MBPA Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

SATURDAY April 16, 2011

188 Tallac at 10:00 am (Lathrop Residence)

1.Call to order- Scott, 10:05 am

Board Members in Attendance (In person): Dennis Farnesi, Ryan Davis, Greta Atkinson, Scott Smith, Shon Ledin(arrived 10:27a)

Board Members Absent: Wes McNay

Board Members , Remote Attendance: Brendan Riley(Skype), Marijeanne Rende(phone)

Guests: Roy Pike, Phyllis Pike, Novell Lathrop

2.Secretary’s report – Marijeanne Rende

Marijeanne reviewed the meeting minutes from 1/15, one correction raised and completed

Motion Steve Lathrop to approve meeting minutes from 1/15, second Dennis, Farnesi , All approved

3.Treasurer’s report- Scott reported for Wes McNay

Summary of Finances a/o 4/1/2011

MBPA Checking $28,970.80

Buoy Checking, $16,089.15

Total in Bank, $45, 059.95

Lots of deposits into Buoy account

Paid 2 bills to High Sierra Marine, balance $0

Dennis Farnesi Motion to approve treasurers report

Second Greta Atkinson, All approved

Old business:

1.TRPA update- Scott Smith

Meeting was held by Nevada to consider pulling out of TRPA compact

Implications for California if Nevada pulls out

Essential moratorium for TRPA right now in regulatory efforts

2.Clam Update – Scott Smith

No recent news

Marion Whitman reported that tarp last summer worked well in Marla Bay test

3.Fire Safe Council- Ryan Davis reported for Bruce Atkinson

Probably no new grant money in future

Best for homeowners to apply / use any money/rebate this year

4.Buoys, Buoy Committee update- Phyllis Pike

Paid, 40 participants, 2 in question

Need board approval to request High Sierra Marine to direct bill buoy users

Individual owners get report, their responsibility to get bill and pay (MBPA will not get involved in payments)

Late request for Buoy, Rahbeck

Concern that requester is not ‘owner of record’ for property

Dennis Farnesi motion to defer decision for potential property owner to next meeting, Scott Smith to invite applicant to next board meeting at which time request will be considered;

Second Steve Lathrop, All approved

Action: Scott will contact him to follow-up and invite to next meeting

Phyllis needs help with 7 buoy heads re-stenciled today

Action: Scott will send email to applicants who haven’t provided full information, last reminder or buoy permit will be pulled back

State Lands permits don’t stick well to buoys,

Action: Phyllis will contact State Lands for alternate approach

Ryan Davis motion to request Phyllis to make good faith effort to place stickers on corners of field

Second Steve Lathrop, All approved

5.Marla Bay Swag and Logo -Shon Ledin and Brendan Riley

Brendan showed sample burgee/pennant, uv resistant

Investigated pricing, price drops if bulk order

10x15 size, 12x18 size

$746 total bill to make/ship(15 of each size)

Greta Atkinson motion to approve $746 for initial order of burgees

Steve Lathrop Second, All approved

After discussion Greta Atkinson raised motion to amend approved budget for initial order up to $1500 , will order first batch of 30 and then reorder as indicated by demand, Brendan will manage;

Steve Lathrop , second, All approved;

Brendan suggested Board change name of buoy committee to ‘MBPA Yacht and Beach Club ‘

Buoy committee operates under rules of MBPA

Scott Smith asked if Board should consider ordering tee shirts, sweatshirts, etc. with new logo

Group decision to defer decision until burgees received/reviewed

6.Design and Placement of Kayak Racks – Shon Ledin

Board reviewed/discussed Shon’s information after investigation

Suggestion that MBPA order 2 racks to start

Pricing $1144 ea

Shon Ledin raised motion to purchase2 racks $2288 total , Second Steve Lathrop, All approved

7.Beach Rules- Greta Atkinson

Board reviewed proposed rules that Greta drafted after investigation of other communities guidelines

Action: Greta will revise and board will review at next meeting

8.Beach cleanup contract- Scott Smith

Action: Scott will contact Bob’s Gardening

Scott will find out cost, resign last year’s contract

Further old business:

General Improvement District - Roy Pike

a. GID Business -

EPA has studied clarity of Lake; $1.3B spent in study

Biggest problem, land-based debris e.g. dirt/street particles end up in Lake

GIDs will probably get new street sweeper, allocated to use by various GIDs, cost will be shared amongst all GIDs

Plan in place by Fall, 2013 target for implementation

Looking at permit process forcing contractors to clean street each work day

Sole Income to GID is sales tax revenue, just got check for Feb tax bill

Snow plowing costs $21,000 this year, over budget

Need to shore up North Bay stairs due to erosion

b.Clean up- bag or no bag and dates

June 2(Thursday)

Preference, to bag, put at property edge next to street

MBPA - should consider pickup costs for annual cleanup this year, as GID budget cannot cover this year

Scott Smith raised motion to provide $5000 one time obligation by Board to cover cleanup, this year only; future year obligations will need to be reviewed by Board

Second Greta Atkinson, All approved

c. On street Parking

MBPA streets controlled by GID

Indiv owners can call Sheriff, issue citation

Letters will go to violators prior to May 1 about enforcement

Policy has been vetted with County/Sheriff

New Business:

1.Discussion of Scott’s Replacement as President of MBPA

Scott will stay on board and care for website/roster

Considering alternates, Scott will talk offline with candidates

2.Dates for next 3 meetings

May 14, 9 am

June 25, 9 am

July 3, 9 am

Further New Business

Marijeanne asked if we have addressed Bear Problems/incidents in neighborhood rules?

Douglas County ordinance exists around requiring Bear Cans

No known BEAR/people incident policies

Scott inquired if possible/feasible to get MBPA credit card against MBPA funds?

Action: Wes McNay will investigate options e.g. debit card vs. credit card

Steve Lathrop motion to dismiss, Dennis Farnesi second, All approved,

Motion adjourned at 12:36 pm

Minutes Respectfully submitted by Marijeanne Rende, 5/5/2011