I was diagnosed in late 80’s - early 90’s when I was told that my kidneys were not functioning as well as they should. After which I had a biopsy to establish the cause and was then placed on various medications and was monitored at the clinic. They helped to prepare me for eventually having to go on dialysis and adjust my life style accordingly when, and out of the blue, I had a call from Ward 17 to say that there was a kidney available for transplant.
I rushed to the ward and after the results of tests, I was informed that the transplant would go ahead and was all prepared for me to undergo the procedure the following day. My wife informs me that I did not come back to the ward until 12 hours or so after I went down and that she was then constantly at my bedside.
The surgeons and the supporting medical team and the whole Ward 17 nursing team have been extremely supportive during my recuperation. The efforts of the surgeons and the medical staff and the nursing staff in ensuring all patients recover quickly and are looked after is, in my opinion, of the very best and deserves appropriate recognition. Also – I should not forget the domestic team and the pharmacy team.
I would encourage one and all to carry a donor card and I can tell all of you that, without me having a kidney transplant, my whole life would have been completely different. When I was discharged from the ward, I was advised to follow a diet regime and I believe at best of times, I did. Here also I must say that my wife and my daughters also contributed to the effort by giving up food/drink items which I could not eat and I sincerely believe that this sacrifice of theirs helped me a long way to ensure that I avoided the temptations of having to indulge in any items not listed on the diet sheet.
During my recovery stage and ultimate return to work, my wife, my daughters, my friends and my work colleagues have been extremely supportive, without their respective contributions and sacrifices, I believe I would not have recovered so well and in such quick time. My work colleagues and management team have provided me the best of support and even now they ensure that my workload is relatively stress-free. A huge thank you to one and all from the bottom of my heart.
What I would like to emphasise to all transplant patients is that the pain is worth going through the process and the best way for a quick recovery is to follow the medical guidance and, most importantly, ensure you take all your medications without fail. The Ward 17 team is extremely helpful and you can contact them 24/7 and they will deal with your concerns without fail.
There is also a team at Leicestershire Kidney Patients Association (LKPA), a registered charity entirely run by kidney patients for the kidney patients covering patients in and around Midlands area and other affiliated areas. All kidney patients registered at LeicesterGeneralHospital are automatically deemed as members of the LKPA. Margaret Ince, the Chair, Ann Carter, the Secretary and yours truly as Treasurer can provide you guidance in any matters arising and also we have active members Bharat Patel, for example, who you can rely upon to advise you on any aspects that may concern all kidney patients. Being on dialysis is not a taboo and you can still maintain quality of life.