Ms. Biddle2017-2018
Room 207
English 11 Syllabus
Ms. Biddle’s Contact Information:
Phone- 546-3127 ext. 3040
*After school tutoring will be available Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday until 3:00 p.m.
I coach field hockey during the fall and spring and will be unavailable on some game days;
students will be notified ahead of time if I will be unavailable.
This course is designed to cover all basic areas of English and to emphasize those skills necessary to meet Pennsylvania Common Core Standards. In literature the student will study the short story, nonfiction, poetry, drama, and the novel. The study of important American authors, relevant literary terms, and vocabulary will be incorporated into the various units. Writing assignments will include reader response journals, compositions based on literature as well as autobiographical narratives and argumentative research essays. Students will concentrate on fine-tuning many aspects of grammar in their writing. Bellringers during the year will revolve around grammar helping to prepare those students who plan to take the SAT during their junior year.
Texts:Pearson Common Core Literature: The American Experience
Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Of Mice and Menby John Steinbeck
Materials Needed:A three-ring binder with notebook paper or a folder and notebook
Your literature book or novel (when specified)
A writing utensil – preferably a pencil or a blue or black pen
Units Covered:1st marking period – Tuesdays with Morrie and poetry;short stories and nonfiction
2nd marking period – The Crucible; research
3rd marking period – Pearson Common Core Literature: The American Experience short stories, nonfiction, and poetry
4th marking period – Of Mice and Men and The Great Gatsby
Assessment:In-class activities:literature circles (discussion groups), dramatic readings, journal entries, and reader responses, practice exercises, homework assignments, quizzes, tests, projects, paragraphs, and essays will be assessed on a total point basis each marking period.
Classroom Rules
- Bring all needed materials to class: a pencil (or blue/black pen), binder/notebook, and specified text(s).
- Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings; complete the bellringer assignment upon entry.
- Respect and be polite to all people and property. Listen actively when the teacher or other students are speaking. Stay on task without disturbing or distracting others.
- Follow instructions the first time they are given, and then ask pertinent questions after directions are given.
- Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.
Negative Consequences:
- Verbal warning (documented on attendance chart)
- 5-15 minutes (based on severity of offense) before or after schooldetention (room 207) same or next day (no shows are given school detention- 1 hour)- student must work on school assignments or read independently for entire time
- Student isolation and completion of Think Sheet (completed in the back of the classroom or Room 203 or 205 with neighboring teacher if student is still disrupting), and 30 minutes before or after school detention (room 207) next day (no shows are given school detention- 1 hour)- student must work on school assignments or read independently for entire time
- Phone call or note sent home (a parent/teacher conference may be requested depending on the severity or at the parents’ discretion) and 30 minutes before or after school detention (room 207) next day (no shows are given school detention- 1 hour)- student must work on school assignments or read independently for entire time
- Dismissal to office along with completed referral form
*Severe clause- Student sent immediately to office with a referral slip filled out to submit to the principal.
Swearing or the use of foul language (or language I consider inappropriate), lying, or cheating will result in an after school detention based on the procedure outlined in the teacher handbook.
Positive Consequences:
- Smile
- Display work on “Star Indians”bulletin board
- Classroom recognition
- Encouraging words
- Positive note or call/email home
- No weekend homework
Students must enter the classroom quietly and find their seats. A bellringer will be posted on the Promethean Board for students to complete promptly upon entry.
Students will only be allowed to leave the classroom for emergencies. I prefer that you NOT leave at the start of class. It is better to sign out after directions are given for the day and we are doing some type of independent work. Also, signing out right after lunch is normally unnecessary – use your lunch/free time wisely and stay in class. To leave the room, you must ask permissionat an appropriate time and thensign outand take the classroom pass.
Students are expected to participate in discussion/activities daily and complete all classroom and homework assignments.Grades are kept as raw points. For example: 300/350 = 85.7% or 86% for the report card.
I will not take time at the beginning of class to help students get caught up when they are absent. It is your responsibility to check the absentee folder for your class period to get missed materials and talk with a seat partner if you have questions. Students should see me before or after school upon return. Make-up work, tests, and quizzes must be completed and turned in according to Pathfinder guidelines. You must see me in a timely manner (during the day of return) to schedule make-ups.
Each student must have his/her name at the top of all assignments. Work must be legible (if you have to question it, you probably need to type your work) and written/typed on appropriate paper with no fringes.
Homework or classwork not turned in when collected will not be accepted.
If a major writing assignment or project is not turned in when due, HALF CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN IF TURNED IN BY THE NEXT REGULAR CLASS. AFTER THE NEXT CLASS, YOU WILL RECEIVE A ZERO.
For each tardiness after the first, the student will be expected to make up the time by coming before or after school (two minutes). Students with excessive tardiness (more than three in a marking period) will be given a detention and parents/guardians will be notified.
All work for this class must be your own. Plagiarism, cheating, or talking during assessments will result in a detention with work made up during that time, and parents will be notified immediately. Students may only receive up to a 70% on the assignment.
During class computers are to be used only when working on class assignments. Misuse of computers will result in a suspension of computer use during class time.Also, students are to use classroom equipment with care! Students are responsible for their desks, class materials, and computer equipment! If any problems or changes in the work area are noticed, report them as soon as possible.
I would like to know when the best time to contact parents/guardians in regards to grades, conferences, and/or positive or negative behaviors noted in class. Please complete and sign to help with this matter and verify you have read and comply with the rules, procedures, and consequences mentioned in the syllabus as well as allow your student to read the literature required for class. Thank you.
Parents/Guardians: Please complete, sign, and return!
Student name: ______
driver walker bus rider drop off
Contact name(s): ______
Connection to student: parent step-parent grandparent foster parent guardian
Internet access (circle one):YesNo
Muncy Parentlink App user (circle one):YesNo
Email address: ______
Phone number: ______Best time to call: ______
Preferred method of contact (circle one): phoneemailapp
Student Name (Print): ______
Student Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Name (Print): ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______