RCHSD Compliance Quiz
RCHSD Compliance Quiz
Name: ______
(Record your answers on the RCHSD Student Orientation Answer Sheet)
1. / Which of the following may represent a compliance issue?A. Accepting gifts from vendors.
B. Taking accrued vacation time.
C. Accessing patient information without a medical need to do so.
D. Retaliating against an employee for reporting a compliance issue.
E. All of the above except for the second one.
2. / Which of the following represent a potential conflict of interest
A. Employee’s relative works in another department within the hospital
B. Employee has a part-time job working at a retail pharmacy on the weekends.
C. Employee helps get nephew hired and now secures preferential shifts for the nephew.
D. Employee formerly worked for another Children’s Hospital
3. / The number for the Rady Children's Compliance Hotline is:
A. 1-800-444-4GETIT!
B. 1-877-862-4228
C. (858) 867-5309
D. (858) 966-8541
4. / Employees who feel they have been retaliated against should:
A. Ignore it
B. Wait a week and hope it stops
C. Report it immediately
D. Post the problem on Facebook and see if their friends agree
5. / If I become aware of a compliance issue I should:
A. Ignore it if it does not pertain to me
B. Wait a few months and hope it goes away
C. Promptly report it through the proper channels
D. Put it on a listserv to get opinions
6. / The government is more actively enforcing health care fraud laws because:
A. They need the enforcement recovery money to help fund health care reform.
B. It is the right thing to do.
C. The laws have changed to make it easier for them to do so.
D. All of the above
7. / The Gift Policy permits employees to:
A. Accept anything as long as it's worth less than $100.
B. Solicit expensive gifts from pharmaceutical companies because they can afford it
C. Accept nominal non-monetary gifts from patients or families
D. Accept cash if that’s all the patient has.
8. / If an employee becomes aware of protected health information being disclosed without appropriate authorization, they should:
A. Find someone else to blame it on very quickly.
B. Complete a safety report under the category of .Privacy/HIPAA/Info Security.
C. Notify a department supervisor of the concern.
D. All of the above, except the first one.
9. / Is it OK to access your own medical record or that of your child without authorization?
A. Yes
B. No
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