Test Cases and Results
August 31, 2009 Release
Updated Warehouse Model
New House of Worship Model
New Optional Hotel Attributes Model
New Required Retail Attribute
New/Modified Energy Fuels, Units and Factors
On-Site Renewable Energy Sources
Renewable Energy Credits
Includes Portfolio Manager, Target Finder, Public Web Site and
ABS and Web Services *
(* ABS and Web Services Test Cases/Scripts
are managed outside of this document)
Revision History
Revision / Revised By / Date RevisedV1.0 Initial Draft / Chris Bailey / 7/31/2009
V1.1 – added Retail Data Test Cases, updated status and notes / Chris Bailey / 8/4/2009
Note: status updates made daily by testers – version number not changed.
V1.2 – added a couple tests - UM-0078, UO-013. Status updates / Chris Bailey / 8/12/2009
The document includes all the Test Cases (User tests and Data tests) for the August release. Note: these tests were originally documented in the “Test Plan AUG 2009 Release.doc” but will be maintained in this document.
Testers will be submitting test results which will also be maintained in this document.
For any details of the August Release, including reference documents, scheduling and resources, refer to the Test Plan.
2.Test Cases
Test cases are intended to be a set of scenarios and instructions to the test team that will validate all components and functionality in the release. The test case includes a test case ID and name that describes the intent of the case. The test cases are listed below. A supplemental document takes each test case and provides additional details such as: setup, test data required, scripting instructions, and validations points.
This release includes three categories of test cases:
-Use Case Application Testing (A) – Test cases that specifically address the display and navigation of specific use case scenarios within screens in PM, TF, and iSTAR.
-Data Testing (D) - Test cases that are built around specific building types in order to validate the correct results for metrics, eligibility, ratings, etc.
The test Cases documented below include the following information:
-Test Case ID
-Test Case Name
-Test Case Description, including how to test and what to look for to verify results.
-Test Status, including tester name, relevant dates and status of the test in each environment.
-Notes, including description of problems encountered and related Mantis ERs.
Status Update as of 8/11/2009
Total User Test cases / 88# Items Not Yet in Test / 25
# Items In Test / 63
# Items Approved / 35
# Items Rejected back to dev / 7
# Items in progress / 21
Of the Data Test Cases, none of the OSR tests are “in test”. The HOW and Warehouse can all technically be tested but we are waiting for the Building Import process to be done so we can import the buildings for re-usability in staging and prod.
Test Plan Version 1.2 – PM Aug 31, 2009 ReleasePage 1
# / Name / Description / Status / Notes / Mantis ERsBUILDING IMPORTS
UBI-001 / House of WorshipBuilding Import Test / Using the new Building Import Template for House of Worship (HOW), add buildings to match SCR HOW data – include BIDs from NSTARTB –(TBD)
Confirm successful import of all data
Confirm matching metrics to SCR report / Not in test (15413)
UBI-002 / Refrigerated WarehouseBuilding Import Test / Using the modified Building Import Template for Refrigerated Warehouse, add buildings to match SCR Refrigerated Warehouse data – include BIDs from NSTARTB –(TBD)
Confirm successful import of all data
Confirm matching metrics to SCR report / Not in test (15413)
UBI-003 / Unrefrigerated WarehouseBuilding Import Test / Using the modified Building Import Template for Unrefrigerated Warehouse, add buildings to match SCR Unrefrigerated Warehouse data – include BIDs from NSTARTB –(TBD)
Confirm successful import of all data
Confirm matching metrics to SCR report / Not in test (15413)
UBI-004 / RetailBuilding Import Test / Using the modified Building Import Template for Retail, add buildings and ensure the new External Entrance attribute is included in the template, yes and no can be selected, and data saves properly. / Not in test (15413)
UBI-005 / HotelBuilding Import Test / Using the modified Building Import Template for Hotel, add buildings and ensure the new optional attributes are included in the template, appropriate values can be selected, and data saves properly. / Not in test (15413)
UBI-006 / New EnergyBuilding Import Test / Using any import template, add several new buildings with meters that utilize new or modified energy Types (DCW-all types, District Hot Water, Electricity-all types) and new Units (liters, cubic meters).
Confirm successful import of all data
[Note: OTHER fuel type is no longer selectable on imports; Electricity-OSR types are selectable but without any additional energy entries.] / Not in test (15413)
UBI-007 / AccessBuilding Import Templates / Confirm Import web page (via HELP and PM Home page) provides access to all the latest versions of templates.
Test Note: web page often uses fixed production locations so cannot always test template access. Confirm that new HOW and two Warehouse template links are on web page. / Not in test / Note: this HELP page with new templates needs to be part of pre-release announcements (14477)
UH-001 / Hotel Optional Attributes and Existing Hotel Spaces (Conversion) / View space data for existing Hotel Space type, and verify:
- Optional attributes are added with records in the space_attribute table (start and effective date matching earliest date of gross floor area, end date = 1/1/2200, no value).
- Optional attributes initially display in PM correctly (as defined above)
- Attributes show correct names, drop down choices an/or units.
- User can “Correct” or “Update” attribute values (and change effective dates).
- User does not receive “might lose rating” message when effective date is not earliest (using Correct and changing date).
Note: Test Case has incorrect step. User WILL still receive the “might lose the rating” message even when editing optional attributes. Turns out this is how is is working in production too. So, step 5 is incorrectly documented. The displayed message is OK and displays at the right time (when dates is changed to be prior to earliest date of any attribute.)
Note: Different name on one of the attributes per Guidance doc. Implemented as “Quantity of laundry processed on-site annually” instead of “Annual quantity of laundry processed on-site”. OK as is.
UH-002 / Add New Hotel Space with Optional Values / Add new building or new Hotel space to existing building and verify:
- Optional attributes initially display with no values (and same effective date as other attributes)
- Attributes show correct names, drop down choices an/or units
- User can enter and save values for all new attributes
- User cannot set attribute to use default values
- User does not receive “might lose rating” message when effective date is not earliest.
- Attribute values can be “Updated” after initial value entered.
UH-003 / Hotel Optional Attributes and Data Checklist and Facility Summary Report / Using buildings in test cases U-005 and U-006, generate the “SEP” in two scenarios:
a) non-label scenario, and
b) label application scenario
Confirm optional attribute values, as entered in space screens, properly display in the Data Checklist and the Facility Summary Report (and display with the “o” superscript to indicate “optional” )
Confirm Data Checklist questions per spec. / In Test / Noted that on Facility Summary Report that units are not included on attributes that have units. Entered as 15862 – not for Aug release.
UH-004 / Target Finder & Optional Hotel Attributes / Add a Hotel space to Target Finder and confirm optional attributes do not display. (Regression test that proper Hotel attributes display) / Approved in test-live - CB
UR-001 / New External Entrance Attribute and Existing Retail Spaces (Conversion) / View space data for existing Retail Space type, and verify:
- External Entrance attribute initially displays with (converted) value of “YES” (and same effective date as earliest gross floor area date)
- Attribute shows correct name, yes/no choices and no units
- User can “Correct” or “Update” attribute value (and change effective date).
- User does receive “might lose rating” message when effective date is changed to something later than earliest attribute date.
(also in prod-beta) / Note: need to check on Staging that the updated by (as saved in DB and displayed on space attrib screen) is SYSTEM and not ER14531.
LK Notes- I confirmed this and do still see what Chris says above.
UR-002 / Add New Retail Space with New External Entrance Attribute / Add new building or new Retail space to existing building and verify:
- External Entrance attribute initially displays with no value (and same effective date as earliest gross floor area)
- Attribute shows correct name, yes/no choices and no units
- User can select Yes, No, or set to use default value (and change effective date).
- User does receive “might lose rating” message when effective date is changed to something later than earliest attribute date.
LK Notes- shows last on list.
UR-003 / Retail External Entrance and Rating Eligibility (Adding Retail Spaces) / In each scenario, start with a building that has no retail space, has energy data from 1/1/2007 through last month and many years of space data (e.g., effective dates 1/1/2000) and has a rating, then add a Retail space (with typical attribute values)
a)Add new retail space and set External Entrance to default – confirm building still has a rating.
b)Add new retail space and set External Entrance to “YES” – confirm building still has a rating.
c)Add new retail space and set External Entrance to “NO” – confirm building Baseline and Current PED does not change, but loses the rating and has the appropriate NA reason for no rating. / Approved in Test (CB) / LK Notes- used b_id 1682140. Confirmed this.
UR-004 / Retail External Entrance Attribute and Data Checklist and Facility Summary Report / In all buildings above, “Generate SEP” and confirm correct External Entrance attribute and value display on Data Checklist and Facility.
Summary Report. (SEP can be the not-for-label kind)
Confirm Data Checklist questions per spec. / In Test
UR-005 / Retail External Entrance and Rating Eligibility (Existing Retail Space 1) / Start with a building that has one retail space (could have other spaces), has energy data from 1/1/2007 through last month and many years of space data (e.g., effective dates 1/1/2000), External Entrance = YES, and has a rating, then make changes to the Retail space as follows:
a)CORRECT the External Entrance attribute to NO – confirm building Baseline and Current PED does not change, but loses the rating and has the appropriate NA reason for no rating.
b)Then… CORRECT the External Entrance attribute to YES – should now get a rating.
c)Then… UPDATE it to NO (where the effective date of the update is a few months later than the current effective date; e.g., 3/1/2000) – confirm building Baseline and Current PED does not change, but loses the rating and has the appropriate NA reason for no rating.
d)Then… UPDATE it to YES (where the effective date of the update is 6 months ago) – no change –Baseline & Current PED but no Rating. / Approved in test (CB) / Special test to double check – check that unrelated metrics (e.g. Current Source Energy Intensity, Change from Baseline: Adjusted Energy Use (%), Emissions, etc.) are no NA when the Rating is NA.
LK Notes- Confirmed this with B_ID 1685133. Did notice that I get “N/A” for some GHG emissions metrics but it remained constant through all scenarios so I don’t think it is related to this particular change.
UR-006 / Retail External Entrance and Rating Eligibility (Existing Retail Space 2) / Start with a building that has one retail space (could have other spaces), has energy data from 1/1/2007 through last month and many years of space data (e.g., effective dates 1/1/2000), External Entrance = NO and has no rating, then make changes to the Retail space as follows.
a)UPDATE External Entrance to YES (where the effective date of the update is a few months later than the current effective date; e.g.; 3/1/2000) – should have different baseline datewith rating, same current date with rating. / Approved in test (CB) / LK Notes-
B_ID 1685140- Dec 2007 is baseline before update. I think this test case is saying to change the effective date to a few months after the energy data start date, otherwise I am not sure why it would change the baseline PED. If so, then yes, it changed the baseline PED to Feb 2008 and ratings are correct.
UR-007 / Retail External Entrance and Rating Eligibility (Two Retail Spaces 1) / Start with a building that has one retail spaces, has energy data from 1/1/2007 through last month and many years of space data (e.g., effective dates 1/1/2000), External Entrance = YES, and has a rating:
a)Add a Retail space, External Entrance = YES – should still have a rating.
b)Then… for Retail Space #1, CORRECT the External Entrance attribute to NO – should still get a rating.
c)Then… for Retail Space #2, CORRECT the External Entrance attribute to NO – confirm building Baseline and Current PED does not change, but loses the rating and has the appropriate NA reason for no rating. / Approved in test (CB) / Special test to double check: (b) this was a late fix to the code.
LK Notes- B_ID 1685145. Confirmed that it works correctly.
UR-008 / Retail External Entrance and Rating Eligibility (Two Retail Spaces 2) / Start with a building that has two retail spaces, has energy data from 1/1/2007 through last month and many years of space data (e.g., effective dates 1/1/2000), External Entrance = YES for both spaces, and has a rating,
a)UPDATE External Entrance attribute for Retail Space #1 to NO (effective date of the update is 1/1/2009) (no change in baseline, current PED and rating)
b)UPDATE External Entrance attribute for Retail Space #2 to NO (effective date of the update is 1/1/2008)
Results expected:
-No Baseline change
-No Current PED change but no rating. / Approved in test (CB) / LK Notes- Using B_ID- 1685148, this works as expected EXCEPT the current period did not get reset to December 2008. This is the last period that can get a rating, but it still shows the current period as June 2009.
CB Note: test case was incorrectly documented.
UR-009 / Retail External Entrance and Baseline / Start with a building that has one retail space, has energy data from 1/1/2007 through last month and many years of space data (e.g., effective dates 1/1/2000), External Entrance = NO (no Rating for baseline or current)
a)UPDATE External Entrance attribute to YES (effective date of the update is 2/1/2008)
Results expected:
-Baseline should be set to Jan 2009
-Current PED should get set to latest month and get a rating. / Approved in test (CB) / LK Notes- Confirmed with 1685132.
UR-010 / Retail External Entrance and new Label Questions – Single Facility Labeling (1) / Start with a building with one retail space and eligible for a label. Apply for the label and …
a)Confirm new “is this a single store?” question – Answer N and receive appropriate message and no ability to continue with label
b)Then change answer to Y and confirm you can continue
c)Confirm new “is this store part of a larger building?” question (and appropriate choices) – Answer with the unacceptable choice and confirm you cannot continue
d)Then change answer each of the acceptable choices and confirm you can continue. / Approved in Test / One conditional approval – the message for mixed use is going to need a link to the public web page once the page url is available.
LK Notes- Confirmed with 1685152.
UR-011 / Retail External Entrance and new Label Questions – Single Facility Labeling (2) / Confirm that the Retail questions only display when appropriate:
a)EligibleBuilding with NO Retail space – no Retail questions asked.
b)EligibleBuilding with one Retail space > 50% of building – Retail questions asked.
c)EligibleBuilding with one Retail space <= 50% of – No Retail questions asked.
d)EligibleBuilding with two Retail spaces totaling > 50% of building – Retail questions asked.
e)EligibleBuilding with two Retail spaces totaling <= 50% of building – No Retail questions asked. / Approved in Test- Lia / LK Notes:
a) Found during HOW testing, b_id 1684294 did show a question about retail but it does not now so this must be fixed. Have not seen it happen with any other testing.