Tulsa Community College - Fall 2013
Adobe Acrobat Professional
Course: Adobe Acrobat - CSYS 1043
Section: 101
Location: Center for Creativity – Room 3048
Day(s) and Time(s): Monday2:30pm – 5:20pm
Start and end dates:Aug 19th – Dec 9th
Instructor: Ken Wood
Scheduled Office Hours:
(Appointments are highly encouraged. All students with arranged appointments
will have first priority.)
Monday:10am – 11:00am
Tuesday: 8:30am -12pm
Wednesday: 8:30am – 10:30am
Thursday: 8:30am -12pm
Office Email:Please allow up to 24 hours for response.
Office Phone: 918-595-7048
Office: Center For Creativity: 3014
Division: Business and Information Tech. (BIT Office)
Associate Dean: Sally Kovac
Office: MC416
Phone Number: 918-595-7039
Director: George H. Black
Office: Metro Academic & Campus Services
Phone: 918-595-7154
Prerequisites: CSC 1203 Computer Concepts & Applications or by instructor approval.
CSYS 1211 Introduction to Mac OS or by instructor approval
A presentation of key Acrobat Professional concepts and techniques plus the more advanced features and tools will be covered. Emphasis will be placed on Acrobat basics, the work area, creating Adobe PDF files, creating Adobe PDF files from Microsoft Office files (Windows), creating Adobe PDF files from Microsoft Office files (Mac OS), combining files in PDF packages and portfolios, creating Adobe PDF from web pages, converting email files to Adobe PDF, working with PDF files, editing PDF files, using Acrobat in a review cycle, adding signatures and security, creating multimedia presentations, using engineering and technical features, using legal features, working with forms in Acrobat, discussion of Adobe’s Live Cycle Designer (Windows), using Acrobat in professional publishing, and making documents accessible and flexible. Students will be encouraged to obtain Adobe Certified Ace (ACA) and/or Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) status through industry certification. Lecture:2 hours. Laboratory:2 hours.Course Credit:3 hours.
Please see current catalog as degree/certificates requirements will vary based upon Digital Media or Web Development options. Please contact your instructor for details.
- Understand and employ commonly used Acrobat terminology, techniques, and tools found within Acrobat Professional.
- Fully investigate the Acrobat environment to learn how to perform the following functions successfully:
- Successfully navigate the interface, menu structures, and tools
- Create PDFs from external applications external to the Creative Suite
- Packaging files and preparing attachments
- Creating PDF based forms
- Saving HTML content to PDF formats
- Editing PDF content
- Learning how to utilize a review cycle, signature, and password encryption for protection and privacy
- Customizing the PDF for document accessibility and usability
- Exploring navigation tools within the application as well as integrated within the PDF document
- Creating rich interactive and multimedia based presentations with video, flash animation, and audio
- A look at the prepress and preflight features of Acrobat
This course will be conducted as a project-based work-period that will include lectures, lab-based tutorials, class discussions, participation, projects, and critiques. Additional time outside of class will be necessary and expected for projects, research, and homework. For all projects requiring digital application, please take note of the TCC lab hours if you do not have a computer with the needed software at home. Most projects will have interim and final presentations and group discussions.
Attendance is absolutely necessary in order to receive all information provided by the facilitator. A percentage of your course grade and overall success is dependent on the information and experience you will gain from being in class. You will be held accountable for your attendance by earning attendance points throughout the semester. It is also important to note that information will not be repeated. For practicality reasons in-class learning opportunities cannot be recreated. You must make contact prior to any missed class for instruction. Excused absences will require written accountability.
Final project due dates must not be missed or avoided--missing a project deadline will result in a zero for that project, test, or assignment. Most projects are due at the beginning of each class unless otherwise noted. Work ethic, dependability, and meeting project deadlines are important traits that will be reflected in your final grade. Furthermore, an absence on project due dates will result in zero points for that project, assignment, or test. Not showing up on days that projects are due will not justify turning in a project or taking a test late. If an excused absence is expected on a project deadline, advanced arrangements should be made with the instructor to expedite the project or exam to avoid penalty. See below.
Students will have one opportunity to turn in late work or to make up an exam with no penalty using a special deadline extension certificate provided by the instructor. The certificate provided can only be used once and must be employed by the original recipient it was issued–unused certificates cannot be reallocated to other students in the course.
Deadline extension certificates cannot be used to make up pop quizzes or valued in-class exercises. Pop quizzes and exercises are used to encourage and reward attendance, so no extensions on these items will be granted. Certificates will also not be accepted for students wishing to submit late assignments that were previously reviewed in class.
As an added incentive to meet all defined deadlines, students who do not need to use their certificates are rewarded at the end of the course with 10 extra credit points.
To use an extension certificate for projects, the student must turn in (at the time an assignment is due) “Part 1” of the original certificate with all required form details completed. The student then has up to 24 hours from the initial deadline to turn in the late work with no penalty.
Students who fail to turn in “Part 1” of the certificate at the defined deadline will receive a grade of zero. However, if the work is turned in within 24 hours of the original deadline and a legitimately unused certificate is presented, the grade will be reconsidered with a penalty of 10pts. (Please note: the entire certificate (Parts 1 & 2) must be completed and submitted in full to the Metro Academic and Campus Services office. Please see below for more details on proper submission.)
All late work along with the remaining bottom half of the certificate must be submitted to the Metro Academic and Campus Services office where an official time and date stamp will need to be recorded for purposes of accountability. Work and certificates without an official time and date stamp will result in a grade of zero. Furthermore, all late work must be turned into this office unless otherwise directed. After 24 hours have passed, work that is not submitted to this office will be graded with a zero and certificates will not be accepted.
Exams (excluding the final and pop quizzes) can be made up by proper submission of the certificate. To use the certificate to make up an exam, the certificate needs to be presented ahead of time (24 hours in advance) to the professor to avoid a late penalty and so that necessary arrangements can be made to issue the test. All late exams will be administered in Metro’s Testing Center unless otherwise directed. Students who do not make contact with the professor 24 hours before the original date of the test can still make up an exam with a certificate, but will be penalized 10 points. All makeup exams must be completed within 24 hours of the original testing date. After 24 hours have passed from the original testing date, the exam will be graded with a zero and certificates will not be accepted.
Accountability Project:
Total Points Available: 100pts - An award of two bonus points will be granted for those with perfect attendance for an earned total of 102pts possible.
- Attendance during the beginning of the course (during time of roll-call) = Full Credit of 3pts for the period.
- To receive partial credit (1pt) for attendance, you must have at least attended 1/2 of the time the course is in session. Partial credit will be granted after official roll-call has occurred up to the first-half of the current class session. You will be counted late with no award of points after this time. To avoid being counted fully absent, it is your responsibility to let the facilitator know you are present and to sign and time-stamp the attendance record.
- To receive Excused credit (2pts) you must let the instructor know ahead of time that you will not be able to attend class and provide a justified reason and proof on return. Excused absence credit can not exceed more than three total absences and the absences must be pre-approved and follow approved reasons documented on the syllabi. (Please see Excused Absence Criteria listed below.)
- Holidays, breaks, and campus closings are allotted full credit.
- 3 excused absences result in an Excessive Absence
Three Excused Absences (Official documentation required.)
For excused absences (arrangements made in advance and written documentation provided) will result in 2pts for no more than 3 class periods missed. You are allowed 3 absences total (excused or unexcused), but unexcused absences will not earn the 2pt allotment. Excused absences exceeding 3 will also not earn the 2pt allotment, and may become classified as excessive and unexcused.
Unexcused Absences:
4 of more unexcused absences may result in a letter grade of ˝F˝ or an Automatic Withdrawal depending on the student's level of participation and commitment within the course. The student should make arrangements with the facilitator as soon as possible to discuss all options. Communication in this matter is highly important.
1. Illness / Health ( A signed doctor’s note is requested)
2. Legal Hearings ( A copy of the legal notice is required)
3. Death (Copy of the memoriam or obituary is required)
4. Weather ( Only when TCC classes have been officially canceled)
5. Domestic Responsibilities (To be discussed beforehand with instructor)
6. Work-related conflicts (Official note from employer, signed by direct supervisor)
2 Exams @ 100pts each for total of 200pts
3 Lab Practical Projects / Skill Assessments @ 100pts each for total of 300pts
15 Reading track assignments @ 20pts each for total of 300pts
1 Attendance / Working Habits / Participation Record @ 100 Points **
1 Independent Project @ 100pts
1000 total points possible
Note: The instructor may change the assignment schedule AT ANY TIME by verbal or written notification in class.
**Points earned for the Accountability/Participation record cannot be made up. Attendance is strongly encouraged to receive all points available.
Below is the 100pt criteria for Course Projects.
A = 90-100--Perfect Process, Execution, Craftsmanship, Presentation, Demonstration of software proficiency, and Objectives learned – Perfect Work/Participation Habits – Strong concept free of errors.
B = 80-89--Very Good Process, Execution, Craftsmanship, Presentation, and Demonstration of software proficiency, and Objectives learned -– Good Work/Participation Habits – Good concept – Need for more minor improvement.
C = 70-79--Average Process, Execution, Craftsmanship, Presentation, Demonstration of software proficiency, and Objectives learned – Average Work/Participation Habits – Average concept – Improvement needed.
D = 60-69--Below Average Process, Execution, Craftsmanship, Presentation, Demonstration of software proficiency, and Objectives learned – Poor Work/Participation Habits – Weak concept – Much improvement needed – Major changes and adjustments are required.
F = 59-0--Unacceptable Process, Execution, Craftsmanship, Presentation, Demonstration of software proficiency, and Objectives learned - Unacceptable Work/Participation Habits – Extremely weak concept – Extreme changes are required. (Incomplete project submitted)
For Final Course Grade: Total Combined Points of All Projects. The grading scale will be based on 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, 50% of the total points possible for a Standard 100 point Grading Scale.
A = 900 to 1000 points = 90-100%
B = 800 to 899 points = 80-89%
C = 700 to 799 points = 70-79%
D = 600 to 699 points = 60-69%
F = 0 to 599 points = 59-0%
AW = Administrative Withdrawal for Course Inactivity (This will generally occur if the student exceedsthe number of allowed unexcused absences consecutively without any formal communication with the instructor.)
WN = This type of withdrawal may occur for being enrolled in a course, but not attending during the first and second week of its offering.
The student is responsible for class participation, development and execution of assigned projects, exercises and the final presentation of all course work. All project due dates will be outlined at the start of each project. ALL projects will be due at or before the specified time. As noted earlier in the syllabus, late projects will receive a letter grade of “F.” If you are unable to attend class, you must notify the instructor and make arrangements to drop off your project(s) before class. You must be present for in class assignments. There will be no make-up sessions. These sessions are critical in developing and perfecting your skills—attendance is absolutely necessary. Work outside of class will be expected on all projects and assignments. Do not expect to just work and complete projects during class, unless you desire to earn a low score. While some lab-time in class will be available to work on these projects with the facilitator available, a majority of the course will be dedicated to the presentation of new concepts and applied theories.
Check Blackboard regularly for course updates, announcements, reminders, lost project and process handouts, and a record of your current grades. Final course grades are posted on TED which can be accessed from the tulsacc.edu website. Please note that Blackboard and TED are not the same.
TCC Academic Calendar for the deadline that applies to the course(s). Begin the process with a discussion with the faculty member assigned to the course. Contact the Advisement Office at any TCC campus to initiate withdrawal from a course ('W' grade) or to change from Credit to Audit. Withdrawal and/or change to an audit from a course after the drop/add period can alter the financial aid award for the current and future semesters. Students may receive an outstanding bill from TCC if the recalculation leaves a balance due to TCC. Students who stop participating in the course and fail to withdraw may receive a course grade of "F," which may have financial aid consequences for the student.
TCC policy will be fully adopted.Please note the failure to withdraw policy: Failure to withdraw may result in the student’s receiving a regular grade of “F” at the end of the semester
Email: All TCC students receive a designated “MyTCC” email address (ex: ). All communications to you about TCC and course
assignments will be sent to your MyTCC email address; and you must use MyTCC email
to send email to, and receive email from, the instructor regarding this course.
If extreme weather conditions or emergency situations arise, TCC always gives cancellation notices to radio and television stations. This information is also posted electronically on the TCC website ( In addition to these notices, if I am unable to make it into the campus due to severe weather issues or as a result of some other circumstance, please check the blackboard system for any announcement of class cancellation.
General Education courses at TCC ensure that our graduates gain skills, knowledge, and abilities that comprise a common foundation for their higher education and a backdrop for their work and personal lives. TCC’s General Education goals are: Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, Engaged Learning, and Technological Proficiency.
Open and mutually respectful communication of varied opinions, beliefs, and perspectives during classroom or online discussion encourages the free exchange of ideas that is essential to higher learning and to the ability to learn from each other. Use of electronic devices should be avoided while class is in session.
- Food and drinks are prohibited in this classroom and the lab environment
- No children of any age will be allowed in class
- Sounds from cell phones and pagers are strictly prohibited. (Please place your cell phone on silent or turn them off during class time.)
- Please keep your work area clean and always turn off computers after use
- All use of vapor (eCigarette) products are forbidden in the classroom environment.
Occasionally, changes to the syllabus may be necessary. Students will be notified of any changes to the syllabus both verbally and in writing.