June 8, 20167:00 p.m.

Present: Rich Harries (Chair), Heather Francis, Brad Neduzak (Chief of Police), Brian Minaker, Ted Fransen, Larry Danielson, Danselle Neufeld (Secretary)

Absent with Regrets:

1.0Call to Order


3.0Adoption of Agenda – June 8, 2016

Motion –Heather Francis

Seconded – Brian Minaker


4.0Approval to Adopt Minutes – March 22, 2016

Motion – Ted Fransen

Seconded – Larry Danielson


5.0Executive/Committee Reports (Correspondence)

5.1Chief’s Report

  1. Hiring – Chief Neduzak informed the Board that a decision has been made for a new hire. Curtis Warkentin, formally of Morden, will be starting July 4, 2016. He is a trained officer and has worked for both Regina and Saskatoon Police Services. The Chief is hoping for a second hire in August.
  2. Training – This spring Morden Police Service has been working on re-certification and other training for their officers. Training includes: CPR, Use of Force, Active Shooter Response, Crisis Negotiator Course and K9 validations.
  3. Upcoming Events – The Law Enforcement Torch Run in support of Special Olympics Manitoba will be coming to Morden and Winkler on June 14th. Chief Neduzak encouraged any one that could, to participate.

The Ultimate Polar Plunge, also in support of Special Olympics Manitoba, will be taking place in Churchill at the end of this month. Sgt. Aune and Fire Chief Andy Thiessen will both be participating and are raising funds for this event.

6.0Other New Business

6.1CAPG Webinar – Chair Rich Harries had the opportunity to participate in a webinar. Harries stated that topics that were touched on were: adherence to labour laws and direction given. Another topic was on the role that council members played while serving on the Police Board. Discussion was had on if their obligation was first to council or to the Police Board. Rich Harries will present the question to Andrew Minor of the Manitoba Police Commission.

6.2Community Consultations – Rich Harries presented the idea that a survey of questions

about police services be distributed throughout the community. The object of this is to

stand by our promise of providing Morden with the “safest community”. Heather and

Rich will work on developing a survey. This discussion will be revisited in September.

6.3Recently, Brian Minaker attended a tri-city Council Meeting with Winkler, Morden and

Altona. The topic of rising fees for Brandon dispatch was brought up. Discussion was had

on the possibility of a regionalized 911 Centre. Brian brought this forward at the Police

Board meeting and wanted to know everyone’s thoughts. Ted Fransen stated that this

might be a bigger and more expensive undertaking that at first thought. It was decided that Brian would suggest that research be done by the cities first and then revisit this topic in September.

6.4Commissionaires – Brian Minaker asked to see a presentation on the Commissionaires

so that a final decision could be made on whether or not to go ahead in this area.

After some discussion it was decided that this was not a practical solution for Morden.

The Board instead, decided to look into the new legislature on Community Safety

Officers. There is a test pilot program currently taking place in Thompson, Manitoba.



8.0Old Business

8.1Review-Approval of Proposed Policy Manual – To re-visit in September.

9.0Closing Question Period

Thomas Guenther of Pembina Valley Online attended the meeting. No questions.

10.0In Camera

Motion to Move In Camera (8:05 p.m.): Heather Francis, Ted Fransen (Carried)

Motion to Move Out of In Camera: (8:05 p.m.)


Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Motion to Move In Camera (8:05 p.m.): Heather Francis, Ted Fransen (Carried)

Meeting was adjourned (8:15 p.m.).

Date of next meeting will be Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.


Danselle Neufeld, Secretary