February 1, 2011
The Scott County Commissioners met in a regular scheduled meeting Tuesday, February 1, 2011 at the Scott County Courthouse. Members present were Chairman Dylan Spencer, members Jack Frick and James Minnix, and County Clerk Pam Faurot.
1:00Robert Harkness joined the meeting.
The Commission approved the bills as presented by the County Clerk’s office and approved the following tax changes:
2010-31AdditionKenny George$ 6.90
2010-32AdditionKenny George$ 7.22
Jack Frick made a motion to approve the January 17, 2011, Commission Minutes as presented. James Minnix seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
The Commission reviewed possible changes to the January 4, 2011 minutes as requested by County Treasurer Lark Speer. No action was taken.
Robert Harkness approached the Commission about the possibility of purchasing county owned lots at Antelope and 12th Street. The Commission agreed that they would consider selling the lots, but need to check with John Shirley about the proper procedure to sell County property.
1:15Robert Harkness left the meeting.
Jack Frick made a motion to transfer interest earned in an amount of $23.30 from the general fund to the Library building fund. James Minnix seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
James Minnix made a motion for the County to continue to be a member of the Chamber of Commerce and pay the yearly membership fee of $450.00. Jack Frick seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
The Commission reviewed the quarterly investment report presented by treasurer Lark Speer.
Due to County Government Day in Topeka on February 15th, the Commission changed their second meeting in February to the 22nd at 1:00 p.m.
1:30Glenn Anderson, John Reeder, Richard Cramer, Karen Sattler, John Shirley and Rod Haxton joined the meeting.
The group discussed increased insurance premiums and county wages for 2011. The County’s insurance premiums increased 14 percent. This increase affects any employees that participate in an insurance plan other than just the single coverage. The department heads expressed their desire to have a merit pay increase instead of a cost of living pay increase. Merit pay allows department heads to reward those employees that work hard; whereas a cost of living increase gives everyone a pay increase when some employees have not worked hard enough to earn a pay increase. The Commission ask the department heads to review their employees and 2011 budget and come back to the March 1st Commission meeting with a plan for wages in their department. No action was taken at this time.
2:20Karen Sattler, John Reeder, and Rod Haxton left the meeting.
The Commission discussed with John Shirley the lot purchase requested by Robert Harkness. John will prepare the necessary publications and paperwork for the sale of the property. The property will be offered as a public sale with a minimum price of $6,000 per lot.
2:30John Shirley left the meeting.
James Minnix made a motion to appoint Glenn Anderson to the Twenty-Fifth District Juvenile Justice Board. Jack Frick seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
2:25Glenn Anderson left the meeting.
Richard Cramer presented the following road and mowing contracts for approval:
Road Maintenance Agreements:
Beef Belt Feeders4.5 Miles$1,575.00
Stampede Feeders2.5 Miles$ 250.00
Road Mowing Agreements:
Owen Unruh9 Miles$ 450.00
Vulgamore Land & Cattle Co. 39 Miles$1,950.00
James M. Minnix 26.5 Miles$1,325.00
Beaton Farms, Inc. 23.5 Miles$1,175.00
James Nightengale 1 Mile$ 50.00
Bar X Inc. 21.5 Miles$1,075.00
Brenda Tankersley 45.5 Miles$2,275.00
Brown Farms 15.5 Miles$ 775.00
Greg Skibbe 35.5 Miles$1,775.00
High Choice Feeders, LLC 6.5 Miles$ 325.00
Franklin Koehn 3.5 Miles$ 175.00
Jack Frick 18 Miles$ 900.00
Richard Cramer discussed closing the landfill two or three days a week. After a short discussion, the Commission asked Richard to plan what he would like to do and come back with more information. No action was taken.
2:40Ryan Roberts joined the meeting.
Ryan Roberts asked if the County could spray stickers in a grassy area at the airport that is used for the annual Wings and Wheels event. Before the Commission had time to respond, Dylan Spencer told Ryan that Spencer Pest Control would donate the time and spray for the stickers in the grassy area used for the Wings and Wheels event. Ryan Roberts thanked Dylan for his generosity.
2:50Ryan Roberts left the meeting.
The Commission agreed that Richard should contract diesel fuel as the prices seem to be on the way up. The number of gallons to contract is at Richard’s discretion.
The Commission and Richard discussed the tax protest by Vance Wiechman regarding the condition of the roads around his property. Richard called Vance and talked to him. Vance only protested in order to let legislators know that County’s cannot afford to lose anymore tax dollars from the State of Kansas that help maintain major county roads. No action was taken.
Richard and Larry Brack from Wichita County have agreed to work together to repair a county road on the Scott/Wichita County line south of Highway 96.
Glenn Holiday representing Torch Energy has been in contact with Richard regarding road work for their wind farm project in northern Scott County. The Commission agreed that it may be time for Scott County to adopt a policy to address County roads that could be impacted by large projects of this kind. The Commission agreed to ask John Shirley to prepare a policy for the Commission’s review.
3:30Richard Cramer left the meeting.
Dylan Spencer made a motion to appoint Harry LaToush and Don Scott to the Indoor Arena Board of Directors. James Minnix seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
James Minnix made a motion to approve the transfer of camera equipment, digital fingerprint equipment, and softwarefrom the Regional Emergency Management District to Scott County. Scott County agrees to keep the equipment in Scott County and provide insurance coverage for the equipment. Jack Frick seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
James Minnix made a motion at approve the lease agreements between the Zella Carpenter Trust and Wiechman Land & Cattle, G & D Feedlot, and Steven Unruh. Jack Frick seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
James Minnix made a motion to approve a lease agreement between the Zella Carpenter Trust and Frick, Inc. Dylan Spencer seconded the motion. The motion carried – Minnix and Spencer “Yes” and Jack Frick abstained.
James Minnix made a motion to approve Resolution 2011-3 vacating certain roads in Grigston as published. Dylan Spencer seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
James Minnix made a motion to approve Resolution 2011-2 regarding changes to the KWORK By-Laws. Jack Frick seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Jack Frick made a motion to pay the $2.00 per person membership fee to remain a member of the Northwest Kansas Regional Recycling Organization. James Minnix seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
The Commission reviewed a letter asking for donations to support the CATS public channel. No action was taken.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned.