Capital Area Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous
Minutes for October 08,2017
Home groups that do not send a GSR to Area can mail 7thTradition donations
and/or group reports to:
PO Box 25144
Lansing, MI 48909
The meeting was opened at 3:00pm, byChairperson Edmund T., with a moment of silence for the still suffering addict, followed by the “we” version of the Serenity Prayer.
The 12 Traditions were read by Mark L.; the 12 Concepts were read by Jeremy E.; the Mission and Vision statement was read by Rick Mc; the Service Prayer was read by Bryce M; andtoday’s passage from Just For Todaywas read by Mark L.
Announcements & Welcome:
Welcome to Joe K. and Rosie M., thanks for joining us today. Keep coming back!!
There is a new meeting at Holy Cross on Monday’s, from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. This is a women’s meeting.
The Thanksgiving Marathon Meeting will be at Grace Lutheran Church from 8 pm Thanksgiving eve until 8 pm the Thanksgiving day. Please get with Rick Mc or Chris G to sign up for helping with chairing. Bring a dish to pass if you would like.
The ramp from the parking lot into St. Lawrence is closed. The main doors in the front are closed at 6:00pm. The employee entrance door just below the ramp entrance should be opened.
Reminder to all GSR’s that we currently don’t have a secretary. Please take accurate notes to take back to your groups.
Area Chair -Edmund T.Co-Chair -Vacant.
Secretary - VacantCo-Secretary - Vacant
Treasurer - Blake H.Co-Treasurer -Vacant
RCM -Jeremy EAlt RCM -Vacant
H&I Co-chair-Jeremy F.Literature-Vacant
Web servant- AbsentPublic Relations-Vacant
Activities-Jen J.Policy -Bryce M.
Help Line Chair-Vacant.
The following 7 groups were present and Quorum was established:
A Gathering of Men
Charlotte Hard Heads Heavenly Express
InsightMorning glory
Never AloneRAW
Vacant Positions:
Alt. RCM
Help Line Chair
Public Relations Chair
Literature Chair
Edmund T. thanked everyone for allowing him to serve the Area over the next year and thanked Bryce M. for being an amazing mentor.
There was no secretary’s report as the position is currently vacant. Thank you Melisa for everything you have done we appreciate you and will miss you and Tim on Sunday’s!
September Minutes were accepted
Blake provideda report about the budget:
Beginning balance: $1135.00
Group donations: $363.83 (September 2017)
Expenses: $389.23 spent as follows: Admin - $5.49; H&I - $149.69; Admin - $163.08;
Phone Line $52.52;
Donations from CASCNA: MRSCNA - $18.19;
Balance $1109.60
Jeremy E. reported that region wants to put living clean books in our libraries. Region would cover cost – how many books would we need? Who would be willing to follow up with libraries to donate them? December 3rd is the next regional meeting.
Bringing back to more about books, what specifics to do with them. The MRCNA leadership committee members want to use the profit from MRCNA to buy Living Clean books and have them distributed in libraries across the state. Each Area needs to identify a person to take the lead on the delivery of the books. MRCNA elected Sally S as Chair and Bob R as co-Chair.
Hello Family,
The Help-Line There have been 4 calls – nota lot of people calling, but even if 1 person calls its worth it. One year clean is required for the position of Chair, and they can have a helper(s) with 6 months clean. It’s an easy position. People call in looking for meetings and help with getting clean. Chris G. and Jesus E. are the only two people answering phones. Help line chair should be a posted open position and needs to be added to open positions.
It’s a pleasure to serve,
Love, Chris G.
See Report at the end, after announcements
Jeremy F reported that everything from last month is the same and reminded us that CASCNA has been invited to attend the “Sparrow Community Resource Luncheon” on Friday, October 27thfrom 11:30am to 2:00pm. Ask Jeremy F for more information.
Hello Family,
The website is up to date for all the changes that I am aware of at this time.
Please let me know if there are any additional changes required following the meeting.
In addition I have uploaded the latest guidelines and ASC meeting minutes.
Thank you for allowing me to be of service
CASCNA Web Servant,Andrew K.
Fadi S. reported that Marnee could not attend Area, but wanted to everyone to know that surveys were given out today at Area and groups are being asked to be filled out at your Home Groups and brought back to next Area. They are looking into hotels to accommodate the needs of hosting MRCNA. They have been in contact with a few hotels and are waiting on responses. Marnee is putting a letter of need in to Region and they are currently working on our Area history. This committee meets before Area at 2:00, they currently have 3 members and NEED MORE.
Fadi S.
For contact
(517) 242-5131
Jenni J. reported that Activities is now meeting at 2:00 before Area in the same location as Area. She is recruiting new members and ideas. Thanks Jenni J.
A Gathering of Men:
Hello Family,
We continue to meet on Sunday mornings, from 8:30-10:30, at the St. Lawrence Medical Center, Clark Conference Center. This is a speaker and discussion meeting. We have an anniversary this month Carl S. 11 years! We have a $30.00 donation.
In Loving service, Mark L.
Hello to all my NA friends.
My name is Bernie, a grateful recovering addict. My home group is Insight, which meets every Sunday at 6 pm and every Thursday at 7:30 pm at the Mt. Hope Pres. Church on Jolly in between Cedar and Washington. We are donating 65.94 to Area. We have 2 recovering addicts celebrating 4 years today. Floyd and myself. All are invited to celebrate this remarkable feat of mine. To all who know me you know what I’m talking about.
In Loving Service, Bernie F.
Never Alone:
Hi, the Never Alone Group is doing well,. We usually have 15-20 addicts at our meetings. We are a literature study group. We meet Tuesday’s and Thursday’s at noon. We are planning to host a Thanksgiving and New Year’s Marathon meeting. I was grateful to celebrate 5 years this month. You are all a part of it. We are donating $20.00 to Area.
In Loving Service
Chris G.
- Letter of Willingness:
- Mark L has presented a letter of willingness for the position of Co-Chair (Please see voting page after announcements
- Joe K. has presented a letter of willingness for the position of Secretary (Please see voting page after announcements
Bryce M has been unanimously elected as Policy Chair. Congratulations!!!.
Never Alone will be holding the Marathon Meetings for both Thanksgiving and New Year’s. The Thanksgiving meeting will start at 6:00 pm on Thanksgiving and will go for 24 hours. They were approved a budget increase of $25.00, therefore their overall budget will be $75.00 for the Thanksgiving Marathon meeting. Chris G. also reported that it would be nice to bring a dish to pass if able. If interested in chairing or helping please contact Chris G. or Rick Mc.
Sparrows 5th Annual Community Resource Luncheon is coming up and we do have a table at the event which will be manned by Jeremy F. We are looking forward to hearing about the event at our next Area in his H & I report.
- Blake was approached by an MSU student of what NA is all about. There were no objections to Blake following through and reporting to us next month.
7th Tradition Donations:
- Blake reported that we have received $415.00 in donations, thus far. He stated that we will be $325.00 short of prudent reserve next month. He will report in more detail at the next ASC meeting.
The meeting closed at 4:20pm with the“Serenity Prayer”.
Area Service will meet at St. Lawrence, 1210 West Saginaw, 4th Floor Board Room on Sunday, November 12, 2017,at 3:00 pm.
Attention all Home Groups: If you have any changes for your meetings that you want on the meeting lists, please contact Andrew K. at
Information can be emailed to the Web Servant at
GSR and committee reports can be emailed to
If you are not receiving Minutes, and would like to,please inform the Area Secretary. The Minutes can be emailed or snail mailed, whichever you prefer.
Home groups that do not send a GSR to Area, can mail 7th tradition donations and/or group reports to:
PO Box 25144
Lansing, MI 48909
Voting Page
Letter of Willingness:
Good Afternoon ASC
I Mark L. have the willingness to serve as the Co-chair. I have been clean for over 4 years. I have a sponsor and I am currently working the steps and have knowledge of doing so. I have a home group and have been the treasurer for the last 2 years. I attend meetings regularly and am willing to assume Chair duties after a year of service in the Co-chair position if voted in.
In loving service, Mark L.
Should Mark L. be elected to serve as Co-Chair for CASCNA for the next year?
Home Group______
Please return to ASC on November12, 2017
Voting Page
Letter of Willingness:
Joe K.
I have the willingness to serve as secretary for the Capital Area Service.
I have a home group, a sponsor, work the steps, and regularly attend N.A. meetings. I have been clean for just over six years. I also have the requisite skill set (e.g. note-taking, typing skills, etc.) to perform the duties of this position.
I look forward to serving the fellowship that saved my life in whatever capacity I am needed.
Addict named Joe K.
Should Joe K. be elected to serve as Secretary Chair for CASCNA for the next two years?
Home Group______
Please return to ASC on November 12, 2017