Local Agreement for Frimley VTS
This information and guidance reflects the agreement made by the Frimley Trainer Group about GPSTworking patterns, use of study leave etc. All practices are unique and some work harder than others. Although we try and maintain equality, inevitably some trainees will work harder than others. It happens.Some hospital posts are busier than others. You should not feel that you are working harder than your trainer or their partners however!
Start & Finish dates (ST1/2 and ST3)
Changeover days are always first Wednesday of the month in all GPST posts – means they finish on the Tuesday before the first Wednesday of the subsequent month.
The Working Week
The GPST working week is “40 hours”, typically 10 sessions each of 4 hours.
GPST3s get more educational sessions than GPST1/2. This is perfectly fair as they have to complete twice the number of assessments and sit the exams….
GPST3s will have a more intense working week with a higher volume of admin work, seeing extras and doing home visits. This explains the difference in half-day entitlement or not.
GPST 1/2No half-day off
1 session group teaching (Wed pm)
1 sessionflexible education session (see below)
8 sessionsclinical work (either 8 GP or 4 hospital/ 4 GP)
One 4-hour OOH session per month is required in addition to this core week
The overall working week should total approximately 40 hours
GPST 3Might have a half-day (see below)
1 session group teaching (Thurs pm) – clinical session when VTS holiday
1 sessionflexible education session (see below)
1 sessiontutorial
6-7 sessionsclinical work (depending on half-day or not)
72 hours of OOH experience over the year is required in addition to this core week
The overall working week should total approximately 40 hours
- GPST3 Model 1
Many ST3s have a working day similar to GP Principals – the gap between surgeries is filled with extras, visits, admin & meetings; the day starts at about 0800 and ends at about 1800-1830. This typicallywill allow them to accrue the 40 hour week and still have one day with an early finish. In these cases, the Trainer should carefully record the “typical working week” to indicate how the 40 hours are worked.
- GPST3 Model 2
If a trainee is not working flexibly on a 0800 – 1830 day, the 10 session week should be the standard model to achieve the 40 hour week (for example 5 days of two sessions; session one 0900 - 1300, session two 1330 – 1730)
Annual Leave
During your GP placements, you are an employee of your training practice. Although your “educational contract” is with the Deanery, your employment contract is with your practice. Practices should use the standard BMA contract and this outlines your annual leave entitlement. GPSTs are not supernumerary and are part of the PHCT at the training practice. Although annual leave requests should not be unreasonably refused, it must be taken according the annual leave rules within the practice. If you have particular annual leave requests, you should discuss these early with your trainer to see if the request can be accommodated.
GPST1/2Annual leave must be taken evenly across the three posts of the year
You have an entitlement to 9 days of annual leave in your 4-month GP post
If you are in a split post, the annual leave should be split 4-5d from GP part, 4-5d from hospital part
GPST3You have an entitlement to 25 days annual leave in your 12-month GP post
If you have worked in hospital posts at ST5 grade or above, you may be entitled to 30 days.
ST3 - TRG and Thursday Course
All ST3s should be aware that attendance at Thursday VTS course and Cumberland Lodgesessions iscompulsory. If there is an issue about attendance rate at the VTS, then usually the Programme Director will notify the trainer.
Study Leave
ST1/2 Study Leave
Annualallowance of £764
See the general information on the VTS website:
ST3 Study Leave
Annual allowance of £564
The only fee payable for the VTS programme is for the three Cumberland Lodge residentials (roughly £150 each)
Hopefully one will have been paid in ST2, leaving you about£250
A maximum of 30 days is allowed:
- VTS counts as flat 15 days including residentials (don't bean count annual leave etc)
- Deanery study days do count (induction, phone triage, CSA)
- Exam days themselves are NOT counted
- We would usually support up to 5 days of private study ahead of the AKTexamination
- Best preparation for the CSA is seeing patients. We do not usually support private study leave ahead of CSA
- For out-patient clinics, we advise using the weekly flexible education sessions not study leave
Flexible Education Session
All trainees (ST1/2/3) should have one flexible education session per week. This time is employed time and paid time. It should be spent in the practice.Deanery policy clearly states:“If the flexible session is not used for bona fide educational purposes, it will be replaced with a clinical session.”
The following activities reflect typical use of the session:
- WPBA activity - completing learning log entries, CBD preparation, review preparation
- Self-directed reading and study
- Preparation for exams
- Attending Outpatient clinics, FP Clinics (usually ST3)
- One-to-one time with Trainer/ ES (usually ST1/2) – looking at consultation videos, joint surgery
- Working with another member of PHCT
It is reasonable for your practice to expect a limited “service” input at the end of a flexible education session, for instance usual share of home visits, help with “extras pool”.
OOH Training is a compulsory part of training and must be recorded in the e-portfolio. The requirement is:
ST372 hours of experience (not 12 sessions)
Minimum of 1 shift every month
Weekend experience (working under pressure)
Car shift experience (no explanation needed)
Overnight shift if possible (could do 10pm – 2am and get experience in the tricky 12:00 – 02:00 slot)
ST1/21 session every month (4 per post)
Alternatives if you are unable to find space with your ES/ Trainer:
- another doctor in your practice (if not trainer or ex-trainer, they should attend the KSS supervisor’s course
- contact Richard de Ferrars, who will make a request to the wider group.
August 2011
Trainees Working Less Than Full-time
- Define your core 40hr week
eg Mon-Fri 09:00 – 17:00
- Agree the percentage FTE they will work
(look at KSS website/resources/flexible training)
- Calculate the non-service sessions
- Remainder are service sessions
- Allow flexibility VTS/ FES sessions to accommodate VTS
Example – 60% FTE working for 6m
- Make the Calculations:
Full year6m60%
Target = 16 tutorials, 16 FES, 9 VTS
- Plan the Week
60% = 6 sessions per week (26 weeks)
VTS – for instance may be 14 sessions in the 6m they would like to attend
Change to 16 tutorial, 11 FES, 14 VTS
1 session pw= Tutorial or FES
1 session pw= VTS or service if no VTS
4 sessions pw= always service
Study leave – calculate sessions on 60 sessions for full-year WTE and subtract VTS sessions
July 2010