MBPA Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
SATURDAY April 16, 2011
188 Tallac at 10:00 am (Lathrop Residence)
1.Call to order- Scott, 10:05 am
Board Members in Attendance (In person): Dennis Farnesi, Ryan Davis, Greta Atkinson, Scott Smith, Shon Ledin(arrived 10:27a)
Board Members Absent: Wes McNay
Board Members , Remote Attendance: Brendan Riley(Skype), Marijeanne Rende(phone)
Guests: Roy Pike, Phyllis Pike, Novell Lathrop
2.Secretary’s report – Marijeanne Rende
Marijeanne reviewed the meeting minutes from 1/15, one correction raised and completed
Motion Steve Lathrop to approve meeting minutes from 1/15, second Dennis, Farnesi , All approved
3.Treasurer’s report- Scott reported for Wes McNay
Summary of Finances a/o 4/1/2011
MBPA Checking $28,970.80
Buoy Checking, $16,089.15
Total in Bank, $45, 059.95
Lots of deposits into Buoy account
Paid 2 bills to High Sierra Marine, balance $0
Dennis Farnesi Motion to approve treasurers report
Second Greta Atkinson, All approved
Old business:
1.TRPA update- Scott Smith
Meeting was held by Nevada to consider pulling out of TRPA compact
Implications for California if Nevada pulls out
Essential moratorium for TRPA right now in regulatory efforts
2.Clam Update – Scott Smith
No recent news
Marion Whitman reported that tarp last summer worked well in Marla Bay test
3.Fire Safe Council- Ryan Davis reported for Bruce Atkinson
Probably no new grant money in future
Best for homeowners to apply / use any money/rebate this year
4.Buoys, Buoy Committee update- Phyllis Pike
Paid, 40 participants, 2 in question
Need board approval to request High Sierra Marine to direct bill buoy users
Individual owners get report, their responsibility to get bill and pay (MBPA will not get involved in payments)
Late request for Buoy, Rahbeck
Concern that requester is not ‘owner of record’ for property
Dennis Farnesi motion to defer decision for potential property owner to next meeting, Scott Smith to invite applicant to next board meeting at which time request will be considered;
Second Steve Lathrop, All approved
Action: Scott will contact him to follow-up and invite to next meeting
Phyllis needs help with 7 buoy heads re-stenciled today
Action: Scott will send email to applicants who haven’t provided full information, last reminder or buoy permit will be pulled back
State Lands permits don’t stick well to buoys,
Action: Phyllis will contact State Lands for alternate approach
Ryan Davis motion to request Phyllis to make good faith effort to place stickers on corners of field
Second Steve Lathrop, All approved
5.Marla Bay Swag and Logo -Shon Ledin and Brendan Riley
Brendan showed sample burgee/pennant, uv resistant
Investigated pricing, price drops if bulk order
10x15 size, 12x18 size
$746 total bill to make/ship(15 of each size)
Greta Atkinson motion to approve $746 for initial order of burgees
Steve Lathrop Second, All approved
After discussion Greta Atkinson raised motion to amend approved budget for initial order up to $1500 , will order first batch of 30 and then reorder as indicated by demand, Brendan will manage;
Steve Lathrop , second, All approved;
Brendan suggested Board change name of buoy committee to ‘MBPA Yacht and Beach Club ‘
Buoy committee operates under rules of MBPA
Scott Smith asked if Board should consider ordering tee shirts, sweatshirts, etc. with new logo
Group decision to defer decision until burgees received/reviewed
6.Design and Placement of Kayak Racks – Shon Ledin
Board reviewed/discussed Shon’s information after investigation
Suggestion that MBPA order 2 racks to start
Pricing $1144 ea
Shon Ledin raised motion to purchase2 racks $2288 total , Second Steve Lathrop, All approved
7.Beach Rules- Greta Atkinson
Board reviewed proposed rules that Greta drafted after investigation of other communities guidelines
Action: Greta will revise and board will review at next meeting
8.Beach cleanup contract- Scott Smith
Action: Scott will contact Bob’s Gardening
Scott will find out cost, resign last year’s contract
Further old business:
General Improvement District - Roy Pike
a. GID Business -
EPA has studied clarity of Lake; $1.3B spent in study
Biggest problem, land-based debris e.g. dirt/street particles end up in Lake
GIDs will probably get new street sweeper, allocated to use by various GIDs, cost will be shared amongst all GIDs
Plan in place by Fall, 2013 target for implementation
Looking at permit process forcing contractors to clean street each work day
Sole Income to GID is sales tax revenue, just got check for Feb tax bill
Snow plowing costs $21,000 this year, over budget
Need to shore up North Bay stairs due to erosion
b.Clean up- bag or no bag and dates
June 2(Thursday)
Preference, to bag, put at property edge next to street
MBPA - should consider pickup costs for annual cleanup this year, as GID budget cannot cover this year
Scott Smith raised motion to provide $5000 one time obligation by Board to cover cleanup, this year only; future year obligations will need to be reviewed by Board
Second Greta Atkinson, All approved
c. On street Parking
MBPA streets controlled by GID
Indiv owners can call Sheriff, issue citation
Letters will go to violators prior to May 1 about enforcement
Policy has been vetted with County/Sheriff
New Business:
1.Discussion of Scott’s Replacement as President of MBPA
Scott will stay on board and care for website/roster
Considering alternates, Scott will talk offline with candidates
2.Dates for next 3 meetings
May 14, 9 am
June 25, 9 am
July 3, 9 am
Further New Business
Marijeanne asked if we have addressed Bear Problems/incidents in neighborhood rules?
Douglas County ordinance exists around requiring Bear Cans
No known BEAR/people incident policies
Scott inquired if possible/feasible to get MBPA credit card against MBPA funds?
Action: Wes McNay will investigate options e.g. debit card vs. credit card
Steve Lathrop motion to dismiss, Dennis Farnesi second, All approved,
Motion adjourned at 12:36 pm
Minutes Respectfully submitted by Marijeanne Rende, 5/5/2011