minutes from previous meeting: Minutes from the meeting on 20 Maywere e-mailed to members prior to the meeting. The spelling of Rodney Lippiatt's name was corrected. Proposed that they be accepted with amendment, moved Margaret Greer, Seconded by Don Greer, carried.
- Financial Report: There was no change to the financial records this month as there were no financial transactions, the previous reconciled balance being $676.89.
As the treasurer, Bevley D’Aquino was unable to attend, voting on the Financial Report was deferred to the next Meeting. - General Business:
- Bruce Flegg has offered the society a filing cabinet, which had been proposed to purchase at the May meeting. It was moved that a letter of thanks to Bruce be sent after the cabinet had arrived.
- The Society's field trip to the Brisbane City Council Archives in Moorooka was discussed. Annabel, the Archivist, has offered to be available on a Tuesday evening provided that we could be there by 4:30pm as she would be there as a volunteer and did not want to stay there too late. It was decided to go on the next meeting night, 15 July at 4:30 and then convene at a nearby Cafe, restaurant or Tavern to have the July General Meeting. Further details including the address will be emailed out.
- The Moggill State School Sesquicentennial (150 Years) anniversary will be held in 2016 and Moggill State School Principal DarrenMarsh will be co-ordinating the event preparations.
- Annette Baxter, the author of the history of the Kenmore Sanatorium has sought information about the Sinnamon family of Moggill. Don Greer advised that Joe Sinnamon moved to Moggill from Seventeen Mile Rocks in 1889. Judy Nissen will refer the query to Kay Vagne who may be able to help.
- Our new meeting venue at the MoggillSchool does not have the tea and coffee facilities that the Guide hut had. Helen had investigated the purchase of coffee mugs printed with the Society’s logo so that members did not have to bring their own cups. Enamel mugs, printed with the Society's logo can be made for $8 each with a minimum production run of 50. This would require us to sell some of the mugs to fund to purchase.
It was decided that members should continue to bring their own coffee mugs.
- Tea/Coffee Break
- Mark Todd gave a presentation of the Society’s website that he had written, and demonstrated some of the information available. This included the Gazetteer which is where the results of the Street Names Project are to be made available. Submissions of information or photos for inclusion in the website are still being sought, please send to .
- Lloyd Logan moved that a vote of thanks to Mark for the production of the webpage; seconded Alison Bailey; passed by acclamation.
- Meeting officially closed 8:42pm.
- Next Meeting: Tuesday 15July, starting at 4:30pm, atthe Brisbane City Council Archives, Muriel Avenue, Moorooka. The meeting will be given a demonstration and tour of the Archives and the Society's business items will be discussed at a nearby venue afterwards.NOTE – this trip, and the July meeting, subsequently cancelled due to illness of Archives staff.