Shawlands Academy Parent Teacher Council
Meeting of 18 June 2012
1.Welcome and Apologies
Attending: Kevin (Chair) Susan L (Minutes), Marjorie, Susan H, Kathy, M.Shafique, Tom, Kath, Lesley, Diane, Ann Grant.
Apologies were received from David W, Cherif M, Lorna D, John D.
2. Minute and Matters ArisingKevin
- Mela Project file: Susan to compile info so far and circulate so people can add to it.
- PTC catering of Prizegiving: Marjorieto co-ordinate contributions. This will be for after the evening ceremony only, thoughthis year there is also an afternoon ceremony, for S1-3 prizewinners, due to more prizes.
- Tusk school let for coach parking: Mrs Grant awaiting reply from email complaint sent to Council letting department.
3. School Maintenance Plan: J Robertson from Ameyhad sent his apologies this afternoon (again). Action: Kevin to write to the Education Dept. to seek information on maintenance and other issues.
4. Correspondence: none received
- Tom reported a balance of £6,042.80, with a further £600 from the Council to come in the next few weeks.
- PTC Funding bids: as agreed previously, around £1,000 worth of light and sound equipment is on order for the school hall.
- ACTION: Mrs Grant to elicit funding bids from school sports and other clubs for consideration by the PTC for the start of next session.
6.PTC sub-group updates
- Website / Communications:Kevin has met with Mrs Grant and Mr McGrory and any update awaits the latter’s training on the Council system.
- Sports sub-group: no report
- Toilets: subject to be taken up in Kevin’s letter to the Department.
7. Head Teacher’s ReportMrs Grant
Exams, P7 visits andInformation Evening: have all taken place and students have started to use the new timetable.
New Staff: Interviews are taking place for new staff in Drama, RE, Home Economics, Geography and PE.
International visit: Visits from pupils from Marseilles (Regio link) and a dance group from Bethlehem went well.
Farah Pandith (Special Representative to Muslim Communities, United States Department of State) came to speak and received a presentation from pupils. She was very impressed by Shawlands Academy’s young people and their presentations and drama performance.
Glasgow Adventure Race: The Shawlands Academy Team won this Glasgow-wide competition.
The School Show will be for 2 nights, and Friday is the Leavers Afternoon and the School Prom.
Diana Awards were won by a group of 9 Shawlands Academy pupils.
8. Year-end discussion / reflections
New S1 Parent PTC members: Kevin has met new S1 parents interested in joining the PTC.
Careers Advice / Employability: Mrs Grant was asked about events relating to Careers information night, she explained what different events take place. The idea was suggested of acareers appointments evening, perhaps with parents in various careers as “career consultants”, also activities built around money matters. Another suggestion was that S4’s could write a reflection on their work placement. It would be good to learn about jobs, not solely focusing on getting to university. ACTION:Mrs Grant agreed that it would be good to build more on the existing system, which has improved greatly in recent years.
More pupils wanting to do D of E than places available. So far there are 3 staff members which allows for 21 pupils. Parents could also assist, we could advertise this on the website, perhaps even have a volunteers page.
School Uniforms: Parents present asked that the blazers be promoted as much as possible, perhaps having something more prominent on the website. Second hand blazers could be sold via a local charity shop (one interested in focusing on this) or via the PTC.
In-lunch issues:S2’s will be allowed out at lunchtime next year as there is not enough space in the Fuel Zone / Social Area to keep more than S1’s inside.
9. Date of next meeting 10thSept. and AGM 1stOct 2012 Susan to book lets.