SGA Campus Council Minutes
Wednesday, December 6th
Harris Center Concert Hall, 8PM
DISCLAIMER: Please note that the Campus Council Minutes are a paraphrased report of Campus Council proceedings facilitated by the office of the Administrative Coordinator and approved by the voting members of that council.
Start: 8:07pm
Roll Call:
Absent: Concerts Chair Jarzyna, Senator Ercolani, Senator Schweitzer, Senator Ochoa, Delegate Mskekela, Delegate Brenhofer, Delegate, Delegate Gustafson, Delegate Tanimoto, Delegate Neiderman, Delegate Luther
Public Comment, Announcements, and Upcoming Events
Treasurer Steckel
●We have just learned that next Fall, Campus will no longer be using stipend pay. It will be on an hourly basis. The school’s contract with e-time has also come to an end as well.
Senator Stallings
●The Off Campus Senators are having an event at Saints Rest from 7-10pm all of you are invited. There will be a between 2 and 300 dollar tab.
Senator Faran
●Our last Hall Council was attended by 80 people.
Senator Rebelsky
●This Sunday there will be a concert at St. Paul Episcopal Church at 7pm
Senator Feldberg-Bannatyne
●This Sunday united church of Christ UCC will be an interfaith service at 2pm. There will be a silent funeral procession to Brownell. On the 15th there will be a vigil at central park at 5:30pm
ACE Co-Chair Handal
●Baby Driver will be playing at Friday.
VPAA Gelnarova
●The new building designs will per Monday the 11th from 2-3 in Noyce 2021. I would like to bring around 12 students
Assistant Treasurer Sheikh
●ISO study Break at 7pm on Saturday
Senator Tombou
●Sunday at 10pm there will be a campus wide screaming event. Wherever you are do it
Technical Advisor Becker
●The RLC Evette is in charge of puppies and pancakes. I think it will be held on the west side of Noyce
Approval of the Minutes
●Vote:13-0-1; Passes
A- Yes; B-No; C-Abstain
Name / ResponseHamilton, Jordan / A
Feldberg-Bannatyne, Evan / A
Doudna, Abby / A
Faran, Mahira / A
Stallings, Carrie / A
Gandotra, Rohan / A
Bolster, Henry / A
Steinberg, Zach / A
Rebelsky, Jonathan / C
Logan, Regina / A
Tombou, Khadijah / A
Samra, Razmeet / A
Cabinet, SGA / A
Nalwa, Dev / A
IAC Spring Budget
Treasurer Steckel
●IAC acts as funding portion of Campus Council. We must approve funding decisions first two meetings a semester
President White
●As the Chair this number was arrived at with coordination with the chair of these committees who are here at Campus Council Right now
Technical Advisor Becker
●Do funds used in IAC roll over to respective budget if not spent?
Treasurer Steckel
Motion to previous Question by President White
●Seconded by Senator Rebelsky
●Vote:14-0-0; Passess
A- Yes; B-No; C-Abstain
Name / ResponseHamilton, Jordan / A
Feldberg-Bannatyne, Evan / A
Doudna, Abby / A
Faran, Mahira / A
Stallings, Carrie / A
Gandotra, Rohan / A
Bolster, Henry / A
Steinberg, Zach / A
Rebelsky, Jonathan / A
Logan, Regina / A
Tombou, Khadijah / A
Samra, Razmeet / A
Cabinet, SGA / A
Nalwa, Dev / A
Vote to Pass the IAC budget totaling $5,550 in full
●Vote: 14-0-0; Passess
Green Fund Committee- Passess
Green Fund Co-Chair Magdalener
●Emergency Committee vote. Resounded yeses from the committee. Its over 1,000 so it will be to put on light timers in numbers
Rachel Snodgrass
●It will not affect the emergency lights.
President White:
●How will you measure success?
Assistant Treasurer Sheikh
●We send out surveys two weeks after they are installed.
Senator Hamilton
●Any Consideration of motion detectors.
Green Fund Co-Chair Magdalener
●Any motion will trigger the light, if someone is walking out of the building or just using the restroom in the middle of the night, so it would be wasting the light still.
Rachel Snodgrass
●It also requires rewiring of electrical system
Technical Advisor Becker
●As a CA, some residence came forward saying they didn’t feel comfortable with lights being off all the time.
Rachel Snodgrass
●Emergency lights are required to be on at all times. Those will not be affected
President White:
●How confident are you that this will have a significant impact?
Rachel Snodgrass
●I am very confident will make a big difference because all the lights are off saving conserving electricity.
Senator Tombou
●Have you talked to the residence of the lights
Rachel Snodgrass
●I have asked Joe Rolon, my RLC, and CA. We also sent a email out
Senator Rebelsky
●Will there be an email to everyone in the building
Rachel Snodgrass
Motion to previous Question By President White
● Seconded by Senator Stallings
●Vote 12-1-1; Passess
A- Yes; B-No; C-Abstain
Name / ResponseHamilton, Jordan / A
Feldberg-Bannatyne, Evan / A
Doudna, Abby / C
Faran, Mahira / A
Stallings, Carrie / A
Gandotra, Rohan / A
Bolster, Henry / A
Steinberg, Zach / A
Rebelsky, Jonathan / B
Logan, Regina / A
Tombou, Khadijah / A
Samra, Razmeet / A
Cabinet, SGA / A
Nalwa, Dev / A
Vote to Pass Light switch budget totaling 1,165.32 in full
●Vote 11-3-0; Passess
A- Yes; B-No; C-Abstain
Name / ResponseHamilton, Jordan / A
Feldberg-Bannatyne, Evan / A
Doudna, Abby / A
Faran, Mahira / A
Stallings, Carrie / A
Gandotra, Rohan / B
Bolster, Henry / A
Steinberg, Zach / A
Rebelsky, Jonathan / B
Logan, Regina / A
Tombou, Khadijah / A
Samra, Razmeet / A
Cabinet, SGA / A
Nalwa, Dev / B
Reform- ACE and ACESS
President White
●ACCESS will be moving under DSA. This edit reflects the changes. Accordingly it also removes the ACCESS Director from our constitution.
Senator Nalwa
●Will it fund ACESS
President White
●SGA will contract ACESS services
Vote to Pass Reform
●Vote:11-1-2; Passess
A- Yes; B-No; C-Abstain
Name / ResponseHamilton, Jordan / A
Feldberg-Bannatyne, Evan / A
Doudna, Abby / A
Faran, Mahira / C
Stallings, Carrie / A
Gandotra, Rohan / A
Bolster, Henry / A
Steinberg, Zach / A
Rebelsky, Jonathan / C
Logan, Regina / A
Tombou, Khadijah / B
Samra, Razmeet / A
Cabinet, SGA / A
Nalwa, Dev / A
ACE By-Laws Reforms
●Motion to Postpone Indefinitely by Senator Logan
○Seconded by VPSA Epps
●Motion to Previous Question by Senator Rebelsky
○Seconded by AC Hill
○Vote: 12-2-0
A- Yes; B-No; C-Abstain
Name / ResponseHamilton, Jordan / B
Feldberg-Bannatyne, Evan / B
Doudna, Abby / A
Faran, Mahira / A
Stallings, Carrie / A
Gandotra, Rohan / A
Bolster, Henry / A
Steinberg, Zach / A
Rebelsky, Jonathan / A
Logan, Regina / A
Tombou, Khadijah / A
Samra, Razmeet / A
Cabinet, SGA / A
Nalwa, Dev / A
●Vote to Postpone agenda item 7 Indefinitely
○Vote: 11-3-0; Passess
A- Yes; B-No; C-Abstain
Name / ResponseHamilton, Jordan / B
Feldberg-Bannatyne, Evan / A
Doudna, Abby / A
Faran, Mahira / A
Stallings, Carrie / B
Gandotra, Rohan / B
Bolster, Henry / A
Steinberg, Zach / A
Rebelsky, Jonathan / A
Logan, Regina / A
Tombou, Khadijah / A
Samra, Razmeet / A
Cabinet, SGA / A
Nalwa, Dev / A
Resolution- Student Trustee
Senator Logan
●Is this to seat a voting member
Senator Stallings
Senator Logan
●I think this document is a little wordy and can be edited to be more concise
Services Coordinator Porter
●This will not go into the constitution. Definitely the things we put into the constitution should be worded very carefully. I would also like to make it known that this does not have the support of the SGA cabinet.
Motion to postpone indefinitely by AC Hill
●Seconded by VPSA Epps
Motion to previous Question by VPSA Epss
●Seconded by Assistant Treasurer Sheikh
●Vote: 10-3-1; passess
A- Yes; B-No; C-Abstain
Name / ResponseHamilton, Jordan / B
Feldberg-Bannatyne, Evan / B
Doudna, Abby / B
Faran, Mahira / A
Stallings, Carrie / C
Gandotra, Rohan / A
Bolster, Henry / A
Steinberg, Zach / A
Rebelsky, Jonathan / A
Logan, Regina / A
Tombou, Khadijah / A
Samra, Razmeet / A
Cabinet, SGA / A
Nalwa, Dev / A
Vote to postpone agenda item 8 indefinitely
●Vote: 9-3-2; Passess
A- Yes; B-No; C-Abstain
Name / ResponseHamilton, Jordan / B
Feldberg-Bannatyne, Evan / B
Doudna, Abby / B
Faran, Mahira / A
Stallings, Carrie / C
Gandotra, Rohan / A
Bolster, Henry / A
Steinberg, Zach / A
Rebelsky, Jonathan / A
Logan, Regina / A
Nalwa, Dev / A
Tombou, Khadijah / A
Samra, Razmeet / A
Cabinet, SGA / C
Reform- Student Trustee Amendment
Motion to Postpone agenda item 9 indefinitely by Senator Rebelsky
●Seconded by Senator Logan
Motion to previous Question by AC Hill
●Seconded by ACE Co-Chair Mystic
●Vote: 12-2-0; Passess
A- Yes; B-No; C-Abstain
Name / ResponseHamilton, Jordan / A
Feldberg-Bannatyne, Evan / B
Doudna, Abby / B
Faran, Mahira / A
Gandotra, Rohan / A
Steinberg, Zach / A
Rebelsky, Jonathan / A
Logan, Regina / A
Stallings, Carrie / A
Bolster, Henry / A
Tombou, Khadijah / A
Samra, Razmeet / A
Cabinet, SGA / A
Nalwa, Dev / A
Vote to postpone on agenda item 9 indefinitely
●Vote: 11-3-0
A- Yes; B-No; C-Abstain
Name / ResponseHamilton, Jordan / A
Feldberg-Bannatyne, Evan / B
Doudna, Abby / B
Faran, Mahira / A
Stallings, Carrie / B
Gandotra, Rohan / A
Bolster, Henry / A
Steinberg, Zach / A
Rebelsky, Jonathan / A
Logan, Regina / A
Tombou, Khadijah / A
Samra, Razmeet / A
Cabinet, SGA / A
Nalwa, Dev / A
P.O Murphy
●Just because you postpone something indefinitely does not bar it from ever being brought back up at Campus Council
Reform- Employment Eligibility
President White
●I would like to make sure people in leadership positions are in good conduct standing. I think the individuals standings. Motion is to add a clause that say "an in good Academic standing as well as good conduct and good academic standing"
VPAA Gelnerova
●It means if you are on strict academic budget, meaning 1.25 GPA and below. Also if you drop a full point in the GPA. I am reading from a document that the registrar sent me
Senator Toumbou
●I don’t think academics is a good indicators of capability to do a position
VPAA Gelnerova
●Just to make this clear academic probation is different from strict academic probation
●I believe in this because you have a lot of stressor and adding to much can certainly make someone overwhelmed
Senator Stallings
●To see someone who cannot be included in that does not say that. If people are voting here that means someone chose them to be here.
President White
●Every student voice matters. I don’t think that they should be leading if they have too much stuff on their plate. I would happily welcome them back in once they have everything situated
Senator Logan
●I appreciate this conduct piece it is reflective of our values. If voters want a certain person in office they should have them. I think the academic piece should is not necessary.
Senator Bolster
●What is good conduct standing?
President White
●Up to Dean. Title IX Violation, Act of Violence. etc.
Senator Rebelsky
●It is my understanding that FERPA forbids people to share academic or conduct records
President White
●Yes that is true, it is illegal
Services Coordinator Porter
●The list of candidates would go to Sarah Moschenross or Chinyere in the Ombuds office.
President White
●This has been an issue for SGA since I've been here. Anybody in SGA could be found guilty of a conduct violation, and there is no procedure. This comes for student who are so dedicated to their Job, which prevents them from graduating early or fulfilling what they need done. I have talked to Chinyere and Mark Watts about how we would do this. This has been brought to Campus Council before
Senator Feldberg-Bannatyne
●Grinnellians should have the ability to decide whether or not they are a leader. To say that they cannot prioritize SGA. They are the arbiters of their own life.
Senator Bolster
●How would this go down?
DOC Boggess
●We wouldn’t see any of the initial applicants that applied, only the names that have been given the okay by whoever in student affairs is screening them.
Senator Bolster
●What happens in the middle of the semester?
President White
●The relevant SGA supervisor will be made aware of any of the violations.
Senator Stallings
●I would like to make it known people of color and who are systematically oppressed are going to be adversely affected by this
●There is a committee of academic standing. Regardless if an SGA Cabinet member falls into strict academic probation the administration would be told to step down.
VPAA Gelnarova
●Academic Dishonesty falls under this purview as well. Somebody who blatantly
Motion to amend to remove academic standing from amendment by Senator Logan
Motion to previous Question by AC Hill
●Seconded by Senator Hamilton
●Vote: 9-3-2: Passess
A- Yes; B-No; C-Abstain
Name / ResponseHamilton, Jordan / A
Feldberg-Bannatyne, Evan / C
Doudna, Abby / A
Faran, Mahira / A
Stallings, Carrie / A
Gandotra, Rohan / B
Bolster, Henry / A
Steinberg, Zach / A
Rebelsky, Jonathan / A
Logan, Regina / B
Nalwa, Dev / A
Tombou, Khadijah / B
Samra, Razmeet / A
Cabinet, SGA / C
Vote to Amended to remove "in good academic standing"
●Vote: 9-4-1; Passes
A- Yes; B-No; C-Abstain
Name / ResponseHamilton, Jordan / A
Feldberg-Bannatyne, Evan / A
Doudna, Abby / A
Faran, Mahira / B
Stallings, Carrie / A
Gandotra, Rohan / B
Bolster, Henry / A
Steinberg, Zach / B
Rebelsky, Jonathan / A
Logan, Regina / A
Nalwa, Dev / A
Tombou, Khadijah / B
Samra, Razmeet / A
Cabinet, SGA / C
Senator Logan
●How do you get in bad conduct standing?
VPAA Gelnarova
●Sarah Moschenross has all the process. Someone who have to file an official report against you to Sarah Moschenross.
Senator Logan
●Is she the one making the executive decision?
Treasurer Steckel
●The reason Sarah Moschenross has all this information for legal reason. Are we going to use the institution's standards for SGA. It is either we use these standards or nothing at all. It is going to be opaque.
Senator Doudna
●I would like to make sure that the wording is good.
President White
●The wording is “good conduct Standing”
Senator Rebelsky
●One pro we care about accessibility, someone might not have their assaulter at a Campus Council meeting. The con is that someone would know if you are not on good conducting standing if you stop showing up to Campus Council or committee meetings
Senator Logan
●We do not hear have a clear standing. We need to have one, because it makes me worry that people can end up in situations that are racially charged. We should not have sexual assault. Let's take that time to have that conversation.
Senator Bolster
●I agree with Senator Logan. I am comfortable with trusting Judco and terms with peers.
VPAA Gelnarova
●College hearing board
Sarah Moschenross (Via Phone)
●A person is not in conduct a length of time that is set to expire. They have received multiple conduct warnings. Kept breaking policies. A bias motivated incidence, some students found responsible for title IX violations. theft, violence, vandalism. Conduct Probations
Senator Logan
●What if a underage student on campus gets caught drinking?
Sarah Moschenross
●Alcohol abuse, substance abuse or a series of conduct violations can lead to a policy violations, we look at that as a developmental course.
Senator Toumbou
●What about smoking weed?
Sarah Moschenross
●Yes that would put them on probation. The smallest probationary period of 1 semester that is the minimum conduct outcome.
Senator Feldberg-Bannatyne
●Is the standard of good conduct is in writing anywhere
Sarah moschenross
●I would have to ask Andrea
Motion to postpone indefinitely agenda item 10 by Senator Rebelsky
●Seconded by Senator Toumbou
Motion to previous Question by AC Hill
Seconded by Senator Samra
●Vote: 8-4-1; Passess
A- Yes; B-No; C-Abstain
Name / ResponseHamilton, Jordan / A
Feldberg-Bannatyne, Evan / B
Doudna, Abby / A
Faran, Mahira / A
Stallings, Carrie / A
Gandotra, Rohan / (NR)
Bolster, Henry / A
Steinberg, Zach / B
Rebelsky, Jonathan / B
Logan, Regina / B
Nalwa, Dev / A
Tombou, Khadijah / A
Samra, Razmeet / A
Cabinet, SGA / C
Vote to postpone agenda item 10 indefinitely
●Vote5-8-0; Fails
A- Yes; B-No; C-Abstain
Name / ResponseHamilton, Jordan / B
Feldberg-Bannatyne, Evan / B
Doudna, Abby / B
Faran, Mahira / A
Stallings, Carrie / B
Gandotra, Rohan / (NR)
Bolster, Henry / B
Steinberg, Zach / A
Rebelsky, Jonathan / A
Logan, Regina / B
Nalwa, Dev / A
Tombou, Khadijah / A
Samra, Razmeet / B
Cabinet, SGA / B
Motion to pass Reform with only “in good conduct standing” by AC Hill
●Seconded by President White
Motion to Previous Question by Senator Taylor
●Vote:10-2-1; Passess
A- Yes; B-No; C-Abstain
Name / ResponseHamilton, Jordan / A
Feldberg-Bannatyne, Evan / A
Doudna, Abby / A
Faran, Mahira / A
Stallings, Carrie / C
Gandotra, Rohan / (NR)
Bolster, Henry / A
Steinberg, Zach / A
Rebelsky, Jonathan / B
Logan, Regina / A
Nalwa, Dev / A
Tombou, Khadijah / B
Samra, Razmeet / A
Cabinet, SGA / A
Vote to pass reform
●Vote: 8-2-3; Passess
A- Yes; B-No; C-Abstain
Name / ResponseHamilton, Jordan / A
Feldberg-Bannatyne, Evan / A
Doudna, Abby / A
Faran, Mahira / C
Stallings, Carrie / C
Gandotra, Rohan / (NR)
Bolster, Henry / A
Steinberg, Zach / A
Rebelsky, Jonathan / B
Logan, Regina / A
Nalw, Dev / C
Tombou, Khadijah / B
Samra, Razmeet / A
Cabinet, SGA / A
*Due to lack of quorum Campus Council is adjourned
Adjourning Time: 10:16