By order of the Operating Instruction (OI) 900-30
Chief Data Privacy Officer
State Department of Education
Creating a Custom View in SharePoint
Detailed Instructions
- Navigate to the SharePoint list or library where you want to create a custom view.
- Ensure that you are signed in.
- Create View
- Under the List tab located in the ribbon, clickCreate View.
- On the View Type page,choose the type of view you want to create.
- Follow instructions for the View Type selected:
- Standard View – complete the fields shown on the screen. The following provides additional information for certain fields:
- View Name:Enter a descriptive but brief name.
- View Audience:
Personal View: Select this view if you will be theonly one to see/use this view. For
example, a view of tasks performed by you.
Public View: Select this view if others will need to see/use the view. For example, all items for ARI and a specific region regardless of who performed it.
- Columns – Check or uncheck the Display box beside everyColumn Name you want displayed or not displayed in the view. Set the order the columns will be displayed by changing the Position from Left field next to the Column Nameselected.
- Sort – Controls the primary and secondary order items are displayed in the view. Select the field from the dropdown below the First sort by the column: (primary) and the Then sort by the column: (secondary).
You may also indicate whether you want the primary and secondary field values to be displayed in Ascending (default) or Descending order.
For example, you can sort by Name in Ascending order (i.e. Alphabetical) as the primary sort and then sort by Start Time in Descending order (so that the most recent date will be at the top of each Name grouping).
Selecting the sort parameters shown above will result in the list being sorted and displayed as follows:
Name StartTime Title
Jane Doe 9/1/2016 Activity X
Jane Doe 8/1/2016 Activity A
Jane Doe 1/5/2016 Activity Y
Sue Smith 8/31/2016 Activity X
Sue Smith 7/10/2016 Activity A
Sue Smith 3/15/2016 Activity Y
To remove a sort, use the dropdown arrow to select None as the column to be sorted on.
- Filter- The Filter fields determine the rowsto be shown in the view based on thecriteria specified.
Complete each set of criteria as indicated below.
a. Show the items when column –Use the dropdown arrow to select the column you want to filter on.
b.Select the Operator using the dropdown arrow.
c. Enter the value of the column to be selected.
For example: Using the List example shown in #3. In order to show just rows with “Activity Y”, the Filter criteria would be entered as follows:
Based on this filter, the view would display:
Name StartTime Title
Jane Doe 1/5/2016 Activity Y
Sue Smith 3/15/2016 Activity Y
You can add an additional filter by selecting And or Or. And means that both conditions must be true in order for the row to be displayed. Whereas,Or means that only one condition must be true in order for the row to be displayed.
For example: To add another set of filter criteria to the previous example in order to show just activities just for Jane Doe, the second set of Filter criteria would be entered as follows:
Note: The And condition is selected so that both the first set of filter criteria AND the second set of filter criteria have to be true in order for a row to be displayed.
Based on these two sets of filter criteria, the view would display:
Name Date Title
Jane Doe 1/5/2016 Activity Y
To remove a filter, use the dropdown arrow to select None for the column to be displayed.
Note: Clicking Show More Columns…will display another set of filter boxes if more conditions need to be applied. You can specify up to 20 filters.
- Once you have specified all of your criteria, click OK at the bottom right side of the screen to save your changes. If you do not want to save your changes, click Cancel.
- Calendar View – complete the fields shown on the screen. The following provides additional information for certain fields:
- View Name:Enter a descriptive but brief name.
- View Audience:
Personal View: Select this view if you will be the only one to see/use this view. For
example, a view of tasks performed by you.
Public View: Select this view if others will need to see/use the view. For example, all items for ARI and a specific region regardless of who performed it.
- Time Interval – Select the date/time related columns that control the items shown in the calendar.
For example:
- Calendar Columns – Controls the columns displayed in the calendar. The best columns to select are those that most clearly identify what an item is.
(Note: Title columns must be entered but the Sub Heading columns are optional.)
For example, in the DSP Support Calendar list, the ItemTitle column should give a brief explanation of what the item is for and the Name column identifies who provided the support. Here is how the Calendar Columns fields will look when ItemTitle is selected:
Selecting the Calendar Columns as shown above would result in the following views:
Month view(displays StartTime, EndTime and ItemTitle):
Week view(displays ItemTitle and Name):
Day view(displays ItemTitle and Name):
- Default Scope – You can indicate which scope (Day, Week or Month) will be displayed by default. However, you can also change the scope while using the calendar by clicking on the Calendar in the ribbon:
- Filter- The Filter fields determine theitems to be shown in the calendar based on the criteria specified.
Complete each set of criteria as indicated below.
a. Show the items when column – Use the dropdown arrow to select the column you want to filter on.
b. Select the Operator using the dropdown arrow.
c. Enter the value of the column to be selected.
For example: Building on the example shown in #4. In order to show just the itemsfor the AMSTI Support Area, the Filter criteria would be entered as follows:
Selecting the filter criteria as shown above would result in the following views:
Month View:
Week View:
Day View:
You can add an additional filter by selecting And or Or. And means that both conditions must be true in order for the item to be displayed. Whereas,Or means that only one condition must be true in order for the item to be displayed.
For example: To add another set of filter criteria to the previous example in order to show just items just for Susan Brown, the second set of Filter criteria would be entered as follows:
Note: The And condition is selected so that both the first set of filter criteria AND the second set of filter criteria have to be true in order for an item to be displayed.
Selecting the filter criteria as shown above would result in the following views:
Month view:
Week view:
Day view:
Note: Clicking Show More Columns…will display another setfilter boxes if more conditions need to be applied.You can specify up to 20 filters.
To remove a filter, use the dropdown arrow to select None for the column to be displayed.
- Once you have specified all of your criteria, click OK at the bottom right side of the screen to save your changes. If you do not want to save your changes, click Cancel.
- Modify View
- Under the List tab located in the ribbon, select the view you want to modify by clicking the down arrow under Current View and click the view name.
- Still under the List tab located in the ribbon, click Modify View.
- Change the fields in the same way that you defined them to begin with. Refer to the steps above as needed.
- Once you have updated all of the criteria, click OK at the bottom right side of the screen to save your changes. If you do not want to save your changes, click Cancel.