Conservation Management Zones of Australia

North Australian Tropical Savanna

Prepared by the Department of the Environment


This project and associated products are the result of a collaboration between the Biodiversity Conservation Division and the Environmental Resources Information Network (ERIN). Invaluable input, advice and support was provided by staff and leading researchers from across the Department of the Environment (DotE), Department of Agriculture (DoA), the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), and the academic community. We would particularly like to thank staff within the Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division, Parks Australia and the Environment Assessment and Compliance Division of DotE, Nyree Stenekes andRobert Kancans (ABARES), Sue McIntyre (CSIRO), Richard Hobbs (University of Western Australia), Michael Hutchinson (ANU); David Lindenmayer and Emma Burns (ANU); and Gilly Llewellyn, Martin Taylor andotherstaff from the World Wildlife Fund for their generosity and advice.

Special thanks to CSIRO staff Kristen Williams and Simon Ferrierwhose modelling of biodiversity patterns enabled identification of the Conservation Management Zones of Australia.

© Commonwealth of Australia, 2015.

The Conservation Management Zones of Australia profile is licensed by the Commonwealth of Australia for use under a Creative Commons By Attribution 3.0 Australia licence with the exception of the Coat of Arms of the Commonwealth of Australia, the logo of the agency responsible for publishing the report, content supplied by thirdparties, and any images depicting people.

For licence conditions see here.


Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners and Country


Zone at a glance

Population characteristics

Employment, volunteering and incomes

Agriculture, Natural Resource Management practices and sources of NRM advice

Land tenure, land use, Native Title andLocal Government Areas

Zone vegetation characteristics

Ramsar and Nationally Important Wetlands

World and National Heritage

Major National Reserve System properties

EPBC Act (1999) threatened ecological communities

EPBC Act (1999) threatened species

EPBC Act (1999) migratory species

Threatened endemic species

Invasive species

Vegetation profiles and management recommendations

Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners and Country

The Australian Government acknowledges Australia’s Traditional Owners and pays respect to Elders past and present of our nation’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. We honour the deep spiritual, cultural and customary connections of Traditional Owners to the Australian landscape, including Australia’s waterways, land and sea country.


The 23 Conservation Management Zones of Australia are geographic areas, classified according to their ecological and threat characteristics. The zones are also aligned with the Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation of Australia.

The Conservation Management Zones provide a way of understanding Australia’s natural environment that will assist in long-term conservation planning and help the Australian Government to better design, deliver and report on Natural Resource Management (NRM) investments, including ensuring alignment of national NRM priorities with local action.

The Conservation Management Zones also provide a filter through which to make national environmental and socio-economic data more accessible and comprehensible, and a framework for gathering on-ground knowledge and expertise about the environment. This will improve information flow to the Australian Government about regional NRM requirements, best practice management, emerging NRM issues and knowledge gaps.

The Conservation Management Zones do not represent any change to existing administrative boundaries or governance structures, but aim to support the NRM and wider community to cooperatively manage environmental assets across boundaries, where they share common threats, ecological characteristics and stakeholders.

Each Conservation Management Zone profile contains a standard suite of nationally available ecological and socio-economicinformation. We hope that this information will enable Australians of all ages and backgrounds to engage with, understand and appreciate Australian landscapes, and support all Australians to manage our natural resources more effectively.

The profile information provides an indicative, high-level stock-take of the environmental and socio-economic landscape and it is not intended to be comprehensive. It should also be noted that, at present, the profiles contain only limited information on aquatic ecosystems, coastal assets and Indigenous land management practices. In future, consultation and comprehensive literature reviews will enable us to provide more complete information.

Zone at a glance

Source:Based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data

Major cities and towns / Population
Broome / 14,436
Charters Towers / 8,213
Darwin / 136,245
Katherine / 6,094
Mareeba / 7,296
Regional centres / Population
Aurukun / 1,289
Bamaga / 1,045
Derby / 3,265
Doomadgee / 1,255
Fitzroy Crossing / 1,147
Galiwinku / 2,122
Gunbalanya (Oenpelli) / 1,174
Gununa / 1,128
Kowanyama / 1,030
Kununurra / 4,578
Maningrida / 2,292
Milingimbi / 1,083
Ngukurr / 1,055
Nhulunbuy / 3,935
Thursday Island / 2,610
Wadeye / 2,111
Weipa / 3,341
Wurrumiyanga (Nguiu) / 1,528
Natural Resource Management (NRM) regions
Cape York NRM / QLD
Terrain NRM / QLD
Northern Gulf Resource Management Group / QLD
Southern Gulf Catchments / QLD
Territory Natural Resource Management / NT
Rangelands NRM Coordinating Group Inc / WA
Top five agricultural commodities / Value (millions)
Beef / $969
Fruit / $140
Vegetables for consumption / $79
Poultry / $28
Other broadacre crops / $23
Total value of agricultural commodities (including other commodities not listed here) / $1,295
Climate characteristics*
Mean annual temperature / 25.8 Celsius
Mean Maximum of the Hottest Month / 36.2 Celsius
Mean Minimum of the Coldest Month / 19.1 Celsius
Mean Annual Rainfall / 823.6 mm
Dominant rainfall season / Summer

* The figures are interpolated 75-year means (1921 to 1995) representingthe period prior to the onset of rapid climatic warming. Cited in: Williams KJ, Belbin L, Austin MP, Stein J, Ferrier S (2012) Whichenvironmental variables should I usein mybiodiversity model? International Journal of GeographicInformation Sciences 26(11), 2009–2047. (DataderivedfromAustralian Climate surfaces version 2.1 fortheANUCLIM-BIOCLIM package).

For future climate projections please refer to:

Source:Based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data

Source:Based on data from the National Native Title Register; Collaborative Australian Protected Area Database (CAPAD); National Vegetation Information System (NVIS); Species’ Profile and Threats Database (SPRAT).

Population characteristics


Source:Based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data

Languages spoken at home
English / 65.82%
Other languages / 22.64%
Not stated / 10.43%

Source:Based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data


Source:Based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data

Employment, volunteering and incomes


Source:Based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data



Source:Based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data

Agriculture, Natural Resource Management practices and sources of NRM advice

Australian farmers manage over 60% of the Australian continent and shoulder much of the burden of responsibility for maintaining and protecting Australia’s natural resource wealth. The information contained in this profile aims to assist the wider community, non-governmental organisations and government agencies to support Australia’s key environmental custodians.

Agricultural commodity values

Source:Based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data

Natural Resource Management practices and sources of NRM advice

* Data obtained from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2012 Land Management Practices Survey (LaMPS) 2012. LaMPS collected land practices informationfrom approximately 50,000 farm businesses across Australia. The data has been aligned to Conservation Management Zones from ABS Statistical Area 2 units and Australian Agricultural Environment units. The % figures presented here are indicative only. For more information on LaMPS please refer to:

** The sample for the Drivers of Practice Change 2012 survey consisted of a random subsample of 1228 broadacre farm managers from the Australian Agricultural and Grazing Industries Survey (AAGIS) frame. The data has been aligned to Conservation Management Zones from ABS Statistical Area 2 units. Forthis reason, the figures presented here are indicative only.

^ This chart indicates the sources of advice utilised for native vegetation management from respondents who identified they sought advice.

For more information please refer to

Land tenure, land use, Native Title andLocal Government Areas

Land tenure data based on Environmental Resources Information Network (ERIN) categorisation of Public Sector Mapping Authority (PSMA) State Tenure 2012; Land use mapping based on Australian Collaborative Land Use and Management Program (ACLUMP) 2012. For more information on Australian land use and management information and classification please refer to:

Indigenous Land Councils
Kimberley Land Council:
Northern Land Council:
Anindilyakwa Land Council:
Tiwi Land Council:
Cape York Land Council:
North Queensland Aboriginal Land Council:
Torres Strait Regional Authority:
Indigenous natural resource management
North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance:
Native Title and Traditional Owners
Traditional Owners / Registered Native Title Body Corporate / Hectares / % of zone
Members of the
Community / Wanjina-Wunggurr (Native Title) Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 6,310,999 / 4.80
Tagalaka People / Tagalaka Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 2,970,594 / 2.26
Members of the Balanggarra community / Balanggarra Aboriginal Corporation / 2,216,644 / 1.68
Kowanyama People / Abm Elgoring Ambung Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 1,643,003 / 1.25
Wanjina Wunggurr Community / Wanjina-Wunggurr (Native Title) AboriginalCorporation RNTBC / 1,598,927 / 1.22
The Gooniyandi people / Gooniyandi Aboriginal Corporation / 1,117,389 / 0.85
Kalkadoon People / Kalkadoon Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 1,025,383 / 0.78
Members of the Wanjina Wunggurr Community / Wanjina-Wunggurr (Native Title) AboriginalCorporation RNTBC / 919,659 / 0.70
Karajarri People / Karajarri Traditional Lands Association (AboriginalCorporation) RNTBC / 894,960 / 0.68
Waanyi People / Waanyi Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 824,646 / 0.63
The Karranjini group; theBamarrnganja group; the Warranangku group; thePinda (OTDowns) group; theLija/Muwartpi group / 703,944 / 0.54
Wik and Wik Way Peoples / Ngan Aak-Kunch Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 698,575 / 0.53
Miriuwung (including Yirralalem, Ngamoowalem, Wiram, Yardanggarlm, Nganalam and Mandangala), Gajerrong, Doolboong, Wardenybeng and Gija and, in respect to Boorroongoong (Lacrosse Island), also Balangarra. / Miriuwung and Gajerrong #1 (Native Title Prescribed Body Corporate) Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 688,717 / 0.52
The Miriuwung, Gajerrong, Doolboong, Wardenybeng and Gija groups and other Aboriginal people who are acknowledged by these groups as having rights in thedetermination area. / Miriuwung and Gajerrong #4 (Native Title Prescribed Body Corporate) Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 679,057 / 0.52
The Newcastle Waters – Murranji native title holders / 649,969 / 0.49
Wandarang, Alawa, Marra and Ngalakan Peoples / 646,375 / 0.49
Gugu Badhun People / Gugu Badhun Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 616,925 / 0.47
Wik and Wik-Way Peoples / Ngan Aak-Kunch Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 606,965 / 0.46
Wik and Wik Way Peoples / Ngan Aak-Kunch Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 548,126 / 0.42
Bunuba People / Bunuba Dawangarri Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 531,589 / 0.40
Wik and Wik Way Peoples / Ngan Aak-Kunch Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 512,262 / 0.39
Yawuru Community / Kunin (Native Title) Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 496,011 / 0.38
The Ngapurrpinkakujarra group; the Narrwan group; the Walanypirri group; the Yingawunarri group; the Narlwan group / 445,075 / 0.34
Karajarri People / Karajarri Traditional Lands Association (Aboriginal Corporation) RNTBC / 437,265 / 0.33
The Gajerrong-Ngalinjar
group; theNgarinyman-Wulayi group; the Ngarinyman-Nyiwanawam group / 424,205 / 0.32
The Balanggarra community / Balanggarra Aboriginal Corporation / 413,179 / 0.31
The Badpa group; the Murrunggun Kunakingka group; the Guyal Bardi Bardi group / 390,018 / 0.30
Gangalidda People / Gangalidda and Garawa Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 380,095 / 0.29
The Miriuwung-Nyawam Nyawam group; the Miriuwung-Bindjen group; the Gajerrong-Gurrbijim group; the Gajerrong-Djarradjarrany group; the Gajerrong-Djandumi group; the Gajerrong-Wadanybang group / 374,666 / 0.28
The Warranangku group; theKarranjini group; theLija/Murwartpi group / 337,470 / 0.26
The Karranjini group; the Bamarrnganja group / 319,460 / 0.24
The Ngapurrpinkakujarra group; the Yingawunarri group; the Liwi group; the Luwaja group; the Nirrina group; the Beregumayin-Ngarrajananggu group / 296,599 / 0.23
The Kinbininggu group; the Bamarrngganja group / 277,406 / 0.21
The Miriuwung – Larru group; the Miriuwung – Mambitji group; the Miriuwung – Gudim group; the Malngin – Yunur-Jurrtakal group / 276,900 / 0.21
The Ngapurrpinkakujarra group; the Narrwan group; the Walanypirri group; the Yingawunarri group; the Purrurruka group; the Yilyilyimarri group; the Japuwuny-Wijina group; the Bilnara group; the Wampana group / 276,813 / 0.21
The Ngapurrpinkakujarra group; the Yingawunarri group; the Narlwan group; the Luwaja group; the Tururrutpa group; the Beregumayin-Ngarrajananggu group / 262,089 / 0.20
Kowanyama People / Abm Elgoring Ambung Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 251,069 / 0.19
The Miriuwung-Damberal group; the Miriuwung-Nyawam Nyawam group; the Miriuwung-Gudim group; the Ngarinyman-Nyiwanawam group / 246,406 / 0.19
The Nyangumarta People / Nyangumarta Warrarn Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 214,645 / 0.16
The Longreach Birdum group; the Burdal Yarrkala group; the Guyal Wurrungguy group; the Murrunggun Kunakingka group / 203,637 / 0.15
Gangalidda People / Gangalidda and Garawa Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 197,763 / 0.15
The Gajerrong-Wadanybang group; theGajerrong-Gurrbijim group; the Gajerrong-Djarradjarrany group / 184,924 / 0.14
The Yungngora people / Yungngora Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 180,085 / 0.14
The Nyangumarta People and the Karajarri People / Nyangumarta Karajarri Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 175,338 / 0.13
The Gajerrong-Pulthuru group; the Gajerrong-Ngalinjar group; the Gajerrong-Gurrbijim group; the Gajerrong-Djarradjarrany group / 165,154 / 0.13
The Ngapurr group; theYingawunarri group; thePurrurruka group / 159,906 / 0.12
The Murrunggun Kunakingka group; the Guyal Bardi Bardi group / 152,415 / 0.12
The Nirrina group; the Yingawunarri group; the Purrurruka group; the Yilyilimarri group; the Billinara group / 152,042 / 0.12
Djungan People / Nguddaboolgan Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 148,771 / 0.11
Warranangku group / 128,977 / 0.10
Members of the Ngarla language group / Wanparta Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 125,049 / 0.10
Lardil, Yangkaal, Gangalidda and Kaiadilt Peoples / Gulf Region Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 120,440 / 0.09
Strathgordon Mob / Thaa-Nguigarr Strathgordon Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 118,481 / 0.09
The Kinbininggu group; the Warranangku group; the Marlinja group / 115,414 / 0.09
Wik and Wik Way Peoples / Ngan Aak-Kunch Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 112,554 / 0.09
Bardi and Jawi People / Bardi and Jawi Niimidiman Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 105,107 / 0.08
Yirritja Moiety clans and Dhuwa Moiety clans / 97,515 / 0.07
Longreach Birdum group / 59,288 / 0.05
Damberal, Bindjen and
estate groups / 59,180 / 0.04
The Jangga People / Bulganunna Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 32,719 / 0.02
Ngurrara People / Yanunijarra Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 32,092 / 0.02
Bar-Barrum People / Bar-Barrum Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 30,909 / 0.02
Djungan People / Nguddaboolgan Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 27,192 / 0.02
Western Yalanji Peoples / Western Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 24,033 / 0.02
The Najig group and the Guyanggan Nganawirdbird group / 22,086 / 0.02
Western Yalanji People / Western Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 19,366 / 0.01
Mualgal People / Mualgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC / 16,929 / 0.01
Kaurareg People / Kaurareg Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (RNTBC) / 16,602 / 0.01
Saibai People / Saibai Mura Buway (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC / 11,104 / 0.01
Badulgal People / Mura Badulgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC / 10,146 / 0.01
Jirrbal People / Wabubadda Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 9,502 / 0.01
The Lardil peoples, theYangkaal peoples, theKaiadilt peoples and theGangalidda peoples / Gulf Region Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 8,521 / 0.01
Boigu People / Malu Ki’ai (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC / 7,270 / 0.01
Muluridji People / Muluridji Tribal Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 6,586 / 0.01
Muluridji People / Muluridji Tribal Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 5,397 / 0.00
Djungan People / Nguddaboolgan Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 5,175 / 0.004
Kaurareg People / Kaurareg Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (RNTBC) / 4,271 / 0.003
Tagalaka People / Tagalaka Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 4,007 / 0.003
Djungan People / Nguddaboolgan Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 2,656 / 0.002
Kaurareg People / Kaurareg Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (RNTBC) / 2,298 / 0.002
Ngaliwurru and Nungali persons who are members of the Makalamayi, Wunjaiyi, Yanturi, Wantawul and Maiyalaniwung estate groups / Gunarmu Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 2,059 / 0.002
Members of Meriam, Erubam, Ugarem Le, Masigalgal, Porumalgal, Warraberalgal, Iamalgal, Mualgal, Badulgal, Gumulgal, Saibailgal, Boigulgal and Dauanalgal island communities / 1,978 / 0.002
Eastern Kuku Yalanji People / Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 1,964 / 0.001
Kuuku Ya’u People / Kuuku Ya’u Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 1,694 / 0.001
Saibai, Dauan, Mabuiag, Badu & Boigu Peoples / Maluilgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC / 1,199 / 0.001
Yam Islanders/Tudulaig People / Magani Lagaugal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC / 1,109 / 0.001
Warraber, Poruma and Iama Peoples / Wakeyama (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC / 1,011 / 0.001
Gumulgal Mabuiag People / Goemulgaw (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC / 694 / 0.001
Erubam Le People / Erubam Le Traditional Land and Sea Owners
(Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC / 564 / 0.0004
Kaurareg People / Kaurareg Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (RNTBC) / 529 / 0.0004
Community / Wanjina-Wunggurr (Native Title) Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 445 / 0.0003
Badualgal and Mualgal Peoples / Badu Ar Mua Migi Lagal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC / 399 / 0.0003
The Gebaralgal / Gebaralgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC / 382 / 0.0003
Meriam People / Mer Gedkem Le (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC / 377 / 0.0003
Dauan People / Dauanalgaw (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC / 331 / 0.0003
Kaurareg People / Kaurareg Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (RNTBC) / 325 / 0.0002
The Masigalgal (the Masig People) / Masigalgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC / 320 / 0.0002
Kowanyama People / Abm Elgoring Ambung Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 225 / 0.0002
Badpa estate group / 183 / 0.0001
Tjurabalan People / Tjurabalan Native Title Land Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 170 / 0.0001
Warraber People / Warraberalgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC / 100 / 0.0001
The Ngalakan People / 72 / 0.0001
Yuwurruma members of the Mandilarri-Ildugij, Mangalara, Murran, Gadura-Minaga, and Ngaynjaharr clans / Injarnyala Aboriginal Corporation / 58 / 0.0000
Meriam People / Mer Gedkem Le (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC / 56 / 0.0000
The Kulkalgal People / Kulkalgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC / 49 / 0.0000
Tableland Yidinji People / 49 / 0.0000
Ugar People / Ugar Ged Kem Le Zeuber Er Kep Le
(Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC / 46 / 0.00004
Porumalgal Poruma People / Porumalgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC / 34 / 0.00003
Mualgal People / Mualgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC / 32 / 0.00002
Poruma People / Porumalgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC / 28 / 0.00002
Poruma & Masig Peoples / Garboi (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC / 7 / 0.00001
Jirrbal People / Wabubadda Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 6 / 0.000005
Jirrbal People / Wabubadda Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC / 0.3 / 0.0000002

Source:The Native Title Tribunal Register, October 2013.
For more information please refer to:

Local Government Areas
Barkly Shire / NT
Belyuen Shire / NT
Central Desert Shire / NT
Coomalie Shire / NT
Darwin Municipality / NT
Darwin Rates Act Area / NT
Darwin Waterfront Precinct Municipality / NT
East Arnhem Shire / NT
Katherine Municipality / NT
Litchfield Municipality / NT
Palmerston Municipality / NT
Roper Gulf Shire / NT
Tiwi Islands Shire / NT
Un-Incorporated (Alyangula) Area / NT
Un-Incorporated (Elrundie) Area / NT
Un-Incorporated (Nhulunbuy) Area / NT
Un-Incorporated Area / NT
Victoria – Daly Shire / NT
Wagait Shire / NT
West Arnhem Shire / NT
Aurukun Shire / QLD
Burdekin Shire / QLD
Burke Shire / QLD
Cairns Regional / QLD
Carpentaria Shire / QLD
Charters Towers Regional / QLD
Cloncurry Shire / QLD
Cook Shire / QLD
Croydon Shire / QLD
Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire / QLD
Douglas Shire / QLD
Etheridge Shire / QLD
Flinders Shire / QLD
Hinchinbrook Shire / QLD
Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire / QLD
Lockhart River Aboriginal Shire / QLD
Mapoon Aboriginal Shire / QLD
Mareeba Shire / QLD
Mckinlay Shire / QLD
Mornington Shire / QLD
Mount Isa City / QLD
Napranum Aboriginal Shire / QLD
Northern Peninsula Area Regional / QLD
Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire / QLD
Richmond Shire / QLD
Tablelands Regional / QLD
Torres Shire / QLD
Torres Strait Island Regional / QLD
Weipa Town / QLD
Whitsunday Regional / QLD
Shire Of Broome / WA
Shire Of Derby-West Kimberley / WA
Shire Of East Pilbara / WA
Shire Of Halls Creek / WA
Shire Of Wyndham-East Kimberley / WA
Town Of Port Hedland / WA

Zone vegetation characteristics