Physical Science Syllabus 2016-2017
Mrs. Candice Allen
Office Hours by appointment: Mornings and Monday and Wednesday after 3:10
As a class, our instructional approach will be rich in scientific investigations, technology, and STEM education. Laying the Foundation lessons will be incorporated into the science curriculum when possible. Students will develop an appreciation for the importance of science and technology in their daily lives.
Holt McDougal Science Spectrum; Physical Science with Earth and Space Science and Glencoe Modern Biology
Physical Science follows a rigorous plan for completing the science curriculum and concepts. Emphasis is placed on critical thinking skills. Students will design and complete labs using the scientific method. Technology and STEM education will play a major role in the science curriculum, leading them to a greater understanding of the science concepts. This class will concentrate on chemistry concepts in the first semester and biology concepts in the second semester. The major purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the concepts they will see in their science EOCs later in their high school careers.
Course Guiding Questions
- What Tools, skills, knowledge and dispositions are needed to conduct scientific inquiry?
- How do science concepts, engineering skills and applications of technology improve the quality of life?
- What mathematical skills and understandings are needed to successfully investigate physical science?
- How does the structure of matter influence its physical and chemical behavior?
- What basic energy related ideas are essential for understanding the dependency of the natural and man-made worlds on energy?
- What causes objects to move differently under different circumstances?
- What are the scientific principles that explain gravity and magnetism?
- Preparation-Be prompt to class, and prepared to work when the bell rings.
- Respect- show respect to all peers and teachers at all times.
- Involvement- Be fully involved in the learning instead of disrupting the learning or teaching process in this classroom at any time or in any way.
- Dependability- Be dependable by completing and handing in your work on time.
- Establishment- Establishgood study habits.
- Show your Tiger P.R.I.D.E.
-At least 3 Composition notebooks- We will use these frequently and they will fill up quickly.
-Notebook paper-This will be used for assignments that need to be turned in.
-2” or 3”- 3 Ring binder to put paper, composition book, pencils, materials and pouch in.
-No. 2 Lead pencils or blue or black pen (Either one is fine)
-Colored pencils
-Pencil pouch
-3x5 Index Cards
- Scientific Calculator
-Expo Marker (suggested)
-Scissors (suggested)
Grading Policy
- 50%: Tests and Projects
- 50%: Classwork and Homework
- Assignments will be posted on Goggle or Chalkable/INOW.
- At least one grade will be posted on Chalkable/INOW each week.
- A “1” in Chalkable/INOW will show incomplete work and the students will have the opportunity to make-up missed work or to redo their work.
I look forward to a rewarding and exciting year. If you have any questions about the syllabus, please feel free to email me.
Mrs. Candice Allen