Employer Demonstration Script

Before you get started …

  1. Do you have a computer with an internet connection and a way to project your screen? If you do, everyone in the room can see and appreciate ALEX®right along with you.Also, by ALEX, we mean the benefits counselor.That’s what we’re focusing on in this document.Once you have this down, any other demos should be a breeze!
  2. Keep a copy of the Personal Benefits Webpage (PBW for short) handy. What’s the PBW? It’s that nice link that ALEX sends you in an email after you complete the introduction stage of the online experience. After you finish the interactive portion of your discussion, you can have the PBW on hand to show employees the helpful summary that ALEX provides.

First thing’s first. What’s this ALEX thing anyway?

Before jumping in to the demo, take a minute to explain what, exactly, ALEX is and what he can do for your employees. You might want to begin by considering why the employees will want to visit ALEX. Are there new benefit options this year? Do they want to compare plan costs?

Think about the context in which you are presenting and warm up your audience by mentioning how ALEX can help them. Once you’ve discussed the needs of your audience, it’s time to talk about ALEX. We’ve included some of the points we think are most important below, but feel free to ad-lib as appropriate.

Key points

ALEX is the host of an interactive conversation that guides you through the process of selecting your benefits:

  • Speaks in plain English—no insurance jargon
  • Highly interactive, engaging, made by video game developer
  • Personalized and customized for each employee
  • Feels like you’re having a real conversation—with a benefits expert, no less
  • Can be accessed anytime, anywhere there’s an internet connection (including at home by spouses or partners)
  • Totally anonymous!

OK, but how does this ALEX thing work?

The best way to see how ALEX works is to just have a chat with him. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you start up the demo:

  • Have a computer set up with a browser window open.
  • Load up the demo URL (demos.jellyvisionlab.com/ALEX/), or use your own ALEX if it’s ready for public viewing.
  • Once the demo has loaded, choose to review the Medical module.It’s probably the thing your employees will be most interested in.
  • Do enter an email address when ALEX asks. This will get your employees comfortable with the idea.
  • In order to keep the audience engaged, ask them to supply the answers to the questions…but do so in a fun, irreverent manner.
  • For instance, when ALEX asks if you’re married, turn to the audience and ask something like, “So, what do you all think?Are we married?”
  • For kids, do something similar… “How many kids should we have?”
  • Go through the questions with the audience and let ALEX make a recommendation based on the data that you’ve entered (in other words, ask ALEX to “Help me pick a plan”, if you have multiple plan options).
  • Once he makes a recommendation, open the Personal Benefits Webpage and click around to show where information is stored.
  • Here, it’s important to note that onceALEX has sent the link to a Personal Benefits Webpage, it will always be available to the employee all year and will be continually updated the more he/she talks with ALEX.
  • After that, go back to the home page.Show the employees that the Medical module has been completed, and tell them that they can go through all the modules at their leisure.

How to begin using ALEX

Explain to your employees how they can access ALEX on their own. Of course, you’ll have your own detailed instructions, but in general, employees should know to:

  1. Keep on the lookout for an email, intranet link, flyer, etc. with a URL that gives you access to ALEX.
  2. Set aside some time to go through the conversation.Make sure you have a computer with speakers, internet access, and Adobe Flash.Check to make sure your computer volume is on.
  3. Once you have gone through the conversation with ALEX, you can return at any point for clarification. But remember: your choices will also be stored on your Personal Benefits Webpage.That is a great resource if you want to know what you’ve selected, but don’t want to go through the whole conversation again.

If your employees want to learn more, direct them to further resources on ALEX.

JellyvisionMay 2014CONFIDENTIAL