(With Diocesan Assignments)

Fiscal Year

July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015


The salary includes an amount for the social security equivalent and $3,000 in lieu of Mass offerings. All Mass offerings are for the support of the parish or institution that pays the priests salary. It is expected that the salary level is adequate to cover substantiated business expenses.

0-5 years / $26,106 / $25,674
6-10 years / 26,534 / 25,908
11-15 years / 26,960 / 26,142
16-20 years / 27,385 / 26,376
21-25 years / 27,818 / 26,610
26-30 years / 28,235 / 26,845
31-35 years / 28,661 / 27,079
36-40 years / 29,105 / 27,313
41-45 years / 29,533 / 27,547
46-50 years / 29,949 / 27,781
51 + years / 30,382 / 28,015


Priests are entitled to receive a per mile auto allowance for all business mileage driven at the IRS approved rate for that year (currently 56 cents per mile, effective Jan. 1, 2014 – Dec. 31, 2014). Mileage reimbursement sheets are to be submitted to the parish/institution to receive the reimbursement.


  1. Stole Fees are retained by the priest. The customary offering for weddings and funerals is $50. No one may be denied these sacramental services because of an inability to make an offering. A priest may not request more than the customary offering.
  1. Moving Expenses are charged to the parish/institution from which the priest is leaving and are reimbursable for expenses actually incurred up to $500.
  1. The Annual Retreat Allowance is equivalent to the Marygrove Retreat Fee (currently $300).
  1. The Continuing Education Allowance is to be used for continuing education andongoing formation and is reimbursable up to $1,000. This includes travel, meals, etc. Priests are to be reimbursed foractual expenses incurred, which are to be submitted to the parish/institution for reimbursement using the Priest Accountable Report.
  1. Expenses incurred for Support Group Meetings and Spiritual Direction (mileage, meals, etc.) may be budgeted for and reimbursed by the parish or institution using the Priest Accountable Reimbursement Report. The annual allowance for these expenses is $500, reimbursable by the parish for actual expenses incurred.

Priests’ Salary Schedule

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  1. Physical Examination Allowance is charged to the parish/institution and is reimbursable for expenses actually incurred up to $150 above that which the health insurance plan covers. Reimbursement is through the use of the Priest Accountable Reimbursement Plan


1. The Bishops of the Province have determined and established that the Mass Offering will be $10.00. Pastoral care should always be exercised so that the Mass intentions of the poor are not neglected. The Mass offerings are payable to the parish and not directly to the priests who are receiving $3,000 in lieu of Mass offerings (see above).

2. The reimbursement for weekend assistance in addition to the mileage and Mass Offerings is $50.00 per Mass for priests in senior status or for those without a parochial assignment. For priests with a parochial assignment, the reimbursement is $45.00 per Mass if the assistance is in addition to his own parochial duties and is $25.00 per Mass if the assistance is in place of his parochial duties.

Mileage is paid at the current IRS rate.

By law, a priest may retain the offering for only one Mass in a given day. Bination and trination offerings are retained by the parish by order of the Bishop (C. 951). Those priests who are receiving $3,000 in lieu of Mass offerings (see above) are not entitled to retain any additional Mass offerings for weekend or weekday Masses.

3.The reimbursement for weekday assistance is $20.00 per Mass plus mileage and Mass offering for those entitled to the Mass offering.

4. Reimbursement for the Sacrament of Penance is $20.00 plus mileage.

5.The maximum allowable for a live-in replacement during the absence of a pastor is the equivalent of the pastor’s salary for the time of replacement.

6.Charity would dictate that special consideration should be given by those priests offering assistance to parishes, which have limited financial resources. The assistance scale outlined above may be burdensome for some parishes. A priest should not be denied the need for time away from the parish because of the parish’s inability to meet this scale.

The above schedule of Offerings for Weekend and Weekday Assistance was approved by the Priests’ Council and the Bishop of the Diocese of Marquette at the regular Priests’ Council Meeting of December 13, 2011.


By means of this general decree, I hereby establish the above schedule as particular law within the ecclesiastical region of the Diocese of Marquette and as binding upon the faithful of the same Diocese of Marquette, according to the norms of the Code of Canon Law (1983).


Signed before me this 4th day of April, 2014Most Reverend John F. Doerfler

at the Chancery in Marquette, Michigan.Bishop of Marquette


Rev. Benedetto J. Paris, Chancellor

Diocese of Marquette