in partnership with

2nd Edition of the Development Education Partnership Fair

Vienna 2010

Vienna, February 15-17, 2010


1.  How to fill in this application form

This is an electronic application form to be filled in using any word processor. To fill in this form, please move from one field to the other using the “tab” key or the mouse. You should not change the structure of the form; just fill in the fixed fields.

The majority of the fields are format-free, you can write as many words and numbers as needed. Some fields, however, have a fixed format: either length and/or type of character. For example, field “3. Sex” accepts only one character. Field “4. Age” accepts only numbers.

The use of an electronic form makes life much easier for the organisers of the DE Partnership Fair. Thank you for your help.


Financial Assistance for travel and accommodation in the Partnership Fair is Available to successful applicants from New Member States only. Applicants needing financial assistance should also fill in the Application Form for Participation in an Event available on TRIALOG´s website (

2.  Deadline

Applications will be processed on a rolling basis. Applicants will receive an answer to their request within 10 days from submission, except the period of 20th of December – 6th of January. Applications should be sent directly to . The last day for receiving applications is the 15th of Januray 2010. Please write in the subject of the e-mail: application DE partnership fair

3.  Information on the Applicant

1.  First Name

2.  Surname

3.  Sex (m/f)

4.  Age

5.  Country of Residence

4.  Identification of your Organisation

(please note that all correspondence will be sent to this address)

6.  Organisation’s name

7.  Organisation’s acronym

8.  Address (street)

9.  City

10. Postal code

11. Country

12. Telephone

13. Fax

14. E-mail

15. Web site

16. Your function or role within the organisation

17. Has your organisation submitted Development Education/Awareness Raising applications or participated in other development cooperation projects financed by the EC during the last 5 years? (y=yes, n=no, b=do not know)

18. Is your organisation registered in PADOR? (y=yes, n=no, b=do not know)

19. Has your organisation experience with development cooperation projects (other than EC funded ones)? (y=yes, n=no, b=do not know)

Please give some examples:

5.  The project you would like to propose

20. Please, describe briefly the project you would like to propose during the DE Partnership Fair

a.  The title or theme of the project (max 20 words)

b.  The problem you want to address (max 100 words)

c.  The objectives of the project (max 100 words)

d.  The target groups (max 50 words)

e.  The partners you are looking for (max 100 words)

21. Which of the following categories does your project fit in?

a.  Development/Global Education

b.  Campaigning and Advocacy

c.  Human Rights and Democracy

d.  Investing in People

e.  Coordination, networking

f.  Capacity building

g.  In-country projects (PVD) (please, specify of which type)

h.  Other (please, specify)

6.  Practical information

22.  Dietary needs

a.  No special needs

b.  Vegetarian

23. TRIALOG made single room reservations in middle class hotels at special rates. Do you want us to make a booking for you? Yes No

24. For our hotel booking: In case of approval of your application, you will most probably arrive on Feb, and depart on Feb,

25. Other needs or comments

26. Date: