CEO Diary Update w/c 1st August 2016

To – all members

Before the CEO diary update I would just like to pass on the condolences of ihcp directors and members to the families and colleagues of the two HCIL employees who were tragically killed in a road traffic accident. This is a difficult time for HCIL and all staff and our thoughts are with them.

The diary update from last week:-

  • CEO forum Domiciliary Care.
  • Input to a BBC media request from Marie- Louise Connolly was discussed at the CEO forum meeting it was decided that I should pick up with ML/Nick Garbutt to see if we could make further use of any potential story to raise awareness about issues. As it transpired ML did not follow up the story but she is now in regular contact with me about any potential story in the sector.
  • The Chair and I had a very useful meeting with the new Commissioner for Older People, Eddie Lynch and the CEO Evelyn Hoy. They have shared their response to the consultation on the PfG and have met the new Minister. They are happy to help us secure a meeting with the Minister if they can and will support us. They have agreed to participate in our care awards and happy to present one of the awards.
  • International Nurse recruitment – We have now gathered all of the background information ready to proceed to discussions with a list of recruitment agents for this project. I also hope to appoint a project manager to lead this on behalf of ihcp.

This week:-

  • Patricia and I met with Sean Holland, Deputy Secretary and Chris Matthews DHSSPS on Monday for an update on the Reform of Adult Social Care and also to discuss a meeting with the Minister and possible input to the 5 Nations Care Conference. The meeting was very constructive and I have attached a summary of the key points discussed.
  • Progress review point by email with Patricia and Liz on the Care Awards event. Current plans are to hold the Awards event early March 17

REPORTS WHICH CAN BE DOWNLOADED via our website (click on below link)


  1. Congratulation to Runwood Homes

Runwood Homes expands its investment in Northern Ireland Care Homes (see attached Press Release)

  1. We are holding an event on the 13th September for the Care Home and Domiciliary Care sector in NI to launch our Care Shop business in Northern Ireland, and the details are on the attached flyer.

Please contact Michelle rectly to confirm your interest and attendance so that we can manage numbers for catering purposes etc.

  1. A video on Staff Training Facebook page of one of their trainers, Ross Mawhinney, delivering their fun version of the 7 Step Hand Washing Technique to a group.

The post has ‘gone viral’ and so far this video has reached over 1,150,000 people with 603,000 views. It has been picked up and commented on not only by individuals but by many independent healthcare organisations and NHS Trusts across the UK, and yesterday a small story was published by the Nursing Times on their website which will follow in their publication also. This is just one example of the innovative, engaging and fun ethos Staff Nursing apply to their courses.

  1. Health and social care provision in Northern Ireland - next steps for reform

Tuesday, 18th October 2016


This event is CPD certified

Guests of Honour: Dr Alan Stout, Deputy Chairman, Northern Ireland General Practitioners Committee; Assistant Secretary, Eastern Local Medical Committee and Member, Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety Expert Panel and Mark Taylor, Lead Clinician, Belfast Mater Hospital; Secretary, Great Britain and Ireland Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association and Member, Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety Expert Panel

Following the recent formation of the Northern Ireland Executive, this seminar will provide a timely opportunity to discuss the future direction of health and social care provision in Northern Ireland, and comes with the Northern Irish health service increasingly subjected to increases in demand, as well as rising costs.
The conference is timed to follow the expected publication of findings by the expert panel commissioned by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to lead debate on the best configuration of health and social services in Northern Ireland, as well as to ensure that new ideas and challenges to the consensus are both heard and considered.
Delegates will discuss the panel’s recommendations - aimed at ensuring that Northern Ireland delivers a world-class provision of health and social care - including how reform would be implemented, and its likely impact. The recent proposal to abolish the Health and Social Care Board will also be examined.
Those attending will include key policymakers as well as stakeholders from across Health and Social Care services, private and third-sector health and social care providers, advocacy and patient groups, charities, local authorities, academics and commentators, and others with an interest in the important issues being discussed.
We are delighted that Dr Alan Stout, Deputy Chairman, Northern Ireland General Practitioners Committee; Assistant Secretary, Eastern Local Medical Committee and Department of Health, Social Services and Member, Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety Expert Panel and Mark Taylor, Lead Clinician, Belfast Mator Hospital; Secretary, Great Britain and Ireland Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association and Department of Health, Social Services and Member, Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety Expert Panel have agreed to deliver keynote addresses at the seminar.
Dr Tom Black, Chair of the Northern Ireland General Practitioners Committee, British Medical Association; Rita Devlin, Head of Professional Development, Royal College of Nursing; Professor Deirdre Heenan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Communication) and Provost (Coleraine and Magee), Ulster University and Member, Advisory Panel, TYC Review, Review of Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland (2011); Dr David McManus, Medical Director, Northern Ireland Ambulance Service; John Melarkey, Director of Business Development & Delivery, Tunstall Healthcare (UK); Eddie Lynch, Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland and a senior speaker confirmed from the Ulster Chemists' Association have also agreed to speak.
Paula Bradshaw MLA, Member, Committee for Health, Northern Ireland Assembly has kindly agreed to chair a session at this seminar.

Kind regards,


Amy Mitchener

Marketing, Policy Forum for Northern Ireland

T: 01344 864796

F: 01344 420121

Follow us on Twitter @PolicyNI

  1. Please sign up for the icare Purple Run Event. The race is I aid of the icare Heart Defibrillator Campaign and the Craigavon Neo-natal Unit. (see attached flyer)
  1. Hi Everyone

Home Care Open Day 2016

Can I please ask all of you to submit a couple of paragraphs along with some photos for the after-event brochure the same as last year please?

Hannah – I already have something from Care UK that was submitted by Sheila Roberts, covering the 106 Care UK homes that took part and the film that was made, so I will use that, as it is really good.

If everyone else could get their info and photos to me by Friday 26th August at the latest, I would appreciate it.

Thanks very much



Leonie Purvis

Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive

2nd Floor | 40 Artillery Lane | London E1 7LS

Ph: 08450 577 677 |



Pauline Shepherd
Chief Executive
independent health & care providers
Mobile 07703754574