Robert Cassidy President

Victor Tom President

Margarita Kaliviotis President

Kevin Sullivan Pres. Elect

Diana Jarvis Secretary

Joel Berenson Treasurer

Melinda Nicholson Treasurer

Our sponsors who are so generously helping us do what we do

Calendar: January 20 Steve DiOrio, Martial Arts

January 27 Donald Maine, D’Youville Life and Wellness

February 4 Daniel Olsen, Christopher’s Haven, a Home for Kids when Cancer Hits


February 11 Kathy Brough, Budget Buddy

Guests: Dan Rush, president of the Westford Rotary Club, accompanied Up With People speaker Nicole Hamel and her Rotarian mom Peggy Hamel; Rich Mead, one of Bob Mead’s sons was with us as well, because he was with a very special returning Rotarian, to wit:

WELCOME BACK! A big welcome back to Bob Mead, the Intrepid! We know he’s been eager to get back to meetings and we have only admiration for his determination and congratulations for his success.

Get Well Wishes Update: Past President Dave Hannum continues to make progress in recovering from a stroke. He is now able to swallow liquids, is getting better at transferring between bed and chair, walked 17 feet with assistance, and has moved forward with other important markers. He is struggling with frustration, but his wife Carol is grateful for the progress forward, as difficult as each day can be. We send well wishes.

RYLA: Rotary’s youth leadership conference, the last weekend in June, is not too distant to be thinking about; if you know students who are Bedford residents and currently in their sophomore year (BHS, Shawsheen, Minuteman, private school, home schooled), please let him or her know about this wonderful opportunity. Last year our club sponsored 13 students for this transformative experience. Apart from getting the word out to eligible students, we should also be thinking about the opportunity for each of us – the chance to participate in the weekend by volunteering or chaperoning. Club members who have joined in the fun before highly recommend the experience.

Mali Health: Margarita updated us on our Mali Health project; Rotary International has approved the project and we are moving closer to raising our required part, $10,000. Donations from other Rotary clubs, including Chelmsford, Fitchburg, Billerica and individual donors have raised $6,221 dollars – well over half way. A couple of other clubs will be determining if they’ll join with our efforts.

Pay It Forward, Meals for Haiti cocktail reception: Linda reported that Devon did a fabulous job in organizing the cocktail reception for potential sponsors for Pay It Forward and that Lynne and the Doubletree did a stellar job. She recommends that anyone organizing an event think of the Doubletree as a venue.

Program- Up with People, Nicole Hamel: We first heard Nicole Hamel speak two or three years ago when Up with People came to New England for the first time in 20 years. Then, Nicole was taking a post-high school year to tour with Up with People. Now she is a nursing student at UMass Lowell and heavily involved with bringing the program to Lowell again this summer. She credits her decision to pursue a career in nursing to an experience she had in the Philippines during her first tour. Up with People combines music and service – 120 cast members participate in music and dance performances and do community service by partnering with organizations in the localities where they are performing. It’s hard to imagine a program with more benefit all around – the cast members, ages 18 to 29, enjoy 22 weeks of travel (or more, if they choose to do the whole year tour) in at least two regions of the world, stay with host families, and broaden their minds. The communities receiving them get hours of community service (3 million hours of service and counting for Up with People) and the chance to meet young people from all around the globe. And if all the participants are as vibrant, poised and bright as Nicole, this is an impressive program indeed.

Nicole asks for our help, and the ways we can do that are to consider hosting cast members (you’re responsible for providing breakfast and dinner and transportation), attending the show (performances are on August 21 and 22 at the Collins Center in Andover), donating a meal or money ($25,000 needs to be raised) and spreading the word. The partnership organization for this event will be Habitat for Humanity.

For more information about Up with People, go to and

Raffles and Happy Dollars: Steve won the door prize, a fetching Patriots hat and Bob Mead won a chance at the 50/50 – son Rich Mead did the honors of pulling the card but came up short.

In Happy Dollars, Jacquelin was glad for an excellent panel on domestic violence at First Parish Church and for her daughter’s birthday (today); Margarita was glad to be back, settled into her new job and was happy for a new nephew; Debi was glad the Patriots are hanging in; Ralph put in $20 for the previous weeks when all he had was IOU slips ; Terry was happy he’d been able to hang out in Washington D.C. with his daughter; Diana was in awe of Linda who, despite her surgery, has over 100% attendance; Diana was also thrilled that she is in the top 3% internationally of Coldwell Banker realtors; Britton was glad it’s not bitter cold; Susanna was glad for her younger daughter’s birthday this week; Mark H. had the chance to bond with cousins after not having seen them for 40 years; Steve was happy for his new hat and for warmer weather; Linda was happy for our guests and for Bob Mead; Kevin dittoed that and noted that President Eisenhower apparently had a hot temper; Peggy Hamel was glad to be here for an “awesome speaker”; Bob Mead was happy to be here (and so were we to have him here); Christine was proud that her daughter is being inducted in the National Honor Society; Joel was happy his son is also being inducted into the NHS and he was happy that he is no longer a partner in the 8th largest accounting firm – he is now a partner in the 6th largest, after a merger between Braver PC and Marcum LLP; Victor was happy that his daughter Christine will be working for Apple (discounts ahead….).

The Four Way Test / Let’s Make Up!
1.  Is it the TRUTH?
2.  Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4.  Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? / Mon
Tues / Chelmsford 12:15 p.m. Radison Hotel; Maynard 6:15 p.m. Payton’s River’s Edge; Reading 12:15 p.m. Peter Sanborn Place; Lexington 12:15 p.m. Waxy O’Connors
Clinton 12:15 p.m. The old Timers Restaurant; Hudson 6:00 p.m. Hudson Portuguese Club; Wellesley 6:30 p.m. Wellesley Community Center; Woburn 12:15 Holiday Inn Select Hotel; Billerica 7:30 a.m. Billerica Marriott Courtyard
Locations verified 12/6/10 / Wed
Fri / Acton-Boxborough 12:15 p.m. Holiday Inn, Boxborough; Restaurant; N. Reading 12:15 Hillview Country Club; Waltham 12:15 p.m. The Chateau Restaurant; Wilmington 12:15 p.m.
Ayer 6:30 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant; Brookline 12:00 Holiday Inn; Burlington 7:30 a.m. Bickfords; Concord 12:15 p.m. Colonial Inn; Marlboro 12:15 p.m. Coral Seafood; Westford 12:15 p.m. Westford Regency; Nashoba Valley 7:15 a.m. Great Brook Farm
Burlington 12:15 p.m. American Legion Hall; Littleton 7:30 a.m. Ken’s Cafe


1956‐57 Glenn Sims

1957‐58 E. Gottschalk

1958‐59 Ron Davis

1959‐60 John Bowen

1960‐61 George Doherty

1961‐62 Frank Hennessey

1962‐63 Robert Mead

1963‐64 Clifford Hughes

1964‐65 Fred Olson

1965‐66 J. Clive Enos

1966‐67 Nathaniel Brown

1967‐68 Donald Drew

1968‐69 Joseph Bruno

1969‐70 Ralph Collins

1970‐71 John Whalen

1971‐72 George Benson

1972‐73 Maurice Nolan

1973‐74 Pat Sciaraffa

1974‐75 Ed Moore

1975‐76 Ed Moore

1976‐77 Winston Bridge

1977‐78 “Syke” Bumann

1978‐79 Matt Tomassian

1979‐80 Peter Kilmartin

1980‐81 Lawrence Carlton

1981‐82 Paul C. Dick

1982‐83 David Valdina

1983‐84 Jack Wilson

1984‐85 Peter Corea

1985‐86 Robert A. Cassidy

1986‐87 Ottfried Weisz

1987‐88 Kenneth W. Luther

1988‐89 John B. Debaun

1989‐90 Kenneth R. Walcott

1990‐91 David J. Rossi

1991‐92 James W. Harrill

1992‐93 Peter Light

1993‐94 Norma A. Barton

1994‐95 Ralph M. Hammond

1995‐96 Holly A. Chaney

1996‐97 Milan W. Jackson

1997‐98 Gregory S. Symko

1998‐99 Florence A. Rossi

1999‐00 Robert M. Kennedy

2000‐01 Heidi A. Pusatere

2001‐02 David R. Hannum

2002‐03 Joel Berenson

2003‐04 William Waite

2004‐05 Meg Packenham

2005‐06 Susanna Natti

2006‐07 Terrence Parker

2007‐08 Lea Ann Knight

2008‐09 Virginia Clerkin

2009‐10 Victor Tom

2010‐11 Cliff Rober

2011-12 Christine Pinney

2012-13 Peter Colgan