Title:International managers and key administrators
Date: 29 November 2013
Name of Chairperson of Session:Elin Kvaale
Email Address:
Name(s) of Presenters: Karolina Catoni, University of Gothenburg; Karin Frydenlund, Malmø University; Elin Kvaale, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Time: 1545 - 1630
Duration: 45 minutes
Venue: Kalala Room
Special Interets Group Summary:
An important task for SANORD is to create meeting places and arenas where institutional leaders and researchers can meet to discuss relevant issues and to plan for cooperation activities. All the member universities have international managers and key administrator whose task it is to support such academic and research activities, both in SANORD and in international relations in general. The international managers and key administrators have great knowledge on international trends, national and institutional policies on internationalization of higher education and available financial mechanism. Their units are often responsible for international agreements as well as student and staff mobility. The proposal is to establish a special interest group where international managers and key administrators can meet and exchange best practice with the aim to contribute to strengthening the academic and research cooperation in SANORD.
Title:Strengthening north-south and regional collaboration in higher education and research in African economic history
Date: 29 November 2017
Name of Chairperson of Session:Erik Green
Email Address:
Name(s) of Presenters:ErikGreen, Lund University; Klas Rönnbäck, Gothenburg University; Wapulumuka Mulwafu, University of Malawi; Ushehwedu Kufakurinani, University of Zimbabwe; Bokang Mpeta, University of Stellenbosch
Time: 1545 - 1630
Duration: 45 minutes
Venue: Matetsi Room
Workshop Summary:
African economic history is a field of research that has been growing in strength at a very rapid speed the last ten years. From having received very little attention it today engages a vast number of economic-historians, historians and economists. However, as noted by scholars, much of the research output in African economic history originates from researchers in Europe and/or US (Fourie and Gardner 2014, Austin 2015, Green and Nyambara 2015, Fourie 2016). The aim of this workshop is to discuss strategies to strengthening African economic history in southern Africa.
Title:Academic Freedom and Freedom of academic choice.
Date: 30 November 2017
Name of Chairperson of Session:Tor Halvorsen
Email Address:
Name(s) of Presenters:Tor Halvorsen, University of Bergen; Hilde Ibsen, Karlstad University; John Higgins, University of Cape Town; Jens Sørensen, University of Gottenburg
Time: 1400 - 1530
Duration: 90 minutes
Venue: Kalala Room
Workshop Summary:
The research group intends to study how the conditions for academic freedom within different nation states is influenced by and influences relations between universities and politics, the formation of the academic profession, priorities of research, and how and what knowledge becomes important for societal institutions of power (from state to economy). To gather interested person form as many SANORD members as possible to create a basis for continuous research, good applications and continuous exchanges of ideas, literature and research results.
Title:Educational research in Health and Social Care Education – Across Borders
Date: 30 November 2017
Name of Chairperson of Session:Nina Rydland Olsen, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Email Address:
Name(s) of Presenters:Jose Frantz, University of the Western Cape; Anthea Rhoda, University of the Western Cape; Trine-Lise Dræge Steinskog, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences; Nina Rydland Olsen, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Time: 1400 - 1530
Duration: 90 minutes
Venue: Matetsi Room
Workshop Summary:
The workshop will address both local and global challenges of higher education institutions within medical, health and social care education. Quality and relevance of education will have an impact on future medical, health- and social care workers’ capabilities of meeting challenges in the society and working life. Therefore, the workshop will focus on development of educational practices (i.e. teaching and learning strategies, curriculum, assessment, faculty development, management and organisation of the educational sector), educational research (i.e. investigation of contextual factors, goals, content, organization and methods, results and impact), academic leadership and innovation within the educational system.
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