"God has given each of you some special abilities;
be sure to use them to help each other, passing
on to other's God's many kinds of blessings."
--Peter 4:10
"Be sure to use the abilities God has given you…Put these abilities to work."
--Timothy 4:14
How Far are We Meant to Go?
Let me start, by saying that I am in no way some fanatic or freak rambling on like a crazy cult
member or something. ? I am just your average person that has seen quite a few different
scenarios of "life" in general, and have been right there with fellow college graduates, partying,
sinning, and learning about "life" in a generic world. I have seen both sides of the spectrum;
from popularity and giving in to the pleasures of life, to reflecting on what kind of impact this
could have on me and those around me. I am truly happy for the many countless blessings that
have been given, but I am not in anyway, the type that would try and force religion upon
another person. That is for you to decide. I would be happy to help in anyway possible, but I
will not be forcing anything on anyone by any means. Faith has had a huge factor on myself
and of me attempting to correct my ways; as my writings/style reflect, but Shirkers is a class, a
mixed martial arts class of complete training. We would love to help anyone who would like
to be helped, but in class, we will teach, not preach about our complete system of training.
Shirkers does however, have its origin as a Christian system of the Knights Templar; so those
not comfortable with this, would probably be better off looking else where for training
purposes. This is a very demanding course, that will not give rank away lightly. This is the
kind of system that will give one insight on their very being, as well as preparation for the most
grueling of combative events. We subscribe to the concept of "Safety-Defense" (protection of
one's self as well as those around them that are in need of protection/help), as opposed to
strictly "Self-Defense," (protection of one's self). We have no reason to teach the ways of
Shirkers to the evil, or those who would abuse their power for their own selfish motives; but if
you seek to be rounded in all defensive combat ways, if you seek to know more of the Knights
Templar, if you seek to do what you can for the benefit of society, and if you wish to be
prepared to defend your loved ones from the evil of the world then read on…and see just "how
far the rabbit hole goes..."
First of all, I am a Christian first and foremost; a loyal & humble Christian servant. In the
end, the only thing that matters is Christ. Not what we own, how "cool" we are, or how
generic we are, but that we lived a good life; a good Christian life, helping others as we can
and having Christ in our heart and soul. This is the inevitable truth. We all know this, we just
pretend not to sometimes. Just because it may not always be the most "popular" thing with all
people, we have to rise above merely what others think and do what is so obvious, but people
often try and run away or hide from; acceptance of one's own mortality. That we are loved and
cherished by something that we can not fully understand, explain, or comprehend. And that is
Christ. Please pray to Christ if you have not already. Confess your sins, ask him to come into
your heart and accept that he died on the cross for us all, rose on the third day, and will come
again where we will all live in his house forever and ever. Accept Christ and be a true
Christian and truly be saved. This paragraph is the inexorable truth, so any of my findings or
research are all under this understanding. We are meant to go as far as Christ wants us to go in
other words. Some things are beyond our understanding and we are therefore not meant to
understand. Consider this: 100 years ago…….We still had one last Indian war, horse was the
main source of transportation, the "Old West" was just coming to a close, a few basic models
of the first automobile were just under way, flight was still believed as fool hearty and not
possible. Now, in just 100 years, we have jets, nuclear weapons constructed through the most
complex of nuclear physics, hydrogen weapons, landing on the moon, space stations, super
highways, super computers, cloning of animals, the first signs of artificial intelligence! This
was looked at as absurd 100 years ago. But now…'s merely "science." Do not turn away
from Christ or try and write him off. You can not let this happen. Of course, I'm not sure
where the world is going, but I do know that we must stay faithful and loyal to Jesus Christ and
follow his teachings and in so, help mankind in every way that we can.
We must be prepared to deal with the "evil" that comes...
"Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and you're feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with
which you can extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and
the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of the God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions
with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying
for all the saints." (Ephesians 6:13-16) Thank you.
The Knight Templar & "Shirkers"
Many of the techniques used by today's Western special forces groups come from the
mysterious "Far East," but east is only a direction. It is true that many of these special forces
groups get thier origins from groups such as the Ninja. But down through the ages, the West
has not been slack in producing its own cadres of night fighters and special forces groups.
Some of these have a history that goes back to time unrecorded, while others have their origins
as recent as the 20th century.
Many people do not think about the "Wolfshirts" of the Vikings or even the Native
American Indians of the West in the same league as the ninja; but their same tactics and battle
strategy (with slight alterations of course), were the same none the less. The Wolfshirt
Norseman honored bravery above all else and thought nothing of throwing themselves into
battle against far superior forces. But the Norseman also admired guile and cunning. The envy
of any modern SEAL operation, wolfshirts would drift silently down rivers, gliding ashore just
before dawn to strike their enemies. –Several hundred years later, the night-fighting ability of
the Indian terrified European settlers. The Indians' skills were light-years ahead of the
colonists' because prior to the coming of the white man, Native Americans had amused
themselves by raiding rival tribes who were equally skilled in the arts of stealth and combat
fighting. *–But our focus is in between these two groups, in the year 1118.
During the Crusades, various groups of crusading knights orders came into being. One of
the most well known, were the Knights Templar, founded in 1118. In a relatively short time,
the Templar went from being an impoverished order to being one of the richest in Europe,
having castles and estates stretching from Paris to the Levant. As they grew more powerful,
the Templar inevitably acquired powerful enemies who needed watching. With incredible
foresight, especially in an age of internecine warfare and petty nationalistic loyalties, the
grandmasters of the Knights Templar set up Europe's first international intelligence network
with fielding operatives in every European kingdom and principality. These Templar intrigant
(a French term meaning "one who engages in intrigue), agents were also known as
SHIRKERS. In medieval times, the word shirk, today synonymous with evading the
performance of a duty or obligation, meant to go stealthily or to sneak, and aptly describes the
intent and actions of Templar shirkers special forces groups. Shirkers were expected to master
(along with all of their Christian Knightly duties), the twin techniques of "shirk and dirk"—
stealth and if need be, assassination. Their motto: "an ear to every crack, and a dirk through
every crevice." They spied on, did coop missions, and removed through bribe, scandal, or
assassination anyone who posed a danger to the Christian Order. (A basic "special forces" of
the Templar so to speak). And this, is where "Shirkers" originated. –After the Templar' order
was suppressed at the beginning of the 14th century, surviving Templar scattered, some helping
to found Masonic secret societies. Some Templar shirkers helped disseminate techniques of
shadow and stealth by taking work as mercenaries, spies, and martial arts instructors. (Dr.
This is the basic "overview" of where the term "shirkers" has come from and its roots. The
most closely related method of combat used by shirkers is that of the ninja. As it will be
discussed and shown in later sections, ninjitsu covers all aspects of "doing anything that it
takes." And this same train of thought too, is necessary when facing the demons/evil of the
world. Taijutsu or (unarmed combat), of the ninja, also ties straight into that of the
Templar/shirker; a sense of "anything goes." All of these will be thoroughly discussed later in
this documentation. Now we have the origins of shirkers. But this is just a glimpse of what
shirkers is all about. It is now necessary to look further into the Knights Templar, to get a full
understanding of who they were/are, and their impact on history.
Mission Statement—(so to speak—from "beyond heroes")
**We ALL must unite in love & harmony as best as we can, if we hope to make God happy in our inevitable judgement. Christian, Muslim, Islamic, Buddhist, etc., etc. - we must set aside our differences and unite in alliance against the evils of the world, which are Satan. I love God with all my heart, and would die for Christ if needed, and while I hope that you turn to Christ; that is a personal journey that you must undertake and find. *But never the less, our battle is not against one another, it is against Satan and it's demons, along with their many schemes and disguises. Unite behind love and sprituality, and realize that the devil is our enemy, not each other my Brothers & Sisters...**
"The Templar are priests with a mission. They do as they can through Christ to assist in
saving souls of humanity. This could involve removing corrupt priests, restoring honor of the
Church, and destroying Daemonic forces threatening to create hell on earth. To a Templar
daemonic evil is an affront to his faith, destroying an agent of evil is a holy act. Though the
Templar becomes a raging avenger when confronting daemonic forces, he is otherwise
thoughtful and compassionate. He sees himself as an advocate of the common man, a source
of solace to the downtrodden and disadvantaged. He can if needed, conduct impromptu prayer
services in makeshift chapels, and can officiate/assist at Christenings and burials. Though
completely devoted to his Christian faith, a Templar respects all other religions except those of
daemonic worship.
Templar try and live by the following codes:
1) Promote the principles and ideals of Christianity.
2) Honor and respect all members of humanity regardless of race or religion. (this does
not apply to those who have clearly turned to evil.)
3) Sacrifice his life for his fellow man if necessary.
4) Consider the feelings of others and take care not to offend them. In other words,
"common courtesy" and manners. Hold one's self in a respectful manner at all times.
5) Speak tactfully and kindly; avoiding such things as insulting, gossiping, or talking
judgment on another person.
6) Behave with dignity; refraining from emotional outbursts, excessive eating or drinking,
foul language and/or other unseemly acts.
7) A Templar demonstrates unyielding courage in the face of adversity. No danger is too
great to prevent him from fulfilling a promise or completing a mission. His
commitment is stronger than his fear of pain, hardship, or even death.
8) A Templar always tells the truth as he knows it. He may decline to speak or choose to
withhold information, but he will never intentionally mislead anyone, even his enemies.
Though a Templar does not make promises lightly, once he give his word he always
keeps it. He behaves in a morally sound manner even when he's by himself or when no
one else will know of his actions.
9) Honor also involves respect, not just for the Templar's peers and superiors, but for
anyone sharing their commitment to goodness and justice. The Templar shows mercy
to the repentant as well. * Templar would rather die before compromising their
principles, betraying their faith, or abandoning a protected charge.
10) The Templar remains humble in spirit and action. He speaks modestly of his deeds, if
at all, grateful for the opportunity to fulfill his moral obligations.