Annex 1: Notes for students

(i)If you are considering temporary withdrawal you should discuss this with the Director of Student Experience in your School. Student Life Centre Advisors can provide information on welfare and financial support that is available. You should also be aware of when the next course fee instalment will be incurred. Your last date of attendance is used for calculating the fee. Dates for fee instalments are provided on the following web pages:

(ii)An undergraduate may request to temporarily withdraw at any time during a teaching period up until the end of the spring term. A postgraduate student may request to temporarily withdraw at any time during a teaching period, prior to 30th June. Temporary withdrawal can also be taken between the end of Term 1 and the start of Term 2.

(iii)If you wish to transfer to a different course title on your return you will also need to complete a transfer form.

(iv)If you are unable to continue with the rest of the academic year you may take temporary withdrawal. You decide when to start a period of temporary withdrawal (within the deadlines given above) but the PAB will determine the return to study date. The PAB makes an academic decision based on a review of your academic performance and the number of credits achieved to date in the stage of study. University regulations state that the degree must be completed within the maximum period of registration and that each stage of study must be completed within 2 academic years. If either of these are exceeded, approval will be needed to offer a restart/return. In some cases an exit award will be given instead.

(v)The PAB will review all temporary withdrawal cases and confirm the return date (see table in Annex 2 for guidance). The PAB decision will be informed by a recommendation from the Director of Study Experience (DoSE), following a discussion with you. The PAB will usually make temporary withdrawal decisions after the end of the mid-year assessment period and after the end of Term 2.

(vi)The Student Systems and Records Office will write to confirm the return to study date approved by the PAB.

(vii)All resits/sits are in A3. A resit/sit will usually be set in A3 prior to return but may be set in A3 at the end of the stage, depending on the PAB decision. The PAB will decide the timing of a resit/sit based on a recommendation from the Director of Student Experience (DoSE). Therefore, you should discuss this with the DoSE. For example, overseas students may have to get a tourist visa if a resit is set in A3 before a return to study in Term 2. The assessment you take will be the resit mode (which will be uncapped if you temporarily withdraw before the first attempt takes place, or if you have had exceptional circumstances accepted).

(viii)You may appeal against the PAB decision. Therefore, you may appeal against the return to study date approved by the PAB.

(ix)Upon your return, you will be required to complete a Learning Agreement (please see for details). University regulations normally allow a maximum of two years to complete a stage of study (for full-time students), which will include a period of temporary withdrawal. The purpose of the Learning Agreement is therefore to monitor and encourage engagement with your course upon your return, to ensure you pass the stage.

(x)If you do not return to your course at the return date agreed by the PAB, or a date agreed via appeal, your status will be updated to Permanent Withdrawal, unless you apply for your Temporary Withdrawal to be extended.

(xi)The Director for the Student Experience may approve an application to extend a period of temporary withdrawal where your circumstances do not allow you to return to study at the time agreed by the PAB, or via appeal, provided this does not result in the maximum period of registration being exceeded.

(xii)If you would like to permanently withdraw you will need to see the Student Life Centre. The Student Systems and Records Office will write to confirm the permanent withdrawal status.

Annex 2: Table giving examples of how the PAB determines a return to study date.

Return date / temporary withdrawaldate / Decision rationale
Return to start Autumn term next academic year (no marks will be retained) / during T1 / T1 teaching not completed
at/towards end of T1 / T1 teaching not completed; module assessments not completed; no evidence student would achieve 60 credits if sits/resits given prior to re-entry.
during T2 (but 60 credits not achieved from T1) / PAB decides that too many resits would need to be completed prior to re-entry to secure 60 credits and/or that marks achieved are weak.
Changes to module assessment/s so an appropriate resit prior to re-entry is not available (new assessment not appropriate for original teaching completed)
Changes to module assessment mean that module assessment component previously completed is not appropriate for revised module assessment.
during T2 / course structure includes year-long modules, so re-entry in T2 not possible.
Return to start Spring term next academic year (marks achieved on T1 modules will be retained but T2 marks will not be retained) / during T2 / T2 teaching not completed
at/towards end of T2;
after the end of A2 (PG only) where 60 credits not achieved on T2 modules / T2 teaching not completed; module assessments not completed; no evidence student would achieve 60 credits if sits/resits given prior to re-entry to next stage.
PAB decides that too many resits would need to be completed prior to re-entry to secure 60 credits and/or that marks achieved are weak.
Changes to module assessment/s so an appropriate resit prior to re-entry is not available (new assessment not appropriate for original teaching completed)
Changes to module assessment mean that module assessment component previously completed is not appropriate for revised module assessment.
after the end of A1 and 45 credits achieved on T1 modules / Student has almost achieved T1 credits so PAB gives a resit in A3