ASNE EBM Minutes
Date: September 9, 2016 11:30 – 1:00 pm
Telephone: Mike D’Amato, Ray Weber, Dave Zilber, Dr. Jen Michaeli, CDR Drew
Present: Lt. Christina Carino, Amy Pearlstein, Jim Brinkman, Herb Hood, Joe Yurso,
Ed Kules, Paul Siebeking, Lon Schofield, Headquarters, and Jan Rivas
1. General Section Business: Lt. Christina Carino called the meeting to order @ 11:34am.
a.) August EBM minutes were reviewed; had discussion regarding “Action Items” which should be part of the minutes which was excluded in August EBM minutes. Amy Pearlstein made the suggestion that action items (past and current) shall be reviewed at the end of each EBM and will be published in the minutes monthly. Motion was made and second to accept August minutes as written.
b.) Jim Brinkman reviewed the budget, indicating that not much has changed. Jim reported that he received sponsorship checks from ODU; all outstanding account receivables have been collected. Motion made and second to accept financial report as written.
c.) Agenda/Committee items:
a. Newsletter/Arrangement Updates: Typically newsletter articles are due on the first Friday of the month and it is published three days later (Monday).
b. Scholarships: Ray Weber reported that the scholarship committee was having the fall kick-off meeting today, September 9, 2016. The committee plans to increase outreach strategy in the coming year. They will split scholarship recipients into two groups: 1. Graduate to graduate and 2. Undergraduate to undergraduate. Currently have 4 scholarships, committee wants to add another scholarship to the scholarship account, which would be Tidewater controlled. Ray will report on the kick-off meeting at the next EBM.
Ray also reported that Ken Blair served on the scholarship committee for the last few years and he has announced that he will not be able to participate this year. Ray asked the EBM members to consider volunteering for this position so that TW has two reps on the committee to ensure TW recipients are considered fairly.
c. Dewitt Davis STEM Award, Publicity, and Marketing (Jan Rivas): Currently making appointments with recipients, sending letters and making arrangements with recipients to present the checks.
Jan Rivas made the suggestion that we obtain a storage unit for TW ASNE tents/banners, equipment, books, etc. in one location rather than disbursed all over TW. SEE ACTION ITEMS
d.) Symposia:
· FMMS 2016: Mike reported we are less than one week away; we are in good shape and have a strong program, we are currently polishing last minute details. In the last few weeks, the committees have accomplished much work in their areas; exhibits, sponsorships, and registrations have all caught up. Our objective of broadening engagement and participation among the Maritime Commerce community, both military and industrial have been achieved. We are excited about the new venue and have engaged the carrier world as well as Army support. After beating the bushes with all Commands and pushing out to the military, we are now looking strong.
o Venue changed due to a significant difference in price as well as price creep; clear message for VBCC to be more competitive.
o Golf tournament had a late start but made fast progress on sponsors. Mike D’Amato to get an update from Ed Gooding.
o TW booth set-up underway and discussion about scrolling presentation which required WiFi in order to run. SEE WEBMASTER UPDATE and ACTION ITEMS.
o TW booth still had open slots to man the booth; Christina Carino and Amy Pearlstein volunteered for the Tuesday afternoon timeframe to fill the slot. Jan Rivas and Herb Hood has all required materials for the booth. Some discussion on book sales; to have a form (to get required information) which will make it easier for those manning the booth and processing book sales. The FMMS2016 TW booth manning schedule has been published and Lt. Carino will forward to EBM members. Booth will require electrical power which Andy Vasquez secured; Amy Pearlstein to double check with Andy to ensure power has been requested from HRCC. SEE ACTION ITEMS
e.) National Vice President & Former Presidents Update: Joe participated in the council meeting; he reported that the President conducted a presentation expressing a loud message. The National Society in the last five years is experiencing a downward cycle; membership declining as well as financially distressed and if we do not fix the problem, the Society will be out of business in 2017. The President was reaching out, asking for help. He has created six committees as a result and is asking for members to participate.
Some discussion regarding what TW Section can do locally in support of headquarters. Joe Yurso suggested to form a subcommittee to develop ideas as input to National and plan notions of what can be done locally. Joe reported that he would distribute the President’s message (presentation) to the EBM members. SEE ACTION ITEMS
f.) National Councilor Update: (Dave Norris, Pete Lyle, and Greg Sanford); No update
g.) Section of the Year (Dave Zilber): No update
h.) Section & National Membership Update (Paul Siebeking): Paul reported that he has not received an update from Headquarters; FMMS has consumed resources so Paul will request an update by the end of the month. Paul conveyed that the last update distributed had 95 TW delinquent memberships; 1/5th of our membership. Specific discussion regarding sending delinquent membership letters to members, a function of Headquarters and was this still being accomplished. Question asked, if we should send out delinquent letters to members as well. Lt. Carino to discuss with Leigh the week of FMMS. SEE ACTION ITEMS
i.) National Ways and Means Update: No update
j.) Programs Update (Ed Kules): Ed articulated that he sent out an example calendar of events, a planning timetable for EBM members in which he has not received any feedback. Much discussion on the value added this would afford EBM members; and much debate on the intensive maintenance and updates required to maintain as well as ownership. This tool could be included in the minutes, newsletters, and posted to the website/admin (more discussion included in Webmaster Update); the committee members agreed this would have value. All committee members were to review the file and provided feedback to Ed. SEE ACTION ITEMS
Amy Pearlstein made a motion that after all initial feedback is provided to Ed, TW secretary will assume responsibility in maintaining calendar of events and to include as such in the minutes, newsletters, marketing and Program schedule. Motion was second and passed.
k.) Webmaster Update: Demonstrated how website scrolling file will appear at FMMS onscreen. It was discovered that in order to access file, Wi-Fi or Internet Connection was required; an assumption made this was available. This is an additional cost from HRCC (internet-$200/WiFi-$400). Lon will create PowerPoint presentation of scrolling pictures so as not to require internet services. SEE ACTION ITEMS
As a result of recommendation made at the last EBM, Lon sent out a detailed description of the infrastructure proposed for the on-line website event registering process. To date, there has been no feedback received. SEE ACTION ITEMS
l.) USN & USCG Fleet Liaison & EOQ (Lt. Carino, CDR Andrew Pecora,
USCG): Had 2nd Programs’ meeting; Lt. Carino reached out to members
requesting additional committee member(s). Jim Brinkman stated that he
would encourage the Moderators at FMMS to send emails out to invite
Board members had specific discussion on the website/admin section to consider its utilization, could be the perfect environmental forum for EBM members. All agreed it was worth exploring prospects.
m.) ODU Student Chapter Update (Dr. Jen Michaeli/Dr. Tony Dean): Dr,
Michaeli stated they just finished up a membership drive and had interest from
approximately 50 students. Commenced 1st semester last week; Chapter will
be hosting a panel discussion with Norfolk Naval Shipyard and currently
lining up speakers.
n.) Announcements: ASNE awards are due in October. Need to discuss further
(off-line). Lt. Carino to send out email- SEE ACTION ITEMS
Meeting adjourned at 1:15 pm. Next meeting Friday, October 7, 2016
Action Items (Past and Current) * Indicates previous action item
ACTION ITEM / RESPONSIBLE / STATUS / REMARKSEstablish EOQ Committee – include Fleet participation / Lt. Carino / Ongoing*
Contact Captain at SURFMEPP about SURFMEPP TW Chapter / Herb Hood/Andy Vasquez / Ongoing* / .
Recommend adding PMP Certification to SOY points / Kathleen Hinton/Marty / In process* / Jim Brinkman to get with Marty Oard
Review details of Lon’s step by step process for reservations on website / EBM Members / In process / Required by 9/16; approval granted-NTE $1,275 (much to accomplish prior to Oct dinner meeting)
Review Calendar of Events (CoE) and provide input to Ed Kules / EBM Members / In process / Required by 9/23
Gather cost estimates for a storage unit for TW ASNE assets / Jan Rivas / In process / Required by Oct EBM
Create a written inventory of TW ASNE materials/equipment / Jim Brinkman (Lead); EBM members to submit what they possess / In process / Required by 9/23
Send out President’s PowerPoint presentation / Joe Yurso / Completed
Discuss delinquent membership letters with Leigh McCue / Lt. Carino / In process / During FMMS
Reach-out to Junior Officers and Fleet/Ships for participation in EOQ / Lt. Carino / In process
Distribute FMMS TW Booth manning schedule to EBM members / Lt. Carino / In process
Print ASNE Chapter summarization flyer for FMMS TW booth / Ed Kules / In process / Provide to Herb Hood
Check with Andy to ensure TW booth has electrical power / Amy Pearlstein / Completed / All set
Create thumb drive for website scroll (so as not to require WiFi) / Lon Scofield / In process / Required by Tuesday 9/13
Send out email WRT awards / Lt. Carino / In process / Required by 9/16
Herb Hood, 757-228-1730, ext.308 / / Section Councilor / X
LT Christina Carino 757-268-1474 / / Chairman/USN Fleet Liaison / X
Jim Brinkman, 757-477-3855 / / Treasurer / X
Amy Pearlstein, 757-672-5915 / / Chapter Secretary, National Awards Committee / X
Mike D’Amato, 757-641-2877 / / National Vice President / Phone
Dave Norris, 757- 717-4955 / / Section Councilor, National Councilor
Dr. Jennifer Michaeli, 757-683-3770 / / National Councilor / Phone
Greg Sanford, 757-427-5734 / / National Councilor
Victor Ortiz, 850-529-6423 / / ODU Chapter President
Bruce Woodruff, 804-639-1224 / / National Councilor
Charlie Pfeifer, 757-424-2013 / / National Ways & Means
Paul Siebeking, 757-481-4030 / / National Councilor, Region III & Section Membership / X
Joe Yurso, 757-490-5036 / / / Past National President / X
Kathleen Hinton, 757-373-0079 / / Past National President
Marty Oard, 757-966-5670 / / National Section Councilor
Kathleen Murray, 757-438-6790 / / Section Councilor
Andy Vasquez, 757-434-5331 / / Section Councilor
Jan Rivas, 757-202-1019 / / Publicity/Marketing Chairman / X
Dr. Jason Strickland, 240-388-2536 / / National Membership Chairman
Ed Kules, 757-284-9401 / / Programs Co-Chairman / X
Kevin Terry / / Programs Co-Chairman
Lon Scofield 757-635-3613 / / Webmaster / X
Dave Jarvis, 757-636-1661 / / Newsletter & Arrangements
Ray Weber, 757-494-4512 / / Scholarships / Phone
RADM Mark Hugel, USN (Ret.), 757-962-3531 / / National Vice President
John Murphy, 757-450-5719 / / SURFMEPP Chapter Chairman
Ron Spano, 757-443-2650, ext. 4450 / / PEC Liaison
Dave Zilber, 757-266-2193 / / Mega Rust Chairman / Phone
Dr. Tony Dean 757-589-1357 / / ODU Chapter
Kevin Carpentier (843) 760-4364 (O); (843) 343-9660 / / Charleston SC Chapter Chairman
CDR Andrew Pecora / / USCG Fleet Liaison / Phone