Tender Ref - LU00419

Tender Reference : LU00419

Pre-Qualification Questionnaire

For Waste Management

Summary & Instructions for Suppliers

Joint Tender Initiative by:

Loughborough University

Nottingham Trent University

University of Leicester

University of Nottingham


Part One – Summary

1.  Introduction

2.  About the Universities

3.  Brief Scope of Services

Part Two – Instruction to Suppliers

1.  Instruction to Suppliers

2.  Timetable

3.  Evaluation Criteria

4.  Score Criteria

5.  Contact Details

Part One

1.  Introduction

The University of Loughborough, University of Leicester, University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University have collaborated to run a joint tender process to seek an efficient, high quality waste collection and recycling management service, conducted in an environmentally sound and sustainable manner.

The agreements, due to commence summer 2015 will last for up to 3 years (plus an optional one year extension) and will be divided in three lots as follows:

Lot 1 – General Waste (Lot 1 - food waste, General waste, Paper/cardboard/glass/plastic, WEEE compactor & WEEE caged, Furniture (residential and office), Construction waste/skip hire, Green waste, Confidential waste, IT hardware, Metal, Textiles & clothing);

Lot 2 - Clinical, Genetically Modified (GM) and Radioactive Waste;

Lot 3 – Hazardous Waste.

Lot Description / No of Suppliers invited to submit a tender / No of Suppliers to be appointed to the framework
Lot 1 – General Waste / 6 / 1
Lot 2 - Clinical, Genetically Modified (GM) and Radioactive Waste / 6 / 1 or 3
Lot 3 – Hazardous Waste / 6 / 1 or 3

The procurement exercise is being conducted in accordance with the Restricted Procedure as set out in The Public Contracts Regulations 2006 and as advertised in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).

This is the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) stage of the procurement process. The PQQ seeks to obtain information to enable the Universities to assess the suitability of potential providers (Tenderers) to be pre-qualified in terms of their professional, technical and financial suitability.. The highest scoring Suppliers will proceed to the tender stage of the procurement process.

2.  About the Universities

Introduction to Loughborough University

Loughborough is one of the country’s leading universities, with an international reputation for research that matters, excellence in teaching, strong links with industry, and unrivalled achievement in sport and its underpinning academic disciplines.

It was awarded the coveted Sunday Times University of the Year title in 2008-09 and has been named Sports University of the Year 2013-14 by The Times and Sunday Times. Loughborough is consistently ranked in the top twenty of UK universities in the Times Higher Education’s ‘table of tables’ and has been voted England's Best Student Experience for six years running in the Times Higher Education league. In recognition of its contribution to the sector, Loughborough has been awarded seven Queen's Anniversary Prizes for Higher and Further Education – only Oxford has more.

In 2015 the University will open an additional academic campus on the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London, offering postgraduate and executive-level education, as well as research and enterprise opportunities.

The University has around over 16,200 students, almost 3,100 staff and an annual turnover of around £180million.

Introduction to University of Leicester

We think a university should be about empowering people to explore; through passionate, dedicated teaching and innovative, world-changing research. By embracing the fact that every journey is personal, the University has achieved some remarkable results.

At Leicester we think that high quality research and excellent teaching are not only complementary, they’re inseparable. We are constantly finding new ways of being a leading university, and have done so since we were founded as a University College in 1921. Find out about some of our greatest discoveries.

We are the only university to win seven consecutive Times Higher Awards. In awarding us 'University of the Year', Times Higher Education applauded Leicester’s very different approach, describing us as “elite without being elitist”.

We were proud to be described as elite. But we were equally as proud to be described as a university that is inclusive and accessible in its academic culture. We've achieved success through our distinctive work which is characterised by the following approach:

·  An inclusive and accessible culture

·  A personal, supportive experience for those who use our services

·  A commitment to high quality, innovation and rigorous academic standards

·  A belief that teaching and research are synergistic

Establishing itself as one of the foremost universities in the UK, we have risen in every major league table and are consistently ranked in the top 20 out of over 120 universities.

Introduction to University of Nottingham

The UoN is ranked in the UK's Top 30 and the World's Top 75 universities by the Shanghai Jiao Tong (SJTU) and Times Higher (THE) World University Rankings.

More than 90 per cent of research at The UoN is of international quality, according to RAE 2008, with almost 60 per cent of all research defined as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’. Research Fortnight analysis of RAE 2008 ranks the University 7th in the UK by research power. In 27 subject areas, the University features in the UK Top Ten, with 14 of those in the Top Five.

Staff and structure

The University employs around 7,260 staff in the UK, across 5 faculties containing over 40 schools and departments and almost 90 research centres and institutes, supported by 40 professional services departments. There are around 32,000 students.

Faculty & Schools – further details

Professional Service Departments – further details

Research Centres and Institutes – further details

Useful Links

Tenderers are requested to familiarise themselves with the UoN campus and operations. The following website links will be useful for additional information

Main Homepage


About the University


UK campus sites – see link below


Key term dates


Introduction to Nottingham Trent University

Nottingham Trent University is one of the largest institutions in the UK, with a student population of approximately 25,000, and it employs approximately 3,400 staff.

The University presently has three colleges Business, Law and Social Sciences; Art, Design and the Built Environment; and Arts and Science in addition to a range of Professional support services.

There are 4 subsidiary companies whose roles are as follows:-;

1 Nottingham Consultants Limited undertakes those activities which, for legal or commercial reasons, are more appropriately channelled through a limited company and also acts as a catalyst and facilitator for commercial activities throughout the University. These activities include technology transfer, short courses, consultancy work and commercial research exploitation for a wide variety of external organisation.

2 Education Support Services UK Limited provides a Microsoft applications technical support service for the education sector.

3 The Nottingham Trent University Charitable Trust provides library buildings for academic use.

4 Nottingham Conference Centre

The University offers an extensive range of academic courses and research programmes, including full-time, sandwich, part-time and distance learning courses, ranging from first degrees and Higher National Diplomas, to diplomas, certificates, higher degrees and professional qualifications.

Educational partnerships with colleges, professional organisations and businesses have been developed in order to promote and facilitate access to higher education regionally, nationally and internationally. These involve teaching and learning activities being carried out at centres, off University premises. In particular, the University has significant collaborative arrangements with a small number of local colleges which involve college students being offered access to University library and computing facilities.

The University is located at three sites in and around Nottingham: City Campus (NG1), Clifton Campus (NG11) and Brackenhurst Campus (NG25).

Details of all campus locations can be found on our website: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/

The University has a strong commitment to sustainable development which is supported by its Sustainable Purchasing Policy. Suppliers are asked to make themselves aware of the policy - http://www2.ntu.ac.uk/purchasing/policiesandprocedures/SustainablePolicyStatement.htm

3.  Brief Scope of Services

Waste is defined as “Any substance or object the holder discards, intends to discard or is required to discard” and this tender process seeks to find one or more Suppliers to manage the majority of wastes arising from the consortium as indicated in lots 1-3. The successful Supplier will be expected to manage waste in partnership with each University in accordance with the waste hierarchy of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recovery before contemplating Disposal to landfill. A zero waste to landfill solution would be preferable.

Waste arising from each University will vary slightly but will include day to day wastes, segregated and co-mingled recyclates, bulky waste, clinical waste, hazardous waste and may include other such wastes as more specifically detailed in the invitation to tender.

The successful Supplier will be expected to be fully compliant and assist the University in being so.

In essence all four institutions require the following as a minimum:

·  Extensive reporting capabilities

·  Flexibility on invoicing periods

·  Individual bin weighing and reporting

·  Marketing support

·  Dedicated account management support

·  To maintain existing recycling rates and landfill diversion rates

A leading Supplier would also provide:

·  Real time monitoring

·  A dedicated marketing resource and budget

·  Additional operational management support across all four institutions

Further details on these technical requirements will be available in the Invitation to Tender

Part Two

1.  Instructions to Suppliers

1. / Interested Suppliers are to refer to the PQQ document which is in an Excel format.
2. / Suppliers MUST provide ALL the information requested as follows:
i.  Completed PQQ - (in Excel format provided)
ii.  Copies of the last three year's accounts in PDF format
iii.  Confirmation of current insurance in PDF format
iv.  Health and Safety policy in PDF format
v.  Environmental Policy
vi.  Equal opportunities policy in PDF format
vii.  Quality accreditation certificate in PDF format
viii. Professional or industry association membership evidence in PDF format
ix.  Sample management information report in PDF format
x.  Applicable case studies in PDF format
xi.  All to be uploaded onto InTend portal
Failure to address any area may result in exclusion from the procurement process.
3. / If the Supplier is a company and is part of a group of companies, the responses in the application must be provided by the Supplier and not by a parent or holding company on behalf of the Supplier.
4. / All queries (technical and non-technical) arising from this document should be submitted via the Correspondence option in Intend.
5. / Please respond to each question in the space provided within the Excel spreadsheet provided. Suppliers should not add any rows to the spreadsheet as this will affect the evaluation process.
Responses should be as brief as possible providing key facts rather than a narrative explanation.
Please provide bespoke answers. Generic information which may not be relevant is unlikely to lead to the award of many marks during evaluation.
Where requested, or if absolutely necessary, the Supplier shall attach any supporting documents to this application marking clearly on all such documents the name of the Supplier and the number of the question in this application form to which the documents refer.
6 / The University will review all applications using pre-determined weighted criteria provided and reserves the right to accept or reject any application for inclusion in the approved tender list based upon the responses contained in this application, together with any relevant information obtained by the University.
7 / The University is subject to the Freedom of Information Act. If you believe any part of your PQQ response should not be disclosed, it should be identified with a full explanation as to why it should not be disclosed.

2.  Timetable

Below is an approximate schedule for the entire procurement timetable broken down by the 2 stages – PQQ and Tender . Please be aware that this timetable is subject to change and any variations to this schedule will be communicated via Intend.

Stage 1 - PQQ Stage / Date
Publish OJEU Restricted Contract Notice / 13th October 2014
Publish PQQ ( via InTend) / 14th October 2014
Expression of Interest via InTend / To be completed by 17th October 2014
All Clarification via InTend Correspondence / Between 20th and 31st October 2014
PQQ Submission Deadline / Midday 13th November 2014
PQQ Evaluation / By end November 2014
PQQ Shortlist Notification( 6 Suppliers) / By end November 2014
Stage 2 - Tender Stage / Date
Tender Published via InTend / Early December 2014
Supplier visit to University of Leicester / Lot 1 – am 8th December 2014
Lot 1, Lot 2 & Lot 3 – pm 8th December 2014
Supplier visit to University of Loughborough / All Lots – All Day 9th December 2014
Supplier visit to Nottingham Trent University / Lot 1 – All Day 10th December 2014
Lot1 – Continued 11th December 2014
Lot 2 & Lot 3 – PM – 11th December 2014
Supplier visit to University of Nottingham / Lot 1 – All Day – 16th December 2014
Lot 1 - continued 17th December 2014
Lot 2 & Lot 3 – PM 17th December 2014
Q & A Session for All Universities – to be hosted at University of Loughborough / Lot 1 – AM 18th December 2014
Lot 2 & Lot 3 – PM 18th December 2014
Clarification - Suppliers & Universities / Until Tender Closing Date
Tender Submission via InTend / End January 2015
Initial Evaluation /Supplier Shortlist / Mid February 2015
Presentation from Tender Shortlisted Suppliers / End February 2015
Final Evaluation / Mid March 2015
Notification of Contract Award/Regrets / End March 2015
End of 10 Day Standstill Period / Mid April
Issue of Contract Award letter/Issue Contracts / May 2015
Implementation Plans – each University / May/June/July 2015
Contract Start Date / July/August 2015

3.  Evaluation Criteria

This section explains how the PQQ will be scored.

This PQQ is split into three parts:

Part A requests general and contact information pertaining to your company. This section is not scored. However you must complete all questions.

Part B requests information to establish that your company is qualified to supply the Universities. The response to each question in this section will be assessed as acceptable or unacceptable. Only Suppliers whose responses to all questions in this section are acceptable will qualify for inclusion in the tender list.