This unit is appropriate for you if your role involves:
- establishing a recruitment process
- determining the effectiveness of the recruitment process
The activities you are likely to be involved in:
- agreeing recruitment needs with others
- producing advertisements for jobs
- identifying ethical issues where there may be conflicts of interest or dilemmas requiring audit and evaluation
- establishing and carrying out appropriate recruitment processes
- checking to ensure recruitment activities meet organisational needs
- identifying and evaluating the potential for, and impact of, e-personnel approaches
What the unit covers:
1designing the recruitment process
2carrying out the recruitment process
3evaluating the recruitment process
Element P16.1: Design the recruitment process
Performance criteria
You must be able to do the following:
aIdentify recruitment needs within the overall recruitment and selection plan.
bDevelop detailed competency profiles which define the skills, aptitudes and personal characteristics required to fill posts.
cIdentify any training needs of line managers involved in the recruitment process.
dDevelop specific selection criteria for each vacancy which ensure equality of opportunity and meet the diversity criteria of the organisation.
eSelect a method of recruitment likely to attract appropriate candidates and meet the diversity criteria of the organisation.
fIdentify the role and potential impact of e-personnel systems.
gAgree interview and assessment procedures with those who will be involved.
hPlan the sequence and timing of the recruitment process within agreed resources.
iAgree criteria by which the recruitment process will be monitored and evaluated.
jEnsure the process is cost-effective and specifies an appropriate timescale for implementation.
kEnsure that the recruitment process complies with all legal requirements, codes of practice and organisational policy, including equality of opportunity and diversity.
lCommunicate plans for the recruitment process across the organisation.
Element P16.2: Carry out the recruitment process
Performance criteria
You must be able to do the following:
aConsult with key stakeholders in the recruitment process and obtain their agreement to the person specification.
bIdentify appropriate ways of advertising posts which are likely to generate applications from suitable candidates and which will ensure equality of opportunity.
cEnsure that the recruitment process is carried out fairly and objectively against the person specification.
dEnsure that the recruitment process complies with all legal requirements, codes of practice and organisational policy, including equality of opportunity and diversity.
eIdentify and manage problems in successfully completing the recruitment selection process, and keep other stakeholders informed of actions being taken.
fEnsure that accurate records of the selection process are maintained which meet all confidentiality requirements.
Element P16.3: Evaluate the recruitment process
Performance criteria
You must be able to do the following:
aDefine the success criteria by which to measure recruitment processes.
bDesign and select procedures for evaluating the effectiveness of existing recruitment processes with appropriate key stakeholders.
cInvolve appropriate stakeholders in the evaluation process.
dInclude specific measures which will monitor the effectiveness of equality of opportunity and diversity procedures.
eEnsure that review procedures and data collection are fully documented.
fAnalyse reliable, valid and complete information about recruitment processes.
gMake objective and thorough evaluations of the information which contain accurate cost and benefit analyses, as well as practical and realistic implementation plans.
hDraw conclusions and develop proposals which reflect the objectives of the organisation and the needs of individual departments, as well as taking into account all relevant internal and external factors.
Knowledge requirements
You need the following knowledge to perform this Unit of Competence. You will show this through the outcome of your work activities and through evaluations of your systems and processes.
You need to be able to show that you have general knowledge and understanding of the following:
Nature and role of recruitment processes
1which key people need to be consulted on recruitment and selection decisions
2how to negotiate advantageous terms with the chosen advertising medium
3how to make use of consumer profiles in relation to the choice of medium selected
4how to ensure accuracy when advertising
5how to use biographical data in selection process
6how to apply shortlist and interview criteria
Principles and concepts
7how to identify sources of recruitment and their relative costs and advantages, including the media, consultancies, milk rounds, internal recruitment and transfers, and school liaison
8how to work within available resources and budgets
9how to identify appropriate criteria by which to evaluate effectiveness of recruitment and selection procedures
External factors influencing recruitment processes
10how to establish and evaluate demographic and related trends influencing recruitment
11how to establish and evaluate external trends in work patterns and related employment structures
12how to identify appropriate forms of ethical auditing to help clarify and resolve ethical tensions where they occur
13the implications of the main aspects of employment law and codes of practice on recruitment and selection procedures
14how to identify and apply legislation which influences the recruitment and selection process
15how to identify and make use of developments in e-personnel and other technological developments when planning the delivery of personnel services
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